Reincarnation Song

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Reincarnation Song

Post by Kassandra »


A Thousand Years

A thousand years, a thousand more,
a thousand times, a million doors to eternity.
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times
an endless turning stairway climbs
to a tower of souls.
If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars,
the towers rise to numberless floors in space.
I could shed another million tears, a million breaths,
a million names, but only one truth to face...

A million roads, a million fears
a million suns, ten million years of uncertainty.
I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
a million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time.
But if there was a single truth, a single light,
a single thought, a singular touch of grace,
then following this single point, this single flame,
the single haunted memory of your face...

I still love you.
I still want you.
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
like galaxies in my head.

I may be numberless, I may be innocent,
I may know many things, I may be ignorant,
or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands,
or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands.
I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times,
reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes,
or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief.
I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief...

I still love you.
I still want you.
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
like galaxies in my head.
On and on the mysteries unwind themselves,
eternities still unsaid...

'til you love me.

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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by bluejay_1919 »

Wow!! I have chills all over right now. What a beautiful and haunting song. I must say this....I was just telling a friend about our discovery about our little girls origins. I have an insanely gifted 7 year old and we know that her spirit is very very ancient. So ancient, that she, her spirit,was put here on earth by higher beings to protect the earth and all of nature...before humans. She never had a body until she chose me as her mother while I was a small child and she was born in 2007. Her name in Sanskrit means mother of the earth. She also made a deep connection with a spirit when she was 3 that she called war guy. She described the battle down to the grey coats and blue coats and seeing headless bodies and guts everywhere. War guy stayed with her everyday as her best friend because according to my 3 year old daughter at the time, he would one day be our son. He has been a soldier in many lives and had picked us for his next life to be his parents. This was before I was pregnant and way before we found out we were having a boy. Long story short...through meditation and many stories of her War Guy, I had a dream of how died in the form he was coming to my little girl. He died September 19th 1863 (I think was the year)at the Battle of Chickamuaga. He was a sharp shooter and someone snuck up on him and shot him in the chest. I saw the life leave his eyes and all I wanted to do was hold my son. Without telling my daughter what I had dreamed, she told me exactly what happened. I knew this was all true.

I gave birth to Abram Dane September 19th 2012. When I was in labor, War Guy kissed my little girl on the cheek in the waiting room, and told her he loved her and would always be with her. He disappeared before her eyes and then my husband stepped in to tell her she had a baby brother.

We know that Abram has been an ancient monk or samurai, a confederate soldier and was in the navy possibly at pearl harbor. I'm sure there is many more lives than that what we are aware of and only time will tell if he communicates about it. We also know that he most likely will be a soldier again in this life. Something my 7 year old daughter,Avanee worries about. She doesn't want to lose her brother, her War Guy. We will support and love him with whatever path he chooses in this life.

This video really made an impression on me...first it reminds me of my daughter, who is half Guarani Indian and has the same complexion and brown hair and eyes as the lady in the video. She is in touch with nature to a higher level, and it reminds me of her ancient soul...just watching after all the animals and trees and plants. Beautiful.

And the words...those haunting words, remind me of my son. Who at the age of 2..almost 3, has this weathered, wise look in his eyes...the same eyes I saw in my dream before he was born. Full of life, but wise beyond his years.

Thank you for posting such a beautiful work of art. I needed to see this tonight, to remind me of the journeys the spirits of my beautiful children have taken.
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by Kassandra »


Lovely, post. Thank you for sharing that amazing story. Wonderful your kids have a mom that understands things on a deep level, and really listens to them. Children are these wise beings, who remember who they were. Then we dumb them down with "education" and our baggage. Then, they lose the memory. But, I don't think your kids ever will, thanks to you.

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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by bluejay_1919 »

I couldn't agree more on the fact that once children get into school, they loose their gifts. My little girl had been called a liar many times (for speaking of spirits) & told she will go to a 6 year old!!! When asked why she doesn't go to church, she responded " i don't necessarily believe in your one god. I believe in many actually, and I think they are female & males. But the one true entity that deserves our worship is mother nature herself."

That coming from a 7 year old! But apparently she will go to hell for thinking that way.

This is one major reason I joined this forum. To help me remember that it is okay to be different & have different beliefs and to find support with raising children that are magical little spirits. My husband and I fully support our children and encourage them to be themselves no matter what. I know this will make life hard, but it will be so worth it in the end...people with a mind of their own, tend to come out on top, I think.
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by ness »

I listened to this song so long ago, I even forgot this existed. Thanks for refreshing my memory.
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by Sylar_pf »

I love your story bluejay!
Do you guys think there's a way we could protect children from getting "ruined" that way in schools?
I really love kids and wish to have my own one day but todays society made me overthink my wishes. I don't want a child growing in this corrupted system. In my country there is no home schooling option, what do you think would be an alternative to protect my kid from bad influences and losing his/her uniqueness?
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by bluejay_1919 »

Ah, that's a good question. It took me time to reply cause I really needed to think about it. Honestly, it's so hard for me to give advice when it comes to education since I'm married to an outstanding, loving husband that is the head principal at a large highschool. My children will always go to public school, because I trust my husband to make sure they get the right teachers that will bond & accept our children's "quirks". Right now, Avanee is 7, and we held her back again for another year of 1st grade so she could participate in this new dual language program. So she is the oldest in her class and she has always been more mature than others. It took time for her teachers last year to understand Avanee. It broke my heart to send my little girl off to school for another woman to raise and to know that woman thinks my daughter is weird. But fortunately, after a few months and now being her 1st grade teacher for a second year, she loves Avanee. Her kindergarten teacher loved her too and accepted her for who she is.

I can't control what other adults do or say to my little girl while she is at school, and I can't control these little kids that have already had their minds closed off by their parents. But I can control or encourage my kids to be themselves. I will not laugh at her beliefs or wishes of life. I will support all her quirks and weirdness, because that is who she is....and she is beautiful, inside and out. As is my son. I will try my hardest to raise them so they have a strong backbone, and know that others may not think like they do or act like they do...but that doesn't make them better than my kids. And that my kids are to never change who they are, for anyone but themselves, if need be. But they are perfect to me.

So I'm not sure what alternatives I can suggest. Some homeschool, which is great if you's not for me. I want my kids to have experiences and get to know the real world. But as far as protecting my kids, I do my best to plant that seed of confidence in who they are. My hubby & I do our best to help Avanee stay open minded and never let go of her other worldy gifts. We also don't talk to her as a baby, either. She is not naive and will find out all kinds of crazy stuff from her we let her hear it from us first. We've always talked to her like a grown up.

Sorry this was so long...I don't know if it helped with your question. Maybe some other have better input, hahaha. But if you long for babies of your own.. go for it!!! Motherhood is so beautiful. I'm glad I had mine when I did...I'm barely 31, and I had to have a hysterectomy at 30 because of cervical cancer. You just never know what life has in store.
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by Sylar_pf »

Well you are one fortunate lady :)
I love your whole story and love the fact that you let your kids be themselves. They are little warriors, rainbow children ^^
Homeschooling might not be the best thing as you said, kids need to socialize and learn how to bond, so I agree on that one.
Maybe I'm just scared because I don't know how will I handle it.

Your last sentence is on point! My mother had cervical cancer after her first child,my sister and they told her not to have kids again because it would be lethal for her. Then came my brother, the cancer returned and they suggested abortion. Then came I, they told her to definitely not to have me because there's a big chance for me to have Downs syndrome. After me she did a procedure (I don't know what's it's called in english) which disabled the opportunity to have kids. And then came my brother :D
1:15 000 000 chance to be born + she was 48 years old at the time so the chances of him being healthy were very small. And there he is, a bright little boy :)
So yeah, life is an amazing thing ^^
I hope you don't mind me telling this story, I had the urge for no reason.
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by bluejay_1919 »

Wow! You mom sounds like an amazing woman. You're very lucky to have such a strong mother. I hope she is in good health now.

I love hearing stories from everyone! That's what really connects us as human beings. We all have our struggles and our triumphs. And I think it all needs to be heard. Your mother's story is amazing. Thank you for sharing :)
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by Sylar_pf »

Thanks! Yes,she's in great shape now and I admire her for being so strong and raising us all the right way.
You are too an amazing mother, no wonder your kids have chosen you :)
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by ness »

Since I was little, I have been fascinated by this song. It is not exactly a reincarnation song, but that of a lost soul.
Basic premise is that the girl is dead but she is just wandering around, until the protagonist sees her and helps her. The song sort of depicts her agony of being in the limbo. It is in Hindi, so here is the translation.

Friend, slowly slowly the night of separation burns
Friend slowly slowly, friend slowly slowly

Is this called living, is this called living?
Is this called dying?
Friend, slowly slowly the night of separation burns
Friend slowly slowly, dear friend slowly slowly

With broken bangles I fold my hands
I don't know what I have left in the road behind me
The streets where I passed through, the streets where I passed through
I will pass again

There is no shadow along with my feet, there's no God above my head
My own image does not go with me
Outside there is light, outside there is light
Inside, loneliness

Friend, slowly slowly the night of separation burns
Friend slowly slowly, friend slowly slowly
O friend slowly slowly, dear fr...iend slowly slowly
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by Naudia Threng »

Bluejay I love your stories! They are so endearing and make me want to have kids someday. And I so agree that homeschooling isn't best for kids. My dad and stepmom homeschool their kids. They are extremely intelligent. But intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit and wisdom is not putting tomato in a fruit salad. And yes, they thought tomatoes should go in fruit salad. And they are an extremely Christian family, so the kids were taught creationism. I was actually quite pissed one time when I was there and it was school time for them. They were learning about greek legends and my dad refused to call the gods gods. He called them "people from greek fairytales" and when my oldest lil bro asked "are they gods?" My dad flipped and started yapping about how no greek satan was like the one true god. I honestly accept Christianity and have nothing against it, but DONT TEACH KIDS CREATIONISM! Like honestly. And they have 0 social skills and no idea how to deal with anything. The first time one of them was rejected, was when he was 9! His neighbor didn't want to play with him and he cried for two hours. I put nothing into homeschooling. The world no longer needs human dictionaries, we have google.
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by Naudia Threng »

And I rapped the song up top when I read it. I haven't listened to it yet. But the lyrics are so pretty.
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Re: Reincarnation Song

Post by shatteredsouls »

Oh wow, I'm not quite sure how to describe the song, makes you... feel. I can't imagine if I've lived a thousand lives, for sure I don't remember anything when I was young. I believe in reincarnation but I just don't think they remember much from their past lives. All the stories you mentioned are very interesting, would love to meet these kids and speak to them.
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