Any other spitting images of Sagittarius?

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Any other spitting images of Sagittarius?

Post by onyx208 »

I am just recently delving into the zodiac, and my astrology book nailed me to a T as a Sagittarian! Appear to breeze through life, cheerful, always on the go, optimistic, enthusiastic, restless, cannot be confined, free spirit, eager, adventurous, wanderlust, inquisitive, wants to know, can't be pinned down, shy away from emotion, tend to leave relationships, value freedom, kind, openhearted, good friend, not jealous, sense of endearing humor, born entertainer, versatile, imaginative and clever in business, straightforward, honest, say what you mean, thin-skinned, sensitive to thoughtleas words or actions, rebel growing up, crisis brings out the best in you, procrastinate, extravagant, wasteful, don't tend to finish things, charming, hate anything interfering with your plans.... The list goes on (and on, and on)!

My questions for you who are of and relate to this sun sign...

What do you find can ground your free spirit?
What troubles do your traits land you in career, home life, and relationships? How do you work around them?
What has expressing positive attributes done for you?
How does your style influence how you practice Wicca/witchcraft?

Thanks y'all, hope to get some replies!
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Re: Any other spitting images of Sagittarius?

Post by Vesca »

Maybe we don't have any other Saggitarius' . :P Or maybe it's just a busy week for people, with spring break happening and all that.

'fraid I'm more of a moody crab sign myself. >.>
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Re: Any other spitting images of Sagittarius?

Post by onyx208 »

Thank you for your response! It was a great read. I would be highly interested in help creating my personal chart.

I related to the flightiness in career and relationships, as well as moving a lot. For example, I've never been broken up with. I've always been the leaver. I too bounce around in jobs and now being self employed, I am happier than ever and feel more freedom. I've moved 24 times...I'm 21! Granted a couple of those were living out of my boxes a few weeks or months, but still.

I like to "know" and am quite the thinker. I like figuring things out in life, but am practicing being okay with not knowing certain things about my life, the way the world works, and the realm of the spirit.
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