Have a question about a spell or witchcraft/Wicca? Ask it here. Those of you who like to help others can help answer questions.


Post by kayerobinson5 »

I need a spell to remove a "Soulmate's Curse" that is on me. I am needing a very strong, serious spell . There are some very evil spirits involved in this curse. I also want to know if I need to do a Formal casting circle along with a spell and exactly how to do it. This curse ruined my last relationship with my first soulmate and now that I am in another relationship with someone else that I have also found that is also my soulmate, I want a fighting chance this time. Can anyone that has extensive knowledge in this area, suggest a spell that I can do? Not one of those pansy well known spells either that you find all over the internet, I need something that is going to work for once and get rid of this forever. I dont know the names of the two people involved , I just know that it was a man and a woman and it was cast on me somewhere between the ages of 9 and 13. I am now 44. Please advise.
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Post by Wolf* »

there are no "pansy spells", the magick comes from the user, not the ritual. Ritual is nothing but psycho drama to trigger the subconcious. How do you know its a curse anyway? :?

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."
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Post by katie2005 »

this spell was giving to me by someone from someone.

A spell to Remove a Spell/Curse/Binding

You need:
Black Candle
A Black Bowl
Fresh Water

What you do:
Place the candle into the black bowl, fix the candle to the bowl using the wax drippings from a candle so that it stands alone or a small candle holder. Then fill the bowl to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the wick. Breathe deeply and meditate for a couple of minutes. When your mind is clear, light
the candle. Visualize the power of the spell cast against you as living within the candles flame. As the candle burns down, it will splutter and go out as it touches the water. As it is extinguished by the water, the spell is broken. Finally, dig a hole in to the ground, pour the water into it, then bury the candle.

Hope that helps you. Good luck. Take care, blessed be.

YShining MoonY
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Post by Tinevisce »

The spell draws its power from you, and your feelings and emotions behind it.Add belief to that list too.
Theoretically, even the strongest of spells can be cast with just a "Abra cadabra", if you like.
's witchcraft site has TONS of spells-start by looking around there, then there's google too.
Or you could write out the spell yourself, since no one knows your needs and wants better than you do yourself.If you feel a little unsure of your spell-writting prowess, see a few similar spells first, and then write out your spell by sticking to the same basic structure.
Blessed Be
"The witch who can't hex, can't heal"
"Follow The Threefold Laws ye should,
Three times bad and three times good"

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