Best Time to do a spell?

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Best Time to do a spell?

Post by Spice »

Hi Everyone, I was just wondering everyone's opinion on when they think the best time to do a spell is? A new moon, Full moon, etc....? And do you think it depends on the type of spell? Just curious...... :?

Post by Sera »

Hi, Spice :)

I'm sooooo not an expert on this, but I believe it's based on what kind of spell you are doing.

Waning moon: A waning moon is the best time to do a spell to take something away. Like doing a spell to help take away your insecurities, worries. Maybe a weight loss spell.

Waxing moon: A waxing moon would be the best time to do a spell to, for example, add some self-confidence, money spells.

New moon: Spells for new beginnings (new realationships, friendships, new job etc.).

Full moon: Beauty spells, love spells.

Did I get it right, guys?

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