Am I being cursed?

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Am I being cursed?

Post by rickyofmanchester »

I need a little help. The other day my neighbor found a cat buried next to the steps which lead to the door of his house. I thought this wasn't anything to worry about because dogs bury things all the time. However, he told me that the reason he found it was because his welcome mat was placed over it. The only way the welcome mat could have been placed there is if a human being buried the cat and then placed it over the dead animal to possibly keep dogs away. Then today, I found a cat buried next to the door of my house. I know that there are some people that live down from us that are into witchcraft, so I am guessing that they are the ones that buried it, and I think they are doing it for malicious purposes. Could anyone please tell me what kind of spells could be associated with burying a dead animal, specifically a cat, next to someone's door? Thanks.
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Post by Wolf* »

Assuming it is being done by them, it seems to be a form or home-bred magic. But here's an idea; Ask them if they found a cat burried by their doorway and pick their brains to see if they may know what it is. Just because they are "into" witchcraft does not mean its them. I've been accused many times of putting curses on others due to coincadences (yes, I know I butchered that word), and I did nothing of the sort. So you might want to get your information straight first.

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Post by moonlit »

I totally agree. One thing I have learned to to NEVER assume something. It's better to always be sure. Another thing you could so is ask yourself some questions.. WHY would these people want to do something like this to you? Have you given them any reason whatsoever? Do you know these people very well? Have you or someone you trust witnessed them doing harmful things to others? Sometimes asking ourselves questions can help us solve the problem. I'm not saying that they arent doing this.. they very well could be, but finding out some facts will really help you in the long run.
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