Under fire?

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Lacuna Cycle

Under fire?

Post by Lacuna Cycle »

Well... What if you might happen to find yourself coming under fire of others who just can't stand that fact that you're not a christian, who keep telling you that you'll go to hell, that you worship evil incarnite? What do you do, I ask? Fight fire with fire? Denounce them? What do you, I ask, believe is the best way to get those people to back off?
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Just ask them to treat you with respect, as this is what you believe and you don't slag off what they believe. After all, it is your religion and they should treat it with the respect they expect to recieve.

If all else fails, mutter and gesture. :D
Lacuna Cycle

Post by Lacuna Cycle »

Sounds like good advice... As for what inspired me to ask this, I was listing to the radio.. Heard about a website, the type that somehow links Potter = Wicca = Evil ... Also, I had read about a 'missionary' in "Asia". Oddly enough, he'd alwyas start his replies to people's question's "As A Missionary in Asia..." as though that gave him infallable intelligence, along with, as he said, people went to visit a Buddhist shrine, and they'd take home a little Buddha statuette... He then proceded to say how many demon possesions he's seen because tourists took Buddha statuettes.. Even though Buddha was a real person, and wasn't even really a god.. Both facts I doubt he knew..
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Buddha never claimed to be anything more than a spiritually enlightened individual. Try writing the guy a well-informed letter.

Actually, probably don't bother - he won't listen.

Post by missy »

Sounds to me like he's looking for his 15 mins. of fame. People like that are usually so pig headed that they will never think differently. don't waste your time on him.... :roll:
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Post by Comus »

Tell them "I have beliefs...they are none of your business, you have no legal right to interrogate or otherwise accuse me of any misdeed. If you continue to harrass me, expect correspondence from my solicitor."
Idz qaala
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Ooh, Comus-- vicious! smiley17d

I'd suggest something of the same, Lacuna Cycle. It is the personal mission of Christians and Catholics for the most part to "convert" and "save" all of us non-believers. Most often, they just don't stop. If possible, and if all else fails, just avoid them. Those types are just too simple minded to understand what it means to respect others.


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