Full moon spell suggestions pls

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Full moon spell suggestions pls

Post by Grizelda »

hello all....I am new to the board and thought that I would ask a quick question...anyhoo....since the full moon is coming up, what kinda spells do you do?? I am just curious....
I am having a hard time planning things for some reason. I also have a lot to ask for/give thanks for....need: more money to run bisiness, a few more friends, and for my bitch to be pregnant (neapolitan mastiff)...have: wonderful husband, great son, nice house, and the ability to change the world one dog at a time....

Any suggestions...?


Post by JustADoll »

Hey, I'm also new here. In one of the books I own, it says that a full moon is good for making spells more powerful. So basically, you can perform any type of spell and it will benefit from the full moon's extra energy. It is the best time to try more difficult spells too.

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