does reading and having a vision...

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does reading and having a vision...

Post by LadyLyonene »

am just wonderin'...
about Reading a tarot card...does that need a strong and long effort in order to read one...I mean does that need a study? or just an inheritance?
Well am just curious 'cause I want to have such ability...also about interpreting a dream...does it also need a study or an inheritance? and about having a vision?

well excuse me about my mind...I just can't help but admire those abilities and so I want also to have order for me to stop dreaming and came out to the reality...that's all that bothers me...
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Post by [aphrodite] »

hi, :) when I got my tarot cards I also got a book, not big, just something to get me started. This is just my way, I read the book and practised on myself, not everybody does that. some people have a natural gift, you do get better with time.
As they say practise makes perfect.
you will find your own method. just take one step at a time.

blessed be


Post by LadyLyonene »

thank you for that words of yours...umm did you really bought that tarot cards or were just given to you? and how does it cost? iwas it very expensive? so now you are a professional tarot card reader... just like tigerlily?
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Post by [aphrodite] »

I was in a book shop with my ex-boyfriend about 6 years ago when I saw them on a shelf, I had to have them so he bought them for me for christmas, the book I bought at the same time even though it doesn't match the cards, I thought so long as I have the meanings it doesn't really matter. Well they work for me.
No they weren't that expensive. I don't really call myself a profesional coz I'm still learning with them, I am quite good though ( blowing my own trumpet)lol.
I have never done a reading like tigerlily. Friends and family is all I've done.
They come to my house and I give them a reading.
Thanks for being interested, I've not come across many people that are.

blessed be


Post by LadyLyonene »

At least you got a background 'bout if you don't mind...what's the feeling after interpreting a card? Does it give you headaches? And a vision? Well they said that it's very costly takin' about a time of reading...Was it true?

Nyah!!!am really interested about psychic world...I even wish I could have some abilities...lucky for you, you're a fast learner...

Take care and good luck!!! Well, maybe someday if your not too busy...Can you try reading 'bout my love life and my future?

You have my support and keep up!!!!

do you really want to get psychic

Post by dj_dude »

there are really many ways to "become" psychic if you don't have it coming naturally to you. it is a very interesting field and just as vast and diverse as any other field. the first thing you need do develop or further advance your ability is to make your intuition strong. many people, maybe even you have had a feeling about the phone ringing with a loved one on the other side, and all of a sudden the phone actually rings; or some may have seen a dream and then saw it happen in front of their eyes knowing everything thats going to happen in the next 5 minutes or so. that's what you want to develop and their is a very simple way to develop this ability, START LISTENING TO YOURSELF MORE, what this means is that you should listen to your heart more, follow your gut sometimes, notice the dreams you're having everynight and maybe even jot down those dreams someplace where you can go back to see which ones came true and the time difference between the dreams and reality. connect to the envronment more, notice the beauty around you, the birds, the trees, the wind, the water, the sights and smells of nature. this doesn't just make your intuition grow stronger, but also makes you happier and more closer to the universe.---(it may sound crazy, but this is the best way to develop psychic powers). ONCE, you have a well developed or a little more developed intuition, then the second step is MEDITATION,not the kind where you sit down or lie down and chant a phrase then go into a deeper level, but rather for psychic powers you need an almost instant ability to slip into a different state of mind( like you count from 10 to 1 and are in a different dimension of your own). read up and find a teacher if you can for this. i think for this you should try the SILVA method, which not just helps you in easy mind programming but also in slipping into instant meditative state.
another thing that might work for you, is what i call the gut developing technique. maybe someone out there has written about it, but i never ran across any such book. here's the technique. if you remember a time when you had an almost psychic experience, you know like a feeling that for some reason came true, like the telephone ringing or a dream coming true or meeting with an accident 5 minutes after you started feeling uneasy, anything which you think came true and you couldn't explain! well go into meditation or just sit down any comfortable way and just try and remember the time when you had that feeling, run it in your mind over and over again... what this does is that it acts as a stimulant for developing that part of the mind which has remained underdeveloped for so long and which is the part that is considered related to magic, psychic powers, telepathy, dream meanings and all. do this everyday or every alternate day, you'll slowly feel like something strong is working inside of you. after this, you may want to try the spells given here or anywhere else that relate to psychic visions and becoming psychic on the whole. well good luck to you, hope i was of some help to your enquiring mind!!!
hav a great time discovering your powers!!! may the universe be with you!
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Re: hi

Post by moonlit »

LadyLyonene wrote:Hi!!!
At least you got a background 'bout if you don't mind...what's the feeling after interpreting a card? Does it give you headaches? And a vision? Well they said that it's very costly takin' about a time of reading...Was it true?

Nyah!!!am really interested about psychic world...I even wish I could have some abilities...lucky for you, you're a fast learner...

Take care and good luck!!! Well, maybe someday if your not too busy...Can you try reading 'bout my love life and my future?

You have my support and keep up!!!!
After I interpret a card I feel relieved and happy lol. Sometimes it can be difficult to "figure out" How that spacific card fits into your like at the moment. I have never gotten a headache after interpreting a card but I have had one after a vision. If it's a really intense vision sometimes I get sick but really that's pretty rare. lol
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Most often when I'm interpreting a reading, it's never about one card in particular, but all of them combined. There are a lot of factors that can be easily missed in a reading (such as the significance of multiples of the same suit, for example). Those are more things learned with experience and reading about the cards and all of their facets in general. I don't find reading tiring, just invigorating. But the interpretation part of it seems to be something that I just "know"... I guess it's a hidden talent. :28:

Dreams are similar- they just require a glossary of sorts to learn what each factor means in a dream and the interpretation part is up to the reader. The most important factors in dreams are not necessarily what you see, but what you don't. For example, a dream where someone is at school and washing dishes or having a fight,... it might seem that the obvious part of the dream is what should be analyzed, but it's often the smallest parts that are most important... like everyone at the school was wearing white socks on their feet, or the trees were blue or something like that. With dreams, it's always what felt the most important to the dreamer that is the most important element, not necessarily just what the dream was about.


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