A newbie

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A newbie

Post by archangel2000ad »

I am new to wicca and meditation so i have a few questions. Before i found wicca i would have real trouble sleeping and found faces haunted me when i close my eyes to get to sleep i call them terrors. I try to meditate them away and sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.does any one know what these things could be and how i can stop them. Also i live in a noisy house with two children so my first meditation was in the bath. I experienced a green wavy glow it was bright and changed shape constantly. Like i say i am very new to all this and although i have read alot i cant find the answers i need.
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Re: A newbie

Post by AdastraJunction »

I couldn't begin to guess about the faces other than you maybe sensitive to the spirits/ghosts.

As for Meditation: try creating a space in your home strictly for meditation. (spare room, empty closet, section of a basement). Implement rules in the home for this area, only you are allowed in this area and when you are there it is to be "quiet-time for mum" be it a half an hour or an hour at the least. Try it in the evening before bed when the children are asleep too. Even a mum needs time to herself! (assuming you are the mum of course and these aren't siblings). Either way give it a try, otherwise a section of your yard outside if the house is too busy.

Re: A newbie

Post by archangel2000ad »

They are my children and it is easier said than done as i havent told my other half yet im scared he will think me stupid and take the mick so a space especially for me is a bit hard right now once i am more confident in my practices i will tell him but until then its practise when i can x
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Re: A newbie

Post by corvidus »

archangel2000ad wrote:Before i found wicca i would have real trouble sleeping and found faces haunted me when i close my eyes to get to sleep i call them terrors. I try to meditate them away and sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.

Hey there archangel2000ad,

I've experienced seeing these 'faces' before. There were also times when I'd see dragons and snakes and other things, sometimes I'd even see myself. But I never called them 'terror's... I thought it was pretty cool :P

Whenever you begin focusing internally, when trying to fall asleep or meditating, you're opening up to your subconscious mind, and as far as I can tell, these faces are subconscious thought processes rising to the surface. It's like your beginning to dream, but you haven't fallen asleep yet.

I don't get them much anymore because I've switched over to more 'active' visualizations (visualizing words and symbols and holding them in the mind) rather than the 'emptiness' meditations I started doing -- emptiness meditations were the ones that provoked the faces the most.
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Re: A newbie

Post by Sakura Blossom »

You've received some awesome suggestions! Though, I always want to offer a word of caution to make sure you check up with your medical care team to make sure it's nothing else that could be bothering you. I experience this too sometimes, and while it has turned out to be spirit as it has been suggested, I still checked with my psychiatrist to make sure that it wasn't anything related to what was going on with my mental health. I saw you mentioned that you suffer from depression and anxiety, both of which can result in what you mentioned.

That little safety precaution aside, I would highly suggest you start shielding. (: If these faces disappear, then there is an incredibly high chance that you were in fact experiencing seeing entities. This is also great for any base work you might start doing with Wicca/Magick work/etc. and is great for protection from lots of things in the energetic world.

I have a few things that I like to suggest to beginners, and they are the following:

1) You can do the grounding and shielding technique that I learned early on. Essentially what you do is you put your feet on the ground and close your eyes, imagining that your feet are roots that go deep, deep down into the earth. When you're there, you take in deep breaths and imagine bringing up an element through your roots and into your body with your arms overstretched above your head like leaves and branches. You bring the element in through your body and imagine it inside of you and surrounding you. This helps to create a shield and protect you. The element can be anything. You can try to make it what you want but a lot of times it chooses itself. This is also a great technique for finding out what your element actually is.

2) This is what a mentor taught me. You imagine bringing white, gold and silver light in through your body from your crown chakra (and if you're not familiar with chakras yet, that's the one at the very top of your head!) and you imagine the warmth spreading through you to keep you safe and protected. You imagine it cleansing you of any negative energies and then imagine it spreading around you as well in a protective circle. With this one, I always shut down my chakras by running my hand down my head over my chest and down to my root chakra. While doing this, I imagine them turning like gears and shutting "off" so to speak but aligning as they do so. This practice is also especially helpful after doing magick to ensure that you're protected and safe afterwards. You can say sternly that anything unwanted you might have called through needs to return to where it came and to protect yourself once more.

3) You can bless charms on necklaces and other jewelry pieces to protect yourself with shields. When I do this, I dip them into water I've blessed and run them through smoke of a candle I anointed with oil to help with my purpose. Then I put in water again, then smoke and do this three times before I finish and imagine it surrounded in white light for protection. After I finish with that, I put it on and anytime I tap the charm three times, my shield automatically goes up. For me, it's a bright orange and gold fire because Loki (who I work with) stepped in with his element to protect me.

You can also place a black rock near your bed as it helps with negativity and if you have these faces while you sleep, try a dream catcher. ^_^

I hope you are able to find something that can help out with this, but this is also great for starting any kind of meditation work because you never know what you may encounter while meditating.

Bright blessings and best of luck!
"We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Ode by Arthur O'Shaughnessy

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Re: A newbie

Post by archangel2000ad »

Thank you for your suggestions and i will try the grounding and protection to see if that helps.
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Re: A newbie

Post by Sakura Blossom »

You are more than welcome! I hope that it helps! (: Let me know if it does!
"We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Ode by Arthur O'Shaughnessy

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