Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

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Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by jaybirdblue »

Hi everyone!
This is a question that I have had for a while now because I experience something along these lines on a daily basis and I wanted to get some feedback/ask if anyone has experienced anything similar.
So, in short, whenever I pass a cemetery or "creepy" or run down looking house or building, I feel a deeply compelling urge to enter it. The feeling is similar to passing a store or a party that you REALLY want to go into or look around at. Im a little confused about this for a few reasons. Firstly that, these places, ESPECIALLY if they are haunted, tend to have the opposite effect on people. Meaning that they want to stay far away from them while I want to get as close to them as possible. My friends constantly say that I would be the first one to die in a horror movie because of this XD. The other reason is that, Ive considered that this may be an aesthetic thing. Because, I LOVE being around "creepy" things. I love horror and urban exploration and costume shops are one of my favorite places to go.
In general, Im not sure whether this is a spiritual thing or a psychological thing.
Because, headstones and ancient buildings are beautiful, but I'm not sure if its "normal" to look at a cemetary with the same excitement that a kid looks at a theme park (not implying that it IS like that, but its that kind of glee you know?).
Any thoughts?
Thank you
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Re: Being

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I also have been drawn to cemeteries my whole life. I have no idea why that is. I think so many people told me that it was weird so I stopped exploring them. For me the older the cemetery or headstone, the more interesting. I also enjoy walking through an old home, or church , but not as much as the cemetery walks. For me, I don't think it Aesthetic for me, just because I'm usually drawn to more colorful & vibrant things, not dark and gloomy thing. So, I don't know what the reason I am drawn to these things is.

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Re: Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by Vesca »

I'm curious to see what our members think of this, or have experienced themselves.

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Re: Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by Blackthorn »

I know exactly where you're coming from. I don't know what it is either, but there was a time in my late teens/early 20s that I was a pretty voracious urban explorer (with little regard for things like "laws"- psha!) Abandoned house? I'd go in. Disued factory with "DANGER" signs posted all around? I'd go in (unfortunately, in this particular factory another urban explorer fell to death which was a wake up call to me to always be very, very careful and safe and take all the correct gear and even then I should never have gone in). Storm drain entrances? I'd go in. I've lifted grates at creeks, gone down manholes, explored the underbelly of this city that has been tagged by street rats, underground groups (literally!), and explorers stretching back decades. These drains stretch for miles. Never did sewage drains though, couldn't stomach it. There's just something about conventionally "creepy" places that drew me to them and I couldn't resist. I get your glee, I totally get it.

I never do these things now, I only go in places I'm allowed (most of the time). But I still enjoy the aesthetic and energy of old buildings and cemeteries. :)


I found these really old photos of me from the storm drains:


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Re: Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by jaybirdblue »

Wooooah! Those pictures are amazing!
Its nice to hear that Im not the only one who is so interested in these kinds of things.
Maybe theres no clear "why" to these but if there is I would love to know XD
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Re: Being

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I've been thinking about it since I read this post. Some ideas have crossed my mind. What if it is energy we are attracted to. Like maybe there is a lot of left over positive energy in those old houses and such. Maybe they inches housed and happy loving family and all the positive energy has just been "festering" if you will and growing. For the cemetery you wouldn't think that there would be any positive energy because of the death. But, think of how many family members have hugged each other, supported, comforted, and otherwise been positive to their family. Some family members don't even see each other until a funeral comes up, and although they remain graceful at the service may use the opportunity to share with and love a family member they rarely see. Another thought I had has something to do with the idea that everything, has a personality, literally everything. So in the old buildings, every nail, every board, every little piece has it's own consciousness and personality. Some people can "sense" those personalities and hear those consciousness. I believe I am one of those people, though it took me a long time to control it and not just be flooded with thoughts of the objects around me 24/7. But, still maybe the consciousness of these older structures are calling out to me (& you). The 3rd thing I've considered is that the spirits of the dead are calling me into the cemeteries. Possible I suppose, but I think the other 2 ideas are probably closer to reality. Anyways, those are some of my ideas...

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Re: Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by Seraphin »

It could be your past life too!

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by jaybirdblue »

I asked a friend recently about this and their response was something along the lines of being lured in by some kind of malevolent force. As in, some negative spirit or energy is calling out so that it can latch onto me. Sort of like a lure on the end of an angler fish.
Im going to be honest, I think this is bull. Just because, how can it be EVERY SINGLE cemetery that has this negative force? I dont know, I dont think its very reasonable, but I thought it would be a good idea to post it here for other people to read.
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Re: Being

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I agree with you and not your friend jaybird. If that were the case I would think that every person would be drawn to cemeteries and not all people are. Wouldn't that negative energy try to lure anyone in, not just certain ones. I'm sure there are all types of energy going on in cemeteries and older buildings, good and bad, but I don't think they are inherently bad.

Thank you for chiming in, Seraphin, I hadn't thought of that. I think that could very well be why someone could be drawn to an older building. It may remind them of one they have see or been in before.

Rosie Moonflower [ROSE]

Re: Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by smokahontas »

I'm the same! I love exploring, though I don't get to do much. I love things with rich history because I have a wild imagination and think of what it was like there in what ever time. I recently took a trip to Georgia and went to savannah, it was so beautiful and the trees were covered in Spanish Moss and it just gave off this spooky vibe. It was awesome. I love looking at old spooky houses and this place is full of old houses and it was cool because they had plaques with the years they were built. I also visited Bonaventure Cemetery, definitely a place you should put on your bucketlist!

Anyway I wouldn't think it makes you different or strange. You just appreciate things more, that's my excuse. Some people like to rock climb, jump out of planes or swim with sharks for an adrenaline rush. People like us just have a different source for that thrill.
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Re: Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Me too. My favorite early snapshot of myself is of me climbing out of a window of an old cabin, and I had a wonderful expression of eager anticipation on my 6yo face. I always feel like that when snooping around abandoned sites and cemeteries. I even worked in a cemetery for over 20 years...and that part of me does connect with a past Egyptian life as one who had made the prayers for the dieing to pass into the afterlife.
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Re: Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by Firebird »

Funny...I seem to have missed this thread. I too really like exploring old houses and cemeteries.... I don't think it's unusual at all. At least not for curious sorts like ourselves!
I found this old Cemetery in a really small town near where my mom lives. It was was way off in the boonies and kind of hard to find, many parts of if were overgrown. I had originally went looking for this out of the way cemetery when I had found a letterbox in the cemetery where my dad is buried back in town, had never heard of letter boxes up until that point so I wondered where the next nearest one was and found it was in another local cemetery, so I went driving out into the country to see if I could find this place....never did find the letter box but the cemetery was great!... in fact I thought it was so cool I went and got my mom and brought her back there for a picnic!
As a teenager my love for old wrecked and abandoned buildings began and it never has waned. So much so I find myself exploring even in my dreams. The seventies were really the best for abandoned building exploration because so much new construction was going on here in the valley where I live that sometimes whole blocks would go down for new construction. A girlfriend was my partner in what we called "salvaging" we would see a house that was ready to be torn down and go in and take the hardware and the mirrors and anything else that wasn't terribly nailed down because it was all going to get destroyed anyway I have some very cool old medicine cabinets with etched mirrors that came out of some these old houses I just love them. Nowadays the gang members are in there destroying everything before you can get to them, so it's kind of too scary to do anymore.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Being "drawn" to houses and cemeteries?

Post by crescent »

I also love visiting cemeteries and old architecture, but file it with the same love of museums. There is a difference though, in that the cemeteries or mausoleums have to feel "forgotten". I'm not drawn to randomly stopping at any that are well-kept. I feel surrounded by a peaceful energy, kind of like when people have run a marathon, and have gathered at the finish line! My husband will humor my sightseeing choices, but there are some that make him uncomfortable. I get what he feels, but it's not scary, just stagnant. Also, it's fascinating to look up the symbols used on graves and the meanings behind them. One of the more "indelible" finds was a child's grave, grouped with other children which wasn't unusual. However, a wrought iron crib, rusting and bare in structure, was placed over the grave. Very poignant.
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