Wiccan Name

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Wiccan Name

Post by Naudia Threng »

Merry meet! I was digging through info about Wicca. And I came across Wiccan Name. So apparently its like a name that you use in rituals and the like and is only told to those you cast with. Is this true? And if so, how do I find mine?
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Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Blackthorn »

I'm not an expert, but my understanding is sometimes people pick their own names, and sometimes they have inspiration come to them during meditation. Some people have 2 other names, one for general use that they may tell other people, and one they only communicate to the deities.

Maybe you can meditate and ask any guides you might have for assistance, or you could just pick something that you fancy. :) Personally, I just use my real first name because I've never found need of another at this juncture (maybe in the future).
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Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Aesiryth »

Your Wiccan name is basically your "true" name. You always use it in casting and rituals. A Wiccan name is very important and if you think about it. How much do you value your name? Hopefully a lot, because it is you and how you are identified. So your Wiccan name should tell about you, and should be you. The name isn't necessary, but I highly suggest making one. It makes you feel...more connected to things when you cast and just generally feels good. To find your Wiccan name you just have to think...and think. Some Wiccans use elements, plants, names of deities (if you do this make sure to mix up the deity name a bit. If you don't...just think of it as plagiarism) and combine them to make a name. But yes, it is usually kept a secret and only shared with those you circle with or dearly love.

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Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Vesca »

There are a few reasons why some choose a Wiccan, or Magic, name.

The most common reason I've come across is to differentiate mindsets between daily life and when you are practicing your path (ritual, usually). Other reasons include choosing a name after an initiation ceremony to your path, to recognize your "rebirth" into a new phase, and choosing a name with which to identify yourself to deities or other supernatural entities.

You usually choose your own name. Meditation can be helpful, it should be something you can identify with.

I should also mention that some do change their magic name over time, if it becomes no longer relevant or they can't relate with it anymore or identify their current self with a past name representing a past way of life.
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Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Blackthorn »

Thanks for your post, Vesca. After I read it I really thought about magic names and what it meant to me. As I previously mentioned, I never adopted a magic name (though I am relatively new to witchcraft, I also didn't adopt one throughout my druidic path). But it makes sense to help shift one's mindset from the "mundane" to the ritual and spiritual side of things.

So I had thought about it, and meditated, and came up with a name for myself that I think is fitting on many levels for myself, and my path, my spiritual goals, etc. That name, for me, is "Blackthorn" - simple but very meaningful for me. Maybe I should adjust my forum name to reflect my new magic name. :)

To the OP: I see that you have come up with a magic name yourself! Congratulations!
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Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Naudia Threng »

Thanks for noticing! Jana means "the moon" and I feel like "the moon tempest" suits me.
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Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Muirìn »

Now that I reread this thread, a question just popped into my mind: when you do a ritual that needs your name in it, should you give your witchcraft/Wiccan one, or your birth certificate one?
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Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Naudia Threng »

Whichever you feel that most identifies your true being.
O Goddes, all praise to you. Ta em hotep, anekh hrak. Lady Isis, I adore you. Nebet aset, tu a atu.

Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Ash »

I'd always been taught there were 3 Wiccan names:

Craft Name: chosen by you, and used commonly

Working Name: a secret name either chosen by you or bestowed on you, never to be revealed

Coven Name: The name you use within your coven.

It's helpful to meditate and feel your way to a name that feels appropriate for you. I ended up with "Ash" for the association with ash wood, for instance.
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Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Seraphin »

Well I have two magickal names!

The first one is my Craft name Murmur.

The other one is my Spiritual name which is Seraphin.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Wiccan Name

Post by Silversong »

I've basically chosen my magickal name at this point, although I have yet to confirm and use it in a ritual. I likely will use it when I cast alone, rather than when I cast with my family, just because my family will forget for sure at least once a ritual and it will become an annoyance. XD
I actually read about a magickal name and said to myself, "I should create one of those." And mine came to me a second later. I set it aside and kept going through names, but none of them sounded right and that one just kept coming back and nudging my mind, like a very friendly cat trying to get attention. At last I accepted it and now I have only to confirm it and start using it in my solitary rituals.
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