Draw Card For The Person Above You

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Naudia Threng
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Re: Draw Card For The Person Above You

Post by Naudia Threng »

Tehe. I'm the first person to use an oracle deck here! :wink2:
Red Ember wrote:...
So, Hey Red Ember! For you I used The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards. And i drew... *drum roll*

sacredpooltemoracle.jpg (8.73 KiB) Viewed 1578 times
When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? This card asks that you focus on self-love and self-esteem. Everyone is a work in progress. Take a step back and realize that your beautiful. See the spark of the divine in your eyes, your service to the world is unique and not only needed, but celebrated! And your service to the world is existence! Know that you are beautiful and loved. Feel the love within you and know that if you cast it out upon the world, you will receive ten fold! I know it can be hard, feeling sure in your own skin. But act with confidence and success shall be yours, whatever your inquiry.
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Re: Draw Card For The Person Above You

Post by Becks »

Hi there. I went to pull a card from my go to deck, and what's so funny is that it felt WRONG. I do not feel I was supposed to use that deck. For me it's like mashed potatoes and things come easy and they just flow. In your case I was told to use the Thoth deck. It is the deck I have had the longest and you are the first reading I was told to do from this deck. I think it is because of your pantheon and interests that your energy would align with my pull for you.

Which was the Two of Cups-LOVE.

This card is about true harmony of male and female in broadest sense. This card is Water, it is Venus in cancer...chokmah. Okay, total aside, but these themes got me thinking of one of my favourite movies..."Velvet Goldmine". Serious David Bowie Ziggy Stardust glam rock god/goddess stuff. See it. It's awesome.

This card corresponds to the sepheroth Chokmah. This Sepheroth is power and creation energy. It is knowledge successfully applied as wisdom.
Knowledge is actively used and becomes wisdom here in this sepheroth. It is Synthesis and action. There is knowledge, and then there is the kind that comes from the doing.....that is the true wisdom. Experience. It is time to walk the walk-if that makes any sense.

So to "free freak speak" about the card image what came up for me is that for you-this card is about peace and flow in aqueous duality. I see an abundance of energy flowing form the source of knowledge...the lotus. This water I am seeing as information and knowledge and the ibis comes to my mind for you, "Learn to discern" the Ibis says slowly. Two fish entwined encircle the stem and give this card a flowing picean emotional nature. Instead of being impeded; this water flows on to the two cups that over-run with this life giving elixir. The whole scene is surrounded by a calm sea. Emotions will always be a big part of your life, but love is a saving grace and with love the problems of life will be becalmed.
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Re: Draw Card For The Person Above You

Post by Naudia Threng »

Er, so, i didnt know if i was aloud to comment without pulling a card, so i did. Sorry if im not supposed to.
Becks wrote:...
Again I used The Enchanted Map oracle deck (I'm really just feeling it tonight). I also wanted to say I feel like you hit that draw on the head Becks! I really felt it. Thanks! Anyways, for you I drew... *dramatic pause for effect*

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download (1).jpg (24.28 KiB) Viewed 1561 times
This card reversed is a gentle reminder to get the hell out of your own way. Just let your spirit drive, your heart read the map, and tell your brain to stop backseat driving and take damn nap. Like seriously, your set hun, just let the flow do what flow does and flow. Farmers don't rip their plants out of the ground to see how the roots are doing, they just let them grow and do their thing. So, relax, stop pulling out your roots to check on them, and just grow! Take the leap. Everything has its own cycle of growth. For you i'm feeling that you may have a descision to make or will in the near future, maybe you know what im talking about, maybe you don't (and if so, you will). But when the time to make that decision comes, just let go! Let nature takes it course. Find something else to focus on rather than the problem or decision, simplicity and baby steps is the remedy. And when the storm is over, take a step back and marvel at the rainbow.

Again though, i really loved your draw and Its so crazy because i was praying to Thoth for insight like 10 minutes before you posted that. But yeah, keep rockin man!
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Re: Draw Card For The Person Above You

Post by Deejean »

So I read through this and thought it may be good practice since I'm just starting with tarot.
I also noticed Corvidus got skipped so I'm going to pull a card for him, then one for Lily so everyone gets one :)
I'll be using my animal divine deck by Lisa Hunt.

So for Corvidus I pulled
~Eight of Pentacles-mouse~
"Organization, attention to detail, order"
Take a look at your situation from time to time and don't forget about the little things in life, they matter too! Getting organized and not letting too much build on your plate will surely help reduce much stress. You have new projects on the way, so take care of the things you've been putting off.

For Lily
~six of swords-Ibis~
"Engaging in more objective thinking, taking the time to reflect on your journey"
It seems you've hit some bumps in the road recently and this is a reminder to reflect on those feelings of defeat or self-doubt. Remembering to look for the light in every situation will allow you to continue on your journey with creative inspiration and more confidence.

Well I hope I did alright :) I've tried to add pictures but its not working.
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Re: Draw Card For The Person Above You

Post by Naudia Threng »

Okay now I'm just having fun with doing one card readings, If I don't have to though, please tell me so I don't spam you guys. But I just wanted to comment that I just realized that when Becks did her reading she mentioned lotuses. Well my name is based on the River Nile Lotus flowers that turn blue at night. Also, i thought it was quite the coinky-dink that both Becks and Deejean got Ibises in their readings for me. I do think theres a pattern and its so cool. Objective thinking and learning from experiences does seem to be theme i believe.
Deejean wrote:...
Again i have used The Enchanted Map oracle deck. Sorry for being so repetitive but i love this deck and havent gotten any chances to use it before. For a while i wanted to only do tarot because i thought it was more tradinitional, so, following the pattern i had with my religious path, i tried to force myself to like it. But man do i love Oracle. Anyways, the card i drew is... *queue fireworks*

The gentle gardener may be a female entity that has recently entered your life. She is here to remind you that there is still love in this world for you. She may even be the embodiment of much of the love you sent out into the world, or been called by a spell you cast for help, or even fate. She will be your gentle gardener. She will help you grow. She will care for you and show you how much you rather. Believe in limitless possibilities and watch the miracles happen. Reflect on the people in your life, who is your gentle gardener? When you know, remember to listen to them, but still make your own decisions.
O Goddes, all praise to you. Ta em hotep, anekh hrak. Lady Isis, I adore you. Nebet aset, tu a atu.
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Re: Draw Card For The Person Above You

Post by Silversong »

Hey, Azure!
For you, I drew the Eight of Cups from my beloved Cachet deck (and have once again failed to find a picture):

Cups/Chalices/Vessels is generally a happy suit, and I'm always glad to see it come up in a reading. Therefore, it kind of took me by surprise when I saw that the Eight of Cups stands for escapism, disappointment, abandonment, or withdrawal, though Cups is also frequently a suit of change, so that part didn't surprise me so much. However, I've looked at several meanings for it to triple-check, and it is indeed a card telling you it's time to leave a situation or problem. If you're in a struggle with someone or something, or you're trying to solve something but can't seem to get anywhere, it may be time to step away and accept that you cannot change it right now. You may be fighting a losing battle, and it looks like it's time to walk away and let it be.
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Re: Draw Card For The Person Above You

Post by Deejean »

Since no one else has yet, I pulled for you Silversong.

~Six of Wands- Caterpillar~
"Victory, success, opportunity for further expansion"

You are soon to go through many changes in life, positive energies will be flowing for you and help you to achieve your personal goals. Finding success in these goals will give you the potential of having a fufilled spiritual life. You will find new heights of confidence and self satisfaction. :)
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