Was this a psychic vision?

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Was this a psychic vision?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Today I had something happen. I had a vision of myself walking about ten steps ahead of me. It was crowded where I was and all of the sudden one of the people walking in front of me, was me! I could see everything straight in front of me clearly, but everything to the left, right, top and bottom was fuzzy. Almost like a shadowy boarder around what I was seeing. I was holding the right hand of a child with my right hand who was struggling to keep up with my pace. All of the sudden the child took two running steps and jumped off of her feet that acted like springs, and I pulled her up with my arm onto back and disappeared into the crowd. The entire vision only last a second.

When it ended I realized what I had just done/seen/imagined and the fuzzy shadow boarder was gone. I have been so focused on my child spirit guide lately, especially the last 4 or 5 days so I'm wondering if just imagined it or if it was a real psychic vision...? Does anyone else has visions like that while awake and walking.
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Re: Was this a psychic vision?

Post by Myrth »

To be honest, the only out of body experiences I have had were induced by a prescription medication. Turns out, a rare side effect of the drug is out of body experiences! LOL!
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Re: Was this a psychic vision?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I've just been wanting to see her so badly lately I don't know if I forced that vision. And if so does that not make it real?
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Re: Was this a psychic vision?

Post by Aderyn »

With my experience with visions, I let them happen and store them as information for later. Whether they happen or not, I try not to worry too much about it. Kind of like meditation - you let the thought come, acknowldge it, and let it go. I try to keep a diary of notes and thoughts I have, so if something comes to fruition later I can comment on it. :)
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Re: Was this a psychic vision?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Aderyn wrote:With my experience with visions, I let them happen and store them as information for later. Whether they happen or not, I try not to worry too much about it. Kind of like meditation - you let the thought come, acknowldge it, and let it go. I try to keep a diary of notes and thoughts I have, so if something comes to fruition later I can comment on it. :)
Good advice! Thank you!
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Re: Was this a psychic vision?

Post by Aderyn »

You're welcome! ^___^
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Re: Was this a psychic vision?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Just reporting here that I have had the sensation several times since this of holding a child's hand and having them jump on the ground and spring upward to climb onto my back. I realize I have had this sensation before but I've finally realize what was bouncing and jumping on my back and why I get that feeling sometimes. One time when I had the sensation I envisioned it being a small furry child like bear type thing vs a human child. I'm pretty convinced I this is a spirit though I still do not know it's form or true name.
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Re: Was this a psychic vision?

Post by Seraphin »

I also find myself slipping into the present moment while I'm driving, taking a shower, or alone and doing mundane tasks. Same as when I'm falling asleep or meditating -- everything will just drop away and there I am, in the moment. When that happens while I'm awake (as opposed to it happening as I'm falling asleep) I'm likely to get visions and that's really great "aha" moments: An answer to some question I've been puzzling over or a solution to a problem or a flash of scenes will just pop in front of me. For me, it's a very spiritually receptive state of mind.

Aderyn gave you great advice about doing a journal!

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Was this a psychic vision?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

That's what this was, it was like an "aha!" Moment! The first time I had this feeling or sensation since I had the vision I stopped in my tracks. It flooded over me that I had had this feeling so so many times before, I just didn't know why I did it. I just thought it was another weirdo thing that I did.. I realized that in the past I had equated it to dribbling and invisible basketball and the throwing a back pack over my shoulder. Since then I have been noticing how often I feel this sensation. It was in one of these following times where I had a flash of this small spirit being an animal. But it wasn't a real animal. It was like a very small bear but it was a variant of red like link or orange and it had and underbite. (It looked like a "dancing bear" from the grateful dead, a band that a love, and my dog has an underbite, so I don't know of my mind concocted this animals from those things or...?)

I ALSO have experiences in the car and just before falling asleep. Once I was leaving for work, hasn't driven very far and I see a young girl walking and it is freezing outside. I think about picking her up and start telling myself, "what if she needs to go somewhere really far away and it makes me late for work? What if she's crazy and has me take her all over town and wants my phone number and asks me for money, etc" then all of the sudden I hear this voice say loud and clear "if you are doing this for God, then it will work out". I thought about it and yes, all of my compassion I relate back to God and Believe that God wishes for me to be kind, compassionate and helpful to other people. So I turn around and go and ask this girl if she would like a ride and she was so grateful. She was a single mother and she was walking to her hair school that wasn't very far away. We chatted and she as very sweet and we did exchange numbers but it was not in a pitiful way, we actually hit it off, plus she offered me a discount on a hair cut! The other time that I know I heard this voice was year ago when my friend needed help and the voice told me to visit my friend. It was such a loud forceful voice I assumed it was God speaking to me for the first time. But, now I believe it was the Archangel Michael.

Recently, I had been trying to make contact with any angel spirit guides because I believed that I saw one once, I mentioned this in my intro. So since this attempted contact I have been seeing flashes of light randomly. This isn't something I had noticed before. So one night, the fiancé is snoring like crazy for some reason and I just cannot sleep so I decided to move out onto the couch. I easily call asleep there in the quiet. The next morning I wake up and see flashes of light in front of me. Confused I look behind me, thinking I'm going to see a mirror that the light is reflecting off of or something and I see a man walking behind my couch with long hair wearing all white! In a second he was gone. It was the same long haired man who I saw in my dream as an angel that nailed the demon to a tree. During a silent car ride later that morning I asked who it was I had seen and I heard the same booming voice say "Saint Michael". I asked who the other one was that I had seen, and again I heard "job" - pronounced like Job in the bible. The last time I asked this angels name I got "Jo" and "jon". So I think it's something that starts with Jo but it seems like that's all I can hear and then it gets blurred out, so I land on job or Jon.

Joining this forum and finding people who help me instead of call me crazy has helped me tremendously and helped me to open up and accept this ability that I have to see and hear spirits, and I have be working on improving this ability. I appreciate everyone who has taken time to give me advice in the matters!

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Re: Was this a psychic vision?

Post by Seraphin »

Rosie wrote:Joining this forum and finding people who help me instead of call me crazy has helped me tremendously and helped me to open up and accept this ability that I have to see and hear spirits, and I have be working on improving this ability. I appreciate everyone who has taken time to give me advice in the matters!

THANK YOU Rosie for sharing all your experiences with us!

Comes down once again to what I enjoy the most about EUTM-- there's a tremendous exchange of personal observations with very little insistence on coming to a consensus. I've learned so much here, not because anyone's defined spiritual reality for me, but because in describing their experiences, I sometimes find a resonance that leads me to a greater understanding of my own. Sure we touch on tradition now and again, but no one seems to be insisting that these are universal truths, and I so appreciate that. This is such an amazing community.

EUTM rocks!

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Was this a psychic vision?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Seraphin Murmur wrote:
Rosie wrote:Joining this forum and finding people who help me instead of call me crazy has helped me tremendously and helped me to open up and accept this ability that I have to see and hear spirits, and I have be working on improving this ability. I appreciate everyone who has taken time to give me advice in the matters!

THANK YOU Rosie for sharing all your experiences with us!

Comes down once again to what I enjoy the most about EUTM-- there's a tremendous exchange of personal observations with very little insistence on coming to a consensus. I've learned so much here, not because anyone's defined spiritual reality for me, but because in describing their experiences, I sometimes find a resonance that leads me to a greater understanding of my own. Sure we touch on tradition now and again, but no one seems to be insisting that these are universal truths, and I so appreciate that. This is such an amazing community.

EUTM rocks!
So glad I came back and read over this thread again. It reminded me of somethings indexed to remember, mainly that I'm not crazy! Yes, this forum rocks!! It really has helped me make so much sense of things I've experienced in my life! Thanks to all!

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