Confused on Cards

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Confused on Cards

Post by Danek »

It seems it's a guarantee every time I do a spread that it doesn't make any sense at all. The deck has sat on my night stand since I got it a couple months ago and randomly I'll shuffle it and do a reading. I'm just wondering if the cards and I do not have a connection enough and that's why I'm getting card I don't understand how to interpret or the cards are right and I'm just not understanding them. For instance doing a basic past present future spread a lot of times I'll get the high priestess as the past. My book explains she's all about the unknown future. But that's in the past spot..? Why talk about the future if we haven't gotten to that part of the spread yet? I'm either overthinking this or the deck and I are not in tune. Thanks for any help, I love this deck it's beautiful I just want to understand it.

When I first got the deck I saged each card before doing anything with it.

Anyway thanks :)
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Re: Confused on Cards

Post by tigerlilystarot »

You may not be compatible with the deck,but I don't think it's that's the case here.

Where the cards fall that doesn't matter it's how you see or what you feel from the cards.

I've been doing this 15 years and the cards still throw me sometimes.

If you need me to read the cards you drew post them..even though I didn't pull them I may be able to give you some insight as to what they are trying to tell you.

Blessed be!!
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Re: Confused on Cards

Post by Danek »

Thanks! I appreciate the response. So literally just now I did a 3 card spread, past present future and I asked the cards for insight on my relationship. (Just something very simple, I really don't even know what to ask my cards but relationships seem to be something everyone asks) I'm using the Celtic Dragon deck (I'm welsh and I'm in love with these cards and dragons lol) so this deck is normal however wands is air and swords is fire cups is water and pentacles is earth.

Past: six of cups: a reunion may be near, unexpected gifts may be near

Present: King of Wands: Someone in the business world could guide you to an important decision. Keywords ambition and leadership

Future: Ace of Swords: in the process of making decisions that will affect your life for some time. So keywords decisions; activity

I can kind of understand these but still not really.

Again I appreciate your help, I really want to understand.
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Re: Confused on Cards

Post by SnowCat »

Getting the High Priestess as your past, may mean that your future will be strongly influenced by something or someone in your past. The meaning of the cards isn't written in stone. It's written in pencil. It can be erased, and rewritten.

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Re: Confused on Cards

Post by Danek »

Thank you Snow! I honestly haven't thought about it that way. That really opens my mind up to interpretations.

Also and I don't know if this needs to be another thread and I was doing some searching but what do I ask my cards? Like practicing doing readings on myself but I don't know what to ask. I don't know if that sounds stupid.. I just don't know what to ask my cards.

Thanks for the help like always :D


Confused on Cards

Post by Akamaii »

When I do a tarot reading, I keep a notebook. I try to do them before I start my day. I'll write my questions, then my cards and their meaning, then interpret them. I'll attach an image of an example for you when I get home. Usually my questions are:
What do I need to focus on today?
What should I be wary of today?
How can I improve myself/my day?
Etc, etc. Then, I'll do my readings, interpret them, and at the end of the day, I read my interpretation and see if it's right. :)

Re: Confused on Cards

Post by Akamaii »

Akamaii wrote:When I do a tarot reading, I keep a notebook. I try to do them before I start my day. I'll write my questions, then my cards and their meaning, then interpret them. I'll attach an image of an example for you when I get home. Usually my questions are:
What do I need to focus on today?
What should I be wary of today?
How can I improve myself/my day?
Etc, etc. Then, I'll do my readings, interpret them, and at the end of the day, I read my interpretation and see if it's right. :)


I also write down any significant events for that day, if I know about them. My example in the pictures is a reading I did for my first day as nurse after passing my boards, along with a question or two about a guy I'd been seeing.
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Re: Confused on Cards

Post by Danek »

You are amazing. Thank you so much! Such fantastic insight!! To be honest tarot seems pretty overwhelming, everyone saying there is so much more to learn. However I really enjoy doing readings so maybe that won't be a problem. Interpreting the cards is not easy. I can mostly understand them for myself, but if I do one for my boyfriend for instance, I am practically at a loss for words. I can't come up with what the cards mean in the spots they are in however if I am doing my own reading I understand more inside my head I guess. Lol.. Anyway again I really appreciate the help, I will start writing down my readings and see what happens!


Re: Confused on Cards

Post by Akamaii »

I'm glad to help! :) To be honest, I still have trouble remembering the meanings, so I have a website I've bookmarked to help me recall significant meanings. So I write my questions, focus, draw the card, then after I've answered my questions, I write down the card meanings and interpret. When I first started, it'd take me about fifteen minutes to figure out everything and then interpret. Practice is the key! Other people might use other methods, but this is the one I've found that helps me the most!
Best of luck in your tarot journey! :)
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Re: Confused on Cards

Post by PistashioQueen »

You are limiting your meanings.
6 of cups could be you are stuck in your past - you are thinking of the past so much and dwelling on it that you can't enjoy the now or can't move on.

King of Wands - could be a person in your life but could also be qualities you need to embrace now for yourself.

Aces are new beginnings, potentials, Swords are your mind, rational thought, thoughts in general. A new way of thinking if you take on board the 6 of cups of king of wands advice.
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