Is there a spell or ritual for family life please? X

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Is there a spell or ritual for family life please? X

Post by butterfly79 »

Hi there
I am wondering if there is a spell I can do to promote peace and harmony within my family?
I have loads of spell books here at home but don't want to randomly pick anything before getting advice.
I have a 17 yr old son who seems to be drifting away from me lately, I know this is just what teens do and its natural however he's been staying away from home a lot lately and I never know when hell be back or not.Its causing major anxiety. I have tried several times to talk with him but I feel slightly self conscious as its as if he just dosnt want me anywhere near him.
I have my suspicions he's being influenced by another family member too and not in a positive way.
The person in question can be extremely manipulative and brash to the point he almost had me in tears last week. This person hardly knows my son as he's new to the famy ( my sisters partner)
Any help much appreciated.
Love to all
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Re: Is there a spell or ritual for family life please? X

Post by SpiritTalker »

There is always a spell if you create it yourself. Your own spells work best because you put your thought and personal understanding into them, rather than relying on someone else. It is the ONLY way to get a clear idea of what YOU want. Do some reading from those books and pool some ideas, then write several versions until you feel it "clicks". It's the best way, really.

And that said, how about making your own Happy Household Jar. You fill it with calming herbs, peace oil or powder, and stones like a pebble from your property to represent the home land-spirit. Add some hair from the combs of all residents of the household, even pets. Then you seal it and burn a blue candle, (use a birthday cake candle, one for each household member) on top, letting the wax drip onto the lid. Finally, place the jar in a quiet but visible location. You give it a shake to stir it up whenever you need the blessing. It doesn't have to be a large jar. Decorate it as pretty as you wish, with hearts and stars, for example. Use your personal meanings and intuition. While the title is not original, I just made this up while tweak it to your own delight. While you assemble it, be sure to impress the images of peace and goodwill into the ingredients. Do your research to choose the herbs, week day and moon phase.
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Re: Is there a spell or ritual for family life please? X

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I think the happiness jar is an amazing idea @spirittalker! As I'm not Wiccan myself and rarely cast spells, that was a new one to me and I loved it. I may try that for my own home!

As for the OP, I hate to be like this and repeat what you already said but "it's just what teens do and it's natural". I know you're worried and especially if you don't trust your sister's partner and think he's influencing him negatively. But, trust me, the more you try to keep him home or keep him away from the bad influence, the more he will likely pull away from you. Please please please don't let it make you sad that he doesn't want you anywhere near him, that's natural too. And, to be honest, he may not want you around for the next 3-7 years. But, most young adult reconnect with their parents as adults, assuming the relationship was well prior to him starting his search for independence.

Do you know why he is so keen on hanging with his new "uncle"? Does he have a father figure already in his life? If not, he may be searching for guidance from an adult male as he will soon be one himself. And, as humans, we learn by watching first.

Is it possible to talk to your sister about it? Does she have any influence over her boyfriend? If he's sharing drugs and alcohol with your son, you obviously have cause for concern and I would think your sister would understand that and put her foot down. But, I'm just going to warn you that IF that's the type of negative influence you mean, he will probably just find someone to experiment with these things, if not your sisters partner. It's just want a lot of 17 year old boys do. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying this is all pretty typical of an older teen.

If the anxiety and worry is getting to you, maybe you could cast a spell to help you ease your worry and anxiety. You could do protection spells to keep him safe while he is away from you. I personally believe that 3rd party spells (or doing a spell to get someone else to do something you want them to do) is a manipulative use of magick and will not work, or worse, backfire.

As I mentioned, I'm not Wiccan, I'm more of a hodgepodge of religions and philosophies, and I still believe in the power of prayer. I don't know if it would be appropriate to suggest this, but I don't feel it's manipulative or inappropriate to pray for other people or to pray for things that you want. "Pray without cease", right? Pray for anything, anywhere, anytime. For some who are use to doing energy work and making this happen, this answer is usually no good to them, because it's not putting your will into action, it's asking God to make your will their action. So again, if this isn't an appropriate suggestion for you, then please just ignore. Good luck and keep us posted!

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Creating Peace in the Home

Post by Kassandra »


Hi butterfly79. I'm wondering, have you talked to your sister about her partner, giving examples of his offensive behavior, and telling her how it makes you feel? Has the guy been drinking when he does this, but is otherwise OK? Some people are obnoxious after only one beer, lol.

Any way, below is an excerpt from a previous post I wrote that may be helpful:

2. Creating Good Will in the Household...and in Yourself

You could totally rig your house to facilitate good feelings and open communication in a number of ways, such as place what's called a "ward" of some sort above the entryway to the house, so that anyone who walks in is hit by its peace-making energy. I'll let you research wards, or maybe someone will elaborate on that in this thread. You could ward the dining room by placing one in the bottom of a vase with a flower arrangement, taping them to the bottom of dining room chairs. Imagination is the limit, here. In hoodoo, these are called sneaky tricks, and despite their name, they are often a great way to promote good will and peace.

And there are a number of spells you could do to otherwise promote peaceful vibes: communication spells, reconciliation spells, etc. Write a spell to remove the "repelling energy," and replace it with loving energy. Heck, I even had to do a ritual bath spell on myself: Creating Good Will within Ritual Bath

peaceful-home-honey-jar-spell-kit.jpg (39.92 KiB) Viewed 1969 times
A hoodoo "Peaceful Home" spell incorporates a honey jar,
to "sweeten" peoples' attitudes toward one another.
These are very effective.

And here are some additional amelioration ideas, butterfly79, that just came to me. These are also based on the hoodoo tradition, as is the Peaceful Home remedy above:

Picture Frame Magic
Put Peaceful Home sachet powder on the family photo, then shake it off (the Peaceful Home product line featured in the image above also comes with a sachet powder, or you could do some research and make your own). Write your intentions for the family on a piece of paper, like a love letter. Powder that too, shake off, fold toward you (drawing what you want) until it's small enough to fit behind the family photo. Place both in a picture frame and close the frame (note: in lieu of powder, you could smoke these items with incense; some people do both).

Five-point some Peaceful Home oil or other oil on the picture frame, lightly. Wash a crochet doily or fabric placemat in sachet powder. Place the photo frame on top of doily or placemat. It will sit here on a regular basis, like a little family peace altar. Light a candle and pray over the whole thing. You could keep two candles on either side of it, and light from time to time to re-energize the spell, like when there's a disruption in the family. It will be a spell hidden in plain sight.

Floating Candle Spell
Fill a large, decorative bowl with water. Add a little Peaceful Home sachet powder to water. Anoint floating candles with a little oil, one for each family member, praying over each one as you do this like, "Be a light of peace in this home, have compassion and understanding for others," etc. You could carve a family members name into "their" candle. Light all the candles and turn the lights out. Enjoy the beauty of the candles. Meditate for about ten minutes on peace growing in the home. The candle bowl, too, could remain a regular decorative touch in the home, a sneaky trick hidden in plain sight.

Magical laundry
Wash everyone's clothes in sachet powder, thereby extending the good will vibrations of the spell so that family members are "walking around with them," so that the spell is staying with them and yourself. You just throw some in the washing machine with the laundry, with intention as you do it.

Magical house cleaning
Do a thorough housecleaning, including a magical floor wash (which of course could also be used to wash down walls, doors and door knobs, etc.). You could find some cleaning recipes which members here have contributed in the past, in this post: ... ml#p220331, under the subtitle, "Grounding through Making Magical the Mundane Environment." Sometimes a good cleaning brightens the energy.

Finally, here are a few other ideas, involving other types of energy work, as well as tarot:

Healing Portals
Energetically, I'm seeing a few vortexes in your home environment, turning in an inauspicious, widdershins direction, spiraling downward like energy-sucking portals. They are draining the life force energy, making the environment depressive and stagnant. These might be spots where there tends to be a lot of arguments. (?) Disruptive actions tend to tear holes, create fractures and fissures in the unified energy of an environment...does this make sense?

If you could sense where these spots are, work on healing and correcting the energy. Turn them into positive energy vortexes by getting the energy to spiral upward, in a deosil direction, and making them draw fresh, cheerful energy from the ethers into the house, like a good air conditioner pipes in refreshing, cool air that makes everybody happy.

My friend, a feng shui practitioner, has a couple ways of doing this. Sometimes she spins a pendulum deosil over these spots for a few minutes, focusing her intention on what she wants the energy to do. Or, she might sound a Tibetan singing bowl over them, and then walk through the entire environment. Both methods dissipate stagnancy, while harmonizing the energy so that positive chi is drawn into the environment.

Personally, I love burning candles in these spots (especially in the tamasic energy of where a garbage can sits), and/or some incense, and then praying over the spot. This is especially nice to do after a good house cleaning, plus it smells nice. :wink:

Tarot spells
Cards that might be helpful in tarot spells for your situation (see which ones really speak to you):
For female empowerment: The World, Nine of Pentacles, Strength, Queen of Swords, Empress
For healing negative vortexes in home (to use with or without the above items): The Sun (a great antidepressant card)
For breaking up the unhealthy relationship son has with the guy: Ten of Swords, The Tower, Death
For bringing harmonious energy into home: Four of Wands, Seven of Cups, Ten of Cups, Three of Cups
For creating a closer relationship with son: Two of Cups, Ace of Cups


Re: Is there a spell or ritual for family life please? X

Post by butterfly79 »

Thankyou both so much
I will try what you've suggested
Thanks for taking the time to post all of the above
Much love

Re: Is there a spell or ritual for family life please? X

Post by butterfly79 »

Thank you spirit Talker, Rosie and Kassandra
This gut isn't a drinker but I have my suspicions he's influencing my son
I've tried to talk to those involved but I'm banging my head against a brick wall
I will try something very soon involving one of the techniques you listed Kassandra
You are right there is too much stagnant energy here
I'm exhausted all the time
Love to you all and thank you so much
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Re: Is there a spell or ritual for family life please? X

Post by Kassandra »


Good luck with everything. Ask any questions as you go along, we'll be here.

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