Clairalience: psychic smelling

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Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by Betweentwosides »

Today, I want to share with you guys something called Clairalience, psychic smelling. For members who doesn't know, psychic abilities aren't limited with only clairalience, there are 4 types too. (Clairvoyance- psychic seeing, Clairsentience- psychic feeling, Clairaudience- psychic hearing, Clairgustance- Psychic tasting)

My question is about Clairalience also, I have this thing and I can smell people's Auras. (To explain, If I smell something from someone, with scent I start to see/feel/know his/her recent past, for example what he/she did 3 or 4 days ago, how he/she feel etc.) Smelling something is from one of the pictures of the person or his/her voice record or what he/she write etc. Really I can guess it very very good, but my problem is I am the only person who has this ability in my neighborhood. And actually I think that I can find someone who knows clairalience from there. Can Anyone help me? Do you guys know something like this and do you have any advices for me?

Thanks for helping :evilwitch:
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Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by Katrinkah »

I think this has happened to me before. I was on the phone with someone and I was like, "I smell biscuits". And they were like "oh my gosh I making biscuits, how did you know?" Lol. Super dumb I know, but that's pretty much my only experience with this.
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Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by Katrinkah »

Actually, now that I think of it my husband has mentioned something like this to me. He says he picks up stuff when he smells people and tries to breath through his mouth or do other things is order to not smell people when we are in public.
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Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by SpiritTalker »

Synesthesia comes to mind, but I have no experience. Synesthesia is the ability to sense with extra receptors in the brain, as though a person could hear colors and see sounds. When I pick up psychic information, I think of it as smelling it but only because the input is illusive. People with synesthesia actually have extra nerve sensors in the brain. Some grow out of it as they pass puberty.

Our sense of smell is the most basic sensory experience humans have, left over from survival in the wild instincts. So, it seems possible that the sense of smell would be a cross over sensory connection for psychic transference. But I am only guessing.
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Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by SnowCat »

The closest thing that I have experienced, is spirits announcing themselves by smell. That was especially unfortunate after my mother died, and was refusing to move on. It was a smell like rotting meat. Not a pleasant experience.

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Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by lilacnyellow »

SnowCat wrote:The closest thing that I have experienced, is spirits announcing themselves by smell. That was especially unfortunate after my mother died, and was refusing to move on. It was a smell like rotting meat. Not a pleasant experience.

Sorry that happened to you Snowcat. I have also had smells but usually related to Saint type spirits. I can also sometimes smell my dog who die just before his spirit shows up sometimes. I do have dogs but it's usually at his den he made in my yard. It's very strong to not just a dog smell. I do miss Hobbs though.
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Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by SnowCat »

I do prefer the ones that announce themselves with scents like cinnamon or roses. My daughter and my niece smelled the rotting meat smell too, so I knew it wasn't my imagination. The other thing I remember, was after a patient died in room 526 at the hospital where I was working. His death was unexpected, and it took him a while to move on. He had a pipe smoke smell. I can't blame the skunk smell at the hospital on spirits though. They just kept getting too close the intake on the ventilation system.

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Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by Kassandra »

Betweentwosides wrote:psychic abilities aren't limited with only clairalience, there are 4 types too. (Clairvoyance- psychic seeing, Clairsentience- psychic feeling, Clairaudience- psychic hearing, Clairgustance- Psychic tasting)
Another to add to the list: Claircognizance, where very well-developed ideas and concepts just come to you suddenly, things you have no idea how you know them, you just do. People sometimes refer to these sudden insights as "downloads." Possible sources might be past life connection to the information and/or Higher Self intervention of some sort (both connected to one's present life purpose), angelic and/or other spirit person's assistance (animal totem, ancestral spirits, etc., again, in support of one's present life purpose) and others. I think The Clairs remind us that we operate quantumly on many different levels, beyond apparent time and space, that they are natural to us, just who we are, what we do. :wink:

Betweentwosides wrote:My question is about Clairalience also, I have this thing and I can smell people's Auras...Really I can guess it very very good, but my problem is I am the only person who has this ability in my neighborhood....Can Anyone help me? Do you guys know something like this and do you have any advices for me?
These threads might be helpful: ... 25496.html ... 28546.html

SpiritTalker wrote:People with synesthesia actually have extra nerve sensors in the brain. Some grow out of it as they pass puberty.
This is interesting. Might you be able to point to more info on this?


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Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by SpiritTalker »

K: my source was a post on the Traditional discussion forum in which people with this ability were discussing it.
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Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by Kassandra »


Thanks, I will research in that direction.


Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by Lakaosis »

Throughout my young adult life I have become aware of a scent. As scents go the best way to describe it is how it makes me feel. When it comes, which is after the onset of a particularly noticeable presence in my nasal passage, do I get the impression of onions and a feeling of a memory long forgotten. It's the strangest occurrence, seemingly random though it has been going on for years. I was willing to chalk it up to some sort of nasal congestion that creates a smell I obviously pick up. However, with it appearing and then disappearing without warning, I am curious if it holds some deeper meaning.
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Re: Clairalience: psychic smelling

Post by shelupine »

You are not alone. I am the same way. All I have to do is smell them and I know what kind of personality they have, if they are a good or bad person ,what type of life they live, types of past lovers, friends and even their music taste. It's weird but really handy. Especially for picking who to trust and who to stay away from.
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