Unexpected stone guest

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Unexpected stone guest

Post by ness »

Last Saturday, we had to take our dog to the vet and we kind of knew that she wasn't going to be coming back with us.
It were shocked and heart broken because it was very unexpected. We got out of the car, my husband was holding the pup and my 20 month old daughter was walking to the hospital's door way. She got distracted by the lawn in the front and walked there and picked a stone. It's a pebble stone they use to decorate lawns and gardens. She brought it in with her, she put it in the room we were in and the stone stayed there the entire time. After it was done, the stone ended up with us and currently sitting in my car. I just keep looking at that stone and wondering about it's entrance and presence in our life.

I think this stone is something special that decided to be with us during tough times.
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Re: Unexpected stone guest

Post by Firebird »

I think it's interesting how children automatically or I should say instinctively know what is needed in a time of crisis. A stone for grounding and strength at such a stressful moment was a perfect gift the Goddess presented to her.
Now a token of the Earth the dog will become and a connection to her while she still lived here on earth. What a precious thing for your small one to pick up.
Perhaps a representation on the Samhain Altar?
I'm really sorry about the puppy, ness >>hugs<< how you hanging in there?
bb, Firebird
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Re: Unexpected stone guest

Post by Mistori »

Sometimes the best stones come into our lives at the most challenging times. It could be jade as sometimes they decorate gardens with jade, but generally speaking, even pebble stones have energy, so it sounds like its absorbing your worries and healing them with its natural earthy energy. Never make the mistake that pebbles aren't stones because they are. And they can help no matter what their sizes are... even pebble stones have energy and are connnected to Mother Earth/Nature Energies.
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Re: Unexpected stone guest

Post by SnowCat »

Stones are sentient. Maybe they don't jump up and down and wave at us, but they're sentient. Children an animals pick up on things like that because we haven't trained it out of them. Losing a furry friend hurts even when you know it's coming. Blessings to you and your family.

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Re: Unexpected stone guest

Post by ness »

Thank you, all. I do think it is a perfect gift.
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