Spell to help my roommates move on

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Re: Spell to help my roommates move on

Post by SaturnStar »

corvidus wrote:Why not just kindly ask them to move out? Any spell is going to be from the same approach.

Or, you could do some research on "Hot-Foot Powder"

I've never had occasion to use it, but it's supposed to give people the incentive to get on the move!
Greetings Corvidus and thank you for your input. I am pretty sure i do not want to use anything called "Hot Foot Powder". The name alone is enough to cause me to run in the opposite direction :) pun intended. Asking them to move would be wrong as they have done nothing to deserve such a request. I do not dislike them and there are no specific tensions between any of us. My desire to have them move on has to do with issues that are pretty complicated. The responses I have received so far, especially the ones encouraging me to steer clear of manipulative spells, have put me in a position to rethink this process. I do appreciate your response. Blessed Be
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May the wind kiss you cheek as it passes
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Raven At Heart
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Re: Spell to help my roommates move on

Post by Raven At Heart »

SaturnStar wrote:
Raven At Heart wrote:
SaturnStar wrote:
Raven At Heart wrote:People here have an extreme dislike of everything left-handed, and for good reason. Even if the intention is good, left handed magick can be very very dangerous, involves manipulation of will, or worse, full on control, can backlash, and will likely affect you too if you too. Few people now a days know how to use negative stem magick and not get any harmful side effects. Those that do know, work with something called the law of secrecy and will not tell you how to do it or that it is even possible. What you are seeking, if it is not a choice that they have already made, can not be done with positive forces. Those will not effect free will in any way. This means as said above, you will have to tempt them to leave, not try to alter their will to do so.
Thank you for responding. I am not sure how to take the "left handed" comment as I am left handed by birth and do not consider myself a negative or manipulative person. I understand the consequences of performing magic that manipulates another person. That is not what I am trying to do. My goal was to find a way to help them both find a better place to be and in the process resolve my issue as well. The situation I am in is very complicated and my only desire is to improve my current condition without negatively affecting either of my roommates. Both of them have plans to move at some point. one is waiting on several lists for income sensitive housing. For now I will wait and hope that things work out. Again thanks for responding
Left handed and right handed path are just terms that describe to black and white magicks. it has nothing to do with your left hand or right hand. It means one path is on the left side of you and leads down a more selfish and personal power direction and one is on the right hand side leads to a road in the more creative and and benevolent direction. I didn't coin the term. I suppose another way to call the 2 paths are animancy(white) and sorcery(black). but it does not have anything to do with your actual hands. just paths leading to different areas. One is on the right, one is on the left. Another way would be the destructive road or the creative road. Witchcraft goes down the middle or onto 1 of the 2 paths. I think it has to do with left brain and right brain. as the left brain is the anylitical side and the right brain is the creative side.

Anyways for a spell to find a new home for them. What about a prosperity and protection guidance spell? The kind that summons a guide to lead you and them safely twoard your goal if they and you want it? The guide won't mess with free will, but will make many oppurtunities appear before you and them, as well as seeming good luck, which you three have the choice to take advantage of.
Thank You again Raven at Heart. I know that "left Handed" was not a reference towards using the left hand for magic, or whatever it is you thought I was thinking. For me language is powerful, more powerful than most people understand. I try my best to not use words that could be interpreted by others negatively. I fail miserably at it but I try. I appreciate your sincere concern and desire to illuminate my understanding of what you were saying. I especially appreciate the use of words such as animancy and sorcery, destructive, creative, and analytical. For me they make the point as clearly as it needs to be made. Regarding your suggestions for spells I do appreciate what you wrote for it is close if not exactly what my intentions are. Again thank you for your responses, knowledge, sincere concern and ethical guidance.
Just call me Raven. No need to be so formal. If you decide to summon the prosperity guide and want details on the simple spell, please let me know. All you really need are base materials that can be found almost anywhere, visualization, and a calm peaceful moment and place to state your intentions during the summoning.
I'm a spiteful, hateful, venomous creature, a pupil with no scruples who's no better then my teacher. Also not actually a raven.
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