I think I have gifted eyes

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I think I have gifted eyes

Post by gentlelamb »

I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or making stuff up but I need a second opinion. My eyes change from dark, vibrant, Caribbean blue, to storm cloud grey. It's said that those who's eyes change colors are channeling energy from different realms. But mine only fluctuate between those two colors and different shades of them. I read that those with grey eyes are rare and can see things. I've been able to see things in my life. But not very often, I think it's because my eyes are only grey sometimes. When I was 4 my parents had a Christmas party and told me to go get monopoly, it was in my room. I walked to my room and it was dark but a little bit of moonlight was peering in through the window. The game was on my bed and I went to pick it up, when I looked up I realized my room was full of something that looked like fog. But the window was shut and it wasn't foggy outside. The fog like looked like ghosts wishing around me. I convinced myself it was just ghosts and sat there and watched it dance. I watched it until my parents called me to hurry up. That was the first time I saw something, there are other examples but that ones the most vivid.
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Re: I think I have gifted eyes

Post by SpiritTalker »

I don't think eye color is any more a determinant factor in psychic abilities than blood type. I read a study stating that most psychics have B-Negative blood type. piffle. Who writes these things? So far, no dominant psychic gene has been isolated. The psychically sensitive eye is your Third Eye. What color is that?

I also saw my first ghost when I was 4 and have blue eyes that get cold, steely gray when i intently focus. What other realm would that come from? I think it has more to do with biology and burning sugars through expending effort. The lower my blood sugar gets, the more gray my eyes get. Right after a good, high carb meal my eyes sparkle more blue.

I trance-channel spirits, so that would be touching on "other realms". Nobody has ever commented that my eyes noticeably change color during a session, but they have seen my aura change with the spirit being hosted, and change back when they are gone. I believe the aura is perceived with the sensory function of the 3rd eye as well as the two-eyes rods and cones.

It might be interesting to see some auras and quick look in a mirror to check if our 2-eyes changed color.
You can see auras, right? What color is your dog's aura? My oldest cat, a solid black longhair, has an emerald green aura. My male cat, tabby shorthair, has a soft yellow aura. When they bicker with each other, their auras flare with magenta. A real battle brings out red flares. I expect Light Sabers at 30 paces.
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Re: I think I have gifted eyes

Post by SnowCat »

My eyes are hazel, but lean more to a teal shade when I'm especially emotional. I have no idea if that means anything.

Daughter of Sekhmet
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