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Post by discipleofmaat »

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Post by Wolf* »

I like you already. Anyway, here is my stance on yoiur questions.

Spirits obey us because we have the power to control them, but you are making the mistake of assuming that all spirits will just roll over and do what we say. Most "minor" spirits as I will call them, such as human spirits (more on that in a minute) , servitors, some egregores, and general elementals and the like, will obey you because you are simply stronger than them (if you aren't, go back to energy excersices because you shouldn' even be summoning spirits if this is the case) and they are either afraid or respectful of that. Also, they may do it for the energy they recieve during a spell that you may be asking their help on.

Now, we have "major" spirits, such as the gods, demons, angels, and other creatures that come from works such as The Goetia, The Greater Key of Solomon, the Simon Necronomicon (if you want to know my reasoning for including this book, send me a message because it is a different lecture all together), The Grimoire of Armidel, etc...

These beings have built up alot of power over the centuries, millinia, and the belief people put in them (belief can make the most pitiful spirit a god). These beings can not be controled my simple means, you need other magical tools such as banishing spells, sacred circled, sigils and the like to control them.

At this point I am sure you are asking why these work to control them, right? Well, there is, fist off, the collective belief of many witches, magicians, and sorcerers, that they work, so you are essentially have the power of millions of people at your disposal when you use these tools, also, you have the power of the other gods and spirits you are invoking/evoking to aid you in forcing them to obey.

Back to the human spirit for a second, in some cases the human may be considered a "major" spirit, because they have built up enough power to hold dominion over some of the lower "major" spirits.

On your other question, "what is the ultimate gain for controlling powers when we cannot take any physical gains to the next plane, anyway?"

This depends on the person, for it can vary. It may be for power in this realm, or you may be seeking wisdom from the other side, or it can be to cure a sickness you may have, the list is endless.

Thats all I can think of at the moment, but remember, these are my ideas, and they may not exactly be truths, they are merely conclusions I have drawn after much time and research.

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

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