Why is Protection Needed?

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Why is Protection Needed?

Post by Danek »

I don't understand what we need protection from. Some people say it's protection from demons and horrible dark nasty things that want to destroy all good. And some people say it's protection from bad energy, what is bad energy? Like people who are negative who give off those bad vibes that hurt the area around us? Everyone talks about cleansing and protection but I can't find what it's from. Just want to have a clear idea so I'm not blindly "protecting" and "cleansing" when I'm not actually doing anything because I don't know what for.

Anyway thanks for the help.

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Re: Why is Protection Needed?

Post by Firebird »

When working magic one may become vunerable to darker forces as well as the lighter forces and everything in between.
Reason being, during circle or other magical act and sometimes in your everyday waking the magician (witch) lights up on the astral and everywhere else ...you become this Beacon of light that attracts just about anything. So it's always good to wear protective jewelry, use guards, sheilds and wards where appropriate.
The bad energy could be from bad people and vampire sorts too, that's why daily shields help.
Hope that made sense.
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Re: Why is Protection Needed?

Post by Katrinkah »

There are lots of different types of things to cleanse away and protect against. But I think the most common would be energies from negative thoughts. Thoughts are tangible in a way, and when someone has a negative thought about you it goes strait to you and sticks to your aura if unprotected. This could be from a complete stranger who thinks your outfit is dumb or who is mad cause you got to a parking spot before them. Anything really. One really won't do harm (unless it's from a super low vibration person) but if you accumulate a whole bunch because you aren't cleansing them off or protecting yourself you will end up feeling it. You may just feel bad for no reason, or tired and run down, or many other things. Keeping your aura clean is just as important as taking a shower or brushing your teeth in my opinion. Like spiritual hygiene.
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Re: Why is Protection Needed?

Post by Danek »

Both of you have such beautiful explanations and I really appreciate the help. That's helped me a lot, so honestly it's pretty much both in a way then. I wear a necklace that has brooms in the shape of the pentacle and I have another necklace I wear that's a pentacle with a moon. I wear mainly the broom one no matter what unless I'm showering. I do cast circles, I'm just uncomfortable. But it's good to know I am doing this for a reason. And being a beacon sounds extremely cool. Sounds like I need to keep reading my witch 101 books lol.

Thanks again!
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Re: Why is Protection Needed?

Post by Oakheart »

When doing anything metaphysical, including meditation, you are exposed to the astral planes. There is a lot of stray psychic energy floating around, as well as various entities such as elementals and thought-forms. You probably wouldn't go digging around a physical landfill without gloves or some sort of protective gear. Likewise you shouldn't go digging around a spiritual landfill without spiritual protection.
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Re: Why is Protection Needed?

Post by frozenlight »

I have not done any formal rituals for a long time. I have not done any astral work either. I have not used a Ouija for ages, or attempted any form of spirit work in that time.

Every night I still place my Black Tourmaline pendant, Golden Rutilated Quartz and Que Sera tumble stones all on my Amethyst cluster to cleanse. Every morning before I go to work I hold each individually and charge them with my breath and this intention:

"I ask and invoke the spirits of light,
Give me power and strength this day.
Guide me to a better life.
Protect and absorb any negativity sent my way,
And return it to the sender if needed.
As I will it, so is it so"

My life at the moment is somewhere I don't wish to be. With people around me that, if I let them, will bring me down. Along with this daily practice, I also use this affirmation:

"Today is a good day, and my life is getting better."

All else fails, they piss me off too much...well that's when I start belting out "QUE SERA SERA, WHATEVER WILL BE WILL BE"

It's better for me to sing like a diva, than to be acting like one :fairy:

That's why and what I protect myself from at the moment. Others, and myself. Once I am ready to go deeper into my practice again, that's when my protection needs will increase. Hope that helps.

Does anyone know where I can score some chronic mugwort?

Re: Why is Protection Needed?

Post by lynnlynn97 »

I want to protect myself but what do I use? I don't really have much money to buy anything. Can a simple prayer work?
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Re: Why is Protection Needed?

Post by SnowCat »

A simple prayer is quite appropriate for protection. Using very specific wording is important. Phrases like "I am safe. I am protected. Goodness surrounds me." Try to stay away from using "no" and "not." Negative entities have ways of removing words like that, and it reverses the meaning.

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Re: Why is Protection Needed?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Creating a personal shield by imagining a field of light around yourself can help too along with positively worded phrasing. Or thinking "shields up!" with a push out from the belly will make it go up.
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