Turn up psychic abilities

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Turn up psychic abilities

Post by Obsidian »

I have heard of psychics turning off or turning down their intuition/whatever you want to call it because it was exhausting and disruptive to keep getting all of this unsolicited information.

I've got the opposite problem; how do I turn up my intuition? For example, sometimes I'll have a thought like 'I should take an umbrella with me' or 'I should say this'; I don't listen to this thought and of course it will rain or I'll have missed an opportunity etc. Whenever I listen to these little thoughts, things work out well for me but usually either this thought is too 'quiet' so I hardly give it a split second's attention or if it's something I'm seriously considering, I reason myself out of it.

I'm trying to be more attentive to these little thoughts and do whatever little thing pops into my head but it doesn't always work out. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can be more intuitive and follow me intuition? Let me know if you need anymore examples or information about me.
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Psychic Journaling

Post by Kassandra »


I used to keep one of those tiny notepads in my purse, the kind that's only big enough in which to write a little list (and not a whole essay). When I'd hear that subtle voice (whether from a spirit friend, my Higher Self, whatever), I'd jot down the information, no matter how odd my rational mind thought it was, in that notebook. I referred to this notebook as my little "catcher's mitt." I wrote about this in a blog post some years ago: https://ofthesoulblog.blogspot.com/2010 ... h-its.html

(geez, it's been half a decade since I wrote that, yikes! anyway....).

I found it was important to write the info down immediately, and not "think" about it. Just write exactly what you hear, don't add to it, don't take away from it (i.e., reword or otherwise edit it). If it comes in visual form, briefly sketch the picture. If it's a song, write the song title down, date it, then leave it alone. Don't try to analyze it initially. Clarity will come later. When we analyze we are trying to control, and that need to control stems from insecurity. Trust is the key with this. The more you trust your intuition, the stronger you allow it to grow.

I found that just doing this exercise on a consistent basis adequately exercised my intuitive "muscle" enough to where I began to get noticeably (to me, at least) stronger with both hearing and responding to intuitive information (or "hits," as I used to call them).

Hope that helps.

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Re: Turn up psychic abilities

Post by RosieMoonflower »

One thing that really helped me was accepting the ideas as reality. When I had self doubt about my abilities, they were considerable muted. But, now that I believe in myself and I don't think I am crazy, my abilities have increased! You honestly have to believe it's real and true and can happen at anytime and at any moment. Tell yourself every day you are a psychic! Repeat to yourself "I am a psychic" and just believe in yourself and the messages will come.

Now, you will need that notebook to write down the messages you get and try to decipher which are from you and which are from spirits, and then you must discern from which spirits. I've learned, even spirits can have different sounding voices. Some are loud and booming, some are quiet. Meditation is also a great help, but for me, I don't have to be in a full meditation to hear or sense things, I only need to be in a quiet room and alone, thinking silently to myself. A lot of the messages I get come when I'm driving in the car, I turn the radio off and the turns and such are automatic, I don't have to think about those, but whatever I am thinking about I can get messages about.

Sometimes these message just come to me, other times I can hear which spirit is actually saying something, and then sometimes, the message comes through the radio.. That may sound crazy but I fully believe it. A simple example would be I am considering telling white lie to my boss so I can come in late, and then a song called "Don't Lie" starts playing in the radio. Anyways, don't expect instant result. Be patient and quiet and listen. Hope that helps some!
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Re: Turn up psychic abilities

Post by Kassandra »


Good points, RosieMoonFlower. They often use music, lol. If you're sad, a passed away loved one will coordinate it so a certain song will play right at that moment (I don't know how they do it, perhaps influencing the dj of the radio station?). But you will know you were meant to hear it. In this video posted in the "In Memory of" forum, medium John Holland cites some other ways those passed to spirit try to get our attention:
It's a nicely produced, short video, and I like to watch it from time to time as a reminder. It's kind of inspiring and soothing.

And yeah, different folks who care about you will step forward with their advice. You'll begin to recognize who's who, like Rosie said. For instance, my mother tends to be around me a lot when I am dealing with pressing family matters (as she's been the last few days, since I'm trying to wrap some things up so I could go on my trip out of town). But with spiritual skills assistance, my mom was never really into that kind of thing (formally, at least). My grandmother, however, was a pretty powerful lady, spiritually. So she turns up when I am dealing with spiritual matters, but steps back with family matters.

Obsidian, we kind of emphasized the mediumship aspect of strengthening your psychic abilities inadvertently. But, the notebook idea is generally helpful for strengthening all psychic abilities. I hope something in our responses has been helpful to you, and I'm sure in the future others reading here will post their suggestions, too.

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Re: Turn up psychic abilities

Post by Obsidian »

Thanks ladies, I know what you mean with music and messages- I've played background/mood music for my spellwork before and it's uncanny how many times something has happened in the music (new song starting/a particular lyric) that fits perfectly with what I'm doing/asking for at that moment.

I probably should set aside 10 minutes a day for meditation for a whole variety of reasons, not just developing my psychic abilities.
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Re: Turn up psychic abilities

Post by dualhands »

Don't focus too much energy on your psychic abilities. I say this because you should ask yourself the question " Why do I want psychic abilities? "

If you were to turn that switch on, Its can be very problematic in finding a way to turn it off. I would make an analogy as such. When living a normal life without psychic abilities, your in a regular house and know your way around in light. when you flip your psychic switch everything goes dead pitch black, the rooms starts spinning in 9 different dimensions, the furniture disappears, and the walls start talking to you. It would be pretty hard to find that same switch to turn that off right?

I say this so you don't focus all your energy devoting yourself to a psychic practice with no goal in mind. I did, and it got me to a place I had a hard time getting back from. being psychic can be very invasive as people you "know" now become entirely different animals. You will look at them and see things you wish you didn't see. And they kinda know your picking up on things too. it leaves very unstable ground in personal relationships.

So, find out why you wish to be psychic. And take it one baby step at a time. That way it till be all positive intentions.
Once again, I say all this with the utmost respect to you. I just wouldn't wish what I had gone through on anyone else.
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Re: Turn up psychic abilities

Post by Obsidian »

I respect your opinion and will definitely consider what my goal is. I don't want to be psychic in the sense that I will know what will happen in the future or know other people's secrets.

My problem is that I don't listen to my intuition either because it speaks to me too quietly (sorry, I don't know how else to explain this) or because I reason my way out of what my intuition is trying to tell me. I just want to stop getting in my own way and learn to A) hear my intuition better and B) listen to it once I hear it.

I'm not interested in going beyond that but perhaps this will become a slippery slope. Hhmmm, lots to think about.
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Re: Turn up psychic abilities

Post by dualhands »

If your memory is good enough to recognize your not taking your intuition seriously, then it seems that you should work a little harder or trusting yourself rather than your psychic intuition. That's just my personal opinion though. Take leaps here and there, when that little voice inside you says carry that stone today, do this, do that. See where it leads you! If it goes places you don't like then you know that voice is just trying to trick you. If it leads to good places try to recognize the patterns it works around.

all in all, take the leap and trust yourself ;D
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