Hearing Things

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Hearing Things

Post by SnowCat »

I sleep with earplugs because my husband snores like a chainsaw. One would expect, that I wouldn't hear noises with the earplugs in. But I do. I don't know if it's similar to the phenomenon of hearing the open in a seashell, or if it's something else. Sometimes I hear power tools, like weed whackers. Other times I hear voices or singing. Once, some years ago, I heard a breaking news bulletin that Tony Blair had been shot. I made a point of investigating that one. I don't think it really falls under the umbrella of clairaudience. It does fall under the umbrella of weird. Any ideas?

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Re: Hearing Things

Post by SpiritTalker »

Hmm...electromagnetic waves, like northern lights, emit sounds. Some of it sounds like staticy voices. You can play a recording from you.tube and see if it is similar. And the Earth emits elec.mag. sounds too, also recorded. In a freaky bit of stormy weather, I once heard whales and I'm 900 miles inland from the sea. I also felt it in my sinuses. It's like when bats ping their radar, I feel it in my ears just before I hear it. In high school, I had the old style dial-clock with a radio near my bed, and I could hear the radio even when set to OFF, especially on clear, dry nights. So weather has something to do with sounds carrying or not. And there is a certain spot on the freeway, 18 miles west of Lansing, where I always get seriously sleepy. It's a wide open, farming area with no power lines. I used to commute it. Also, my teeth buzz when I drive under those big power line towers too.

When I hear spirit voices, I "hear" it telepathically, within my thoughts, like inside my skull. When i hear these sounds described above, it's felt and sensed in my ears, or bones. I dunno if any of that makes sense to what you are experiencing. See if it pings your radar. :evilwitch:
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by SnowCat »

Today I keep hearing cellos. I like cellos.

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Re: Hearing Things

Post by SpiritTalker »

It'd be nice if they turned up the volume so you could name the tune. I'd hope for a waltz.
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by HopefulChild »

I've experienced something similar.

When it happens to me it is a voice, trying to get my attention. Someone says my name, at a higher volume. Not shouting, but not conversational either. It is more often female than it is male.

I've answered a few times. I say, Yes, I'm listening, go ahead. This happened at work once and a couple people noticed. Luckily they thought I was on the phone since I was wearing my headset.

I have no answers or even ideas. It can be annoying, and a little scary. It never seems to happen when I am alone, or in a place where I can really stop and focus. It always happens when there are other things going on that make it difficult to stop.

For a good many years I treated it like audio-matrixing. Like when you look at clouds and think you see a bunny. So the idea was that in any situation with a lot of different noises, any overlapping sounds could create a familiar sound to the listener.

Now I know it's something else..but I don't know what to do about it being something else.
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by Etbonusmalum »

I think @SpiritTalker may be on to something. I've experienced similar noises. Sometimes I am sleeping when it happens. It's almost as if I'm picking up on sounds or frequencies coming from other places.

Sometimes it's just a hum, and sometimes it's the sound of a doggy whistle. I used to ask people "do you hear that," and they'd always say no.
I've also experienced the radio static, even when it's off. It got to the point where sleeping with the TV on or any kind of background noise became annoying, because the sound seemed so amplified. I hear EVERYTHING when I sleep. Wearing ear buds didn't help. They just made it feel as if the noises were bouncing around in my head... Kind of like the acoustics at a show.

I've gotten so used to it. Still makes me wonder sometimes though.
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by cataluna49 »

I experience hearing music, voices and sometimes just random noise when I'm getting ready to go to sleep. I've always just assumed that it is similar to hearing the "ocean" in the seashell, and sometimes more specific sounds such as people, relate to what happened during the day and may just be happening in my head but because I'm sleepy it bleeds over.

The only time it freaks me out is when I hear my name whispered right next to my ear. Thankfully that's only happened twice in my life
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by SnowCat »

Mine tends to happen more when I'm on the edge of sleep. I remember though, back in 1977, I kept hearing someone knocking at the door. I would get a feeling that something was wrong with a close friend of my mother. The woman in question had a heart attack that month.

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Re: Hearing Things

Post by Firebird »

SnowCat wrote:I kept hearing someone knocking at the door.
that's scary, reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode.

Lately Ive been hearing whole music ensembles, making symphonies and and songs up that I have never heard before, but with such great detail in tempo and different instruments playing.... I wish I could record my brain. Funny thing is I know very little about how to put together music, and I can barely play the piano.
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by SpiritTalker »

Symphonies of the mind. Has a nice ring to it.

Dental work has some effects too. It can pick up vibrations. I had a friend who hated to go near an airport because his teeth sometimes picked up tower-to-aircraft voices. That was when metals were used, now I think plastics are used, so maybe it does not happen now.
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Wow! Before joining this forum,I was sure I should seek medical help because of the things I was experiencing. I can't say how relieved I am to see other people experience similar things.
I usually can't hear when a person whispers my name,but am able to hear what two people ten meters away from me talk. TV on mute or the computer in the hallway on standby are also very disturbing when I'm trying to sleep. What really freaked me out a few weeks ago, was someone whispering my name when I was alone in the house. I thought it was a dream, one that seemed very true. A few days ago,I was trying to go to sleep and heard a female voice whisper: "I have to show your one more thing!" I'm waiting for what she is going to show me,but I'm pretty scared. Does anyone know what it could be?
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by SpiritTalker »

BW you've listed a couple vastly different things. Which one are you asking about? Spoken word-sound traveling, muted electronics, dream-voices, voice as you are falling asleep, or what you will be shown?

I'm going to take a guess that you want to know what caused you to hear a voice as you were falling asleep. The brain moves through various levels of consciousness, or phases of energies that differ like concentrating on driving a new car along an unfamiliar route, or driving a familiar car on the same route every day. The level just at before sleep, or just as we wake, is like driving a familiar car along the same route. It does not take our full attention. We do everything automatically. The active brain is at rest. The subconscious can be easily heard at these times.

Soo-o, what seems like a voice can be the subconscious telling the conscious mind that it has something to convey. Sometimes this is referred to as the inner tutor. That's only one possible explanation, and I think it can be applied if you were not seeking to work with the other-realm in any particular way.

If you were hearing voices during regular waking consciousness, even if momentarily unfocussed, and
were actively seeking to work with spiritual beings, then I'd say it might be a guide if you invited it. They don't spring on us unawares, as a general rule. They respond when sought or when there is a definite need.

And you mentioned being scared. What about it scares you? Maybe we can help relieve that.
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I'm asking about what I will be shown. About the rest,I read in the previews comments.
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh...my trigger finger once again posted before I'd finished my comment.

I don't know. You'd have to look at what you know about the basis of the voice's comment to figure it out. And let your subconscious fill in the blanks.
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Re: Hearing Things

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Thanks for the advice. I hope it's something good...maybe a sign from the Goddess or something like that.
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