Your First Stone. . .

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Post by Wolf* »

Well, given my location and lack of ability to buy stones, I pretty much only have what I can find, but I gave it in abundance. Raw smoky quartz, most with some impurities that make it seem darker, some off white but still clear. I have a box full of them. So, I'll just quartz my first stone.

And I recently abtained a wonderful tumbled blue lace agate stone ^__^

So loads of quartz, and an agate

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

Post by missy »

OOOOO! Wolf i bet that stone is beautiful (agate)

My first stone a pointed Citrine was given to me by my beloved father at a young age.. I have lost this stone time and time again.. She always comes back to me, I have called her MY PRECIOUS. HA HA!!

Myself and my Daughter have a lovely Tiger eye

Serpentine, and have recently acquired a Rose Quartz.

Post by missy »

Yep it's me again, I read through all the post's and just wanted to add we (myself and daughter) also have a lot of granite. is this considered a gem? im sure it is, we live in the Rocky Mountains and take (almost) daily trips to Cheyenne Canyon, we live in Colorado. It is sooo beautiful up there!! we look for rocks that have a sparkle to them in the water.

Also it is abundant in fools gold!
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hi MissJ,

Yes Granite has some special properties. It is said to allow one to "see the big picture" as well as assist in banishing negative traits of skepticism and cynicism; it shows you the difference between "beliefs" and "knowing." It is a Libra mineral indicating that balance and cooperation vibrate through it. It can help deflect potential negative issues with other people before any actual disagreement has been had. Some claim that granite opens you toward an increase in money--gifts will be given but the user will maintain modesty therby granting increases. Others use it in treatments for hair, head and face. It is associtaed with the magical properties of the number 2--which is balance and partnership.

Fools gold is typically Iron Pyrite, which is one of the most energetic and masculine minerals out there. It increases the energy of those who carry it and gives them a kick in the ass to do what is right in all situations. It fires up the root chakra and protects the user almost infinitiely. Very good stone to have in your collection as many people would benefit from this raw and rugged energy. Yes, I hope to come to Colorado soon for a tour of the beauty there. It seems like a magical place indeed!

Hope this helps!



Post by missy »

::coolglasses:: Thanks BSP for the info. I will be you tour guide bring your hiking boots!!

Favorite Stones & Computers

Post by briar »


As a cybermancer - my first stone was of rose quartz - however, the first stone that chose me was an amythest. Its a really odd combination though.

If you want to put stones on your computer cpu stick with similar sized ones. Don't have a big one and then several small ones. Like you the computer has a chakra to consuder. ::coolglasses::

I'm still trying find out what stones works best with each of a pc's chakras. After, I figure it out - I'll post it.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Ha, that's great Briar--I like the whole computer chakra thing. Good luck channeling that! Nevertheless, there are some good stones for computers. Stones with high lithium content are beneficial to both human and machine as it cuts down on the radiative electromagentic energy produced. High Lithium stones include Lepidolite and Petalite, but there is also a great amount of Lithium in lithium treated quartz. However, because of the amplificatory effects of the quartz's and the amount of silica already in the computer (as well as my body) I choose to not keep quartz's anywhere near my computer. Black Tourmaline seems to be a cure-all for all household electronics. Perhaps this is the computer's root chakra stone!



Computer Chakra

Post by briar »

Actually computers have both quartz and lithium in them. From the components as well as gold and a little silver.

Your choice of stone is great as you're working with your needs and your computers reactions to you.

However, Green stones are actually the master stone of the computer chakra. Which at this point consists of 5 parts - 1) Over all - Green, 2) The head (cables in the back) white stones, 3) CPU - Red Stones, 4) Monitor, and extra equipment - Blue Stones, with 5) Being placed in front of the computer itself or next to you being Yellow stones.

My current issue with this is identifying the stones for each group. ::coolglasses::

[Ebony Rose]
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very cool subject

Post by [Ebony Rose] »

Stones and crystals have always facinated me. I believe my first stone as a young child was a geode I found at a lake in Iowa. It was not a typical geode -my father had a stone cutter and when the geode was opened there were blue and purple crystals inside it. Don't quite know what ever became of this first stone, but the attraction never left.

The first stone I felt any real power from was a piece of Obsidian. I was going through a messy divorce and the stone called out to me. I carried it with me at all times, held it in my hand whenever I found myself in the courtroom again. This stone I still have, and it has seen me through many troubled times, as well as the good times, in my life.

Now my alter is filled with stones, among other items. I actually have a hard time keeping some of my stones, as my granddaughter feels them calling to her, and end up in the power bag that I made for her!
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Post by Elem »

I've always loved rocks and stones. No one type in particular though, minds you.

I'd spend hours in the garden as a kid collecting stones. Digging them up, cleaning them, trying to find nice shiny ones. I had a collection if I recall.. Which is still somewhere in the back of my wardrobe in a biscuit tin, allbeit a lot smaller than the collection used to be.

I know they aren't a 'type' of stone, but I used to love finding fossils. I'd go searching for them with my grandpa, who's a bit of an expert on rocks and fossils. I've got loads stashed away in the box.

Either way, I must admit that my 'favourite' rock was probably just a small black pebble I found on a beach one day. Completely smooth and shiny all over, black, with a small white spot on it near the top on one side.

I never figured out what type of rock it really was.. It's probably still in the box somewhere. Maybe I'll get it out and see if I can work it out now :).

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Post by Hera#76 »

When you have figured out what it is let me know please as it sounds very similar to the one i received from my guardian angel.
Bubbles float because they are light and happy; don't let life wear you down!
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Post by Elem »

Will do :)


Stone gatherer

Post by Althea »

One of my favorite pasttimes when I was little was to walk 'down back' on my Grandparents' farm with my aunt in the woods. We would walk along the creek in the woods looking for fossils and stones. I still have them in boxes and other places from all the moves I have made over the years. Have spent over 30 years collecting them. I did not realize that others enjoyed this as much as I did. Even today, I have friends who laugh when we go someplace where there are stones on the ground, as I often end up one or more in my pocket. I only recently started thinking about making an altar and placing some of my stones on it. I am very excited to have found this forum. I feel like I have just found some long lost family!
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hi Althea,

Nice Name, by the way. . . Yup, you've found some fellow "stoners" here! I think an alter showing off your prized collection would be awesome. I display all my stones and crystals on glass shelves in my healing office and they just look (and feel) great. Thanks for posting and hope to see you around. . .


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Post by moonwitch* »

my fist was a moonstone.. I have a pretty gold pendant....
Moon Witch
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