How & When did you start to practice the craft?

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How & When did you start to practice the craft?

Post by Bstnactrs »

Hi all,

Just curious - answer all or any:

1) Did you read a bunch of books first or join forums like this one & network?
2) Did you just "jump right in" & start practicing?
3) If you did read & network first, how long did you wait until you did your first spell?
4) What was your first spell?
5) Did it work? If not, how long did it take before you were successful?
6) What kinds of things do you think are absolutely necessary to become competent at before anyone practices?
7) Do you think it is possible for someone to "jump right in".

Any all thoughts / opinions are welcomed!

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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

Bstnactrs said:

Just curious - answer all or any:

1) Did you read a bunch of books first or join forums like this one & network?

I read numerous books first and then while searching the net for additional information I stumbled across an AOL Board for witches. I believe I learned more there than I did in any book I read. They would explain things in much simpler terms which helped me understand better.

2) Did you just "jump right in" & start practicing?

No, I started out as Wiccan and the "three fold law" held me back to the point I was afraid to do anything in fear of what would happen to me.

3) If you did read & network first, how long did you wait until you did your first spell?

It was about 7 months.

4) What was your first spell?

A break up spell, I did it for a friend of mine.

5) Did it work? If not, how long did it take before you were successful?

Yes, like a charm. Some said it was beginners luck, I say it was a good spell that was well executed.

6) What kinds of things do you think are absolutely necessary to become competent at before anyone practices?

Since there are numerous magical paths, each having its own beliefs as to what makes a spell work and the ethics involved then this could be answered many ways. I'm eccletic so *my* answer would be "learn to cast using your intelligence not emotions" emotions can prod us into doing things we later regret or causes us to make bad spell choices which can give regrettable results. I also think understanding the importance of looking at the consequences of any spell BEFORE you cast it. By that I mean learn to step outside the box for a moment and see any and all ways a spell can manifest so you don't accidentally affect/hurt a person who wasn't intended to be a target by the spell. This saves a lot of trouble.

7) Do you think it is possible for someone to "jump right in".

Yes, however just "jumping right in" can cause a lot of problems. Dabblers can be dangerous to themselves and others.
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
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Post by [aphrodite] »

I agree with everything nyte_witch says.
I read books first to start me off in the right direction, then chose a spell carefully, and yes it worked.

blessed be
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Post by fatalism »

1) Did you read a bunch of books first or join forums like this one & network?

Hrm...I had been doing 'witchy' things since I was about 4 (thanks to television and all of that magical girl anime they were showing). I've always believed in magic and the paranormal, but I had always improvised spells until I accidentally stumbled onto a magick forum! And then I realized that there were actually books that seriously studied this topic. This was when I was around that was still 9 years of random magick.

2) Did you just "jump right in" & start practicing?

Jumped right in.

3) If you did read & network first, how long did you wait until you did your first spell?

I didn't do any studying. For all I knew, the kids on television seemed to get something out of it, so it seemed logical that I would too. Of course, I grew out of the 'believe everyone on television' phase, but magick seemed to work, so why not?

4) What was your first spell?

That I remember? Hrm...changing traffic lights, because it's tedious to wait for them. This was when I was still living in China though and I was riding around in my uncle's army jeep (he works for the Liberation army haha).

5) Did it work? If not, how long did it take before you were successful?

I guess it must have worked somewhat if I kept on doing it.

6) What kinds of things do you think are absolutely necessary to become competent at before anyone practices?

As a pragmatist, I'd just say that it doesn't matter as long as it works. Of course, also as a pragmatist, I also believe that every spell you do, you should expect to work (regardless of whether or not it actually works). In other words, make sure you want something to happen before causing it to happen. What you do with magick is your own business, but I hate listening to magical sob stories so don't go around regretting what you do afterwards.

7) Do you think it is possible for someone to "jump right in".

Of course. In fact, I think that would cut down on the woeful number of 'armchair' magicians out there.
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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

fatalism said:
7) Do you think it is possible for someone to "jump right in".

Of course. In fact, I think that would cut down on the woeful number of 'armchair' magicians out there.

It may cut down on the number of "armchair" magicians HOWEVER, it would certainly up the number of magicians who are running around screeching like a trapped hen "Oh shit! What did I do? I didn't mean for *that* to happen! Yak Yak Yak what do I do now?"
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
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Post by fatalism »

Eh, experience is the best teacher. At least next time they'll know what they did wrong. I've never known a magician who never f*cked something up before, and, frankly, f*cking up is part of the learning experience. This is not to say that you shouldn't do some reading at one point or the other. Reading can be a great way to expand your field of knowledge so you can do more things (and/or gain enlightenment).

However, I don't really condone just taking random spells from the Internet. My idea of 'jumping in' is just doing magick as pertains to yourself. Meaning, writing your own spells from the start, etc. I never really caught onto the premade spells fad, but if you get spells from somewhere else, then it might be a good idea to read the instruction manual that comes with it.

Personal philosophy regarding magick and drugs: If you don't know what it is, don't do it. If you know what it is and understand that it might kill you, do it responsibly. If you don't know what it is but found it in the pocket of a pair of jeans, look back in your diary...and then do it.
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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

fatalism said:
Eh, experience is the best teacher. At least next time they'll know what they did wrong. I've never known a magician who never f*cked something up before, and, frankly, f*cking up is part of the learning experience.

How elequoently put, such refinement leaves me speechless . Don't ya hope that while the dabblers are "f*cking up" your not one of the innocent souls that get caught in the middle of the "f*cking mistake"? If ya ever do just say "oh well, no biggie, they were just learning @@

Now, I do believe experience is a great teacher if one takes time to learn from it and remember the lessons learned. Most magicians can probably tell more than one story where they seriously erred. But in the name of all the gods let the mistakes be honest ones based on lack of foresight or judement NOT because some know it all newbie flies off half cocked armed with just enough knowledge to make them dangerous.
**This is just my opinion-mileage may vary ;o)
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

fatalism said:
If you know what it is and understand that it might kill you, do it responsibly.

You apply this to drugs? *shudders* Are you and foxflame related by chance <g>
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
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Post by fatalism »

I advise jumping in primarily because books don't offer a substitute for practising and fear of 'things going wrong' is also one of the primary factors of disappointing magickal yields. Books frequently highlight things like "you shouldn't do this because yadayadayada blah blah blah." Not to say that "yadayadayada blah blah blah" wouldn't happen, but when people start fearing the world falling apart over, say, a spell to see red shoes everyday, it's just silly.

In addition, books frequently overcomplicate magick (place A here and B there and then do the tango and invoke Osiris). I can't count the number of magicians I've met who have wished they could 'unlearn' everything they've ever learned in books simply because it 'corrupted' their understanding of magick.

Magick itself is a very natural thing and thus magicians should understand it as such. Humans understand how to cast magick naturally so there's no need to overwrite this innate ability. I don't think memorizing correspondances is going to improve the naturalness of magick to the magician. Each person has an innate understanding of what is 'correct' for them in magickal ritual, and every person has some understanding of what 'blue' means to them emotionally or intellectually. You also don't need to study deities in order to cast magick, though they can aide you in your work. Magick can be cast in respect to yourself. Everything else is only a matter of 1) personal ethics 2) common sense 3) maturity and 4) historical studies.

Magick, as a concrete force, not unlike, say, a battering ram, should be considered a concrete force. It's only when people don't understand that concept that things start going wrong. However, this concept doesn't take months to understand. In fact, given someone with the correct amount of maturity, it can be quite simple to understand.

So what's the problem with 'jumping in' that everyone seems to see? Well most people who 'jump in' aren't mature. If left to their own ethics and common sense they could possibly do something not-so-pretty. Apparently this is where books come in with ominous tales of 'things-gone-wrong,' since immature people seem to understand fear pretty damn well.

But if you've got a relatively sane sense of ethics, common sense, and maturity, you can't really go wrong.
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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

But if you've got a relatively sane sense of ethics, common sense, and maturity, you can't really go wrong.

Famous last words.....
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
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Post by fatalism »

Eh, I'm alive and well, family's alive and well, and friends are alive and well. 15 years worth of experimental magick and nothing's burst into flames yet.

I'm just thinking how fun this summer is going to be when I visit a fellow chaote up in NYC. She's a great baker. I expect biscuits at our trickster teaparty. It's going to be great.
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Post by AnuChild »

1) Did you read a bunch of books first or join forums like this one & network?

I did both. My best friend from high school has been a pagan for ages, but we had drifted apart after we graduated. I then attended a college with institutionalised goddess worship, so that sort of threw me right in. Then I reconnected with my friend and we realised that (unlike in high school) our world views/religious thoughts matched up. That's when I realised I was pagan.

2) Did you just "jump right in" & start practicing?

Yeah. Even if I didn't know it at the time.

3) If you did read & network first, how long did you wait until you did your first spell?

I did the worship bit. I do some spell work, but I'm not big on it. I figure working in regular ways is the best thing to do first - the gods help those who help themselves.

4) What was your first spell?

My first spell? A protection charm for my brother who was headed out to a rather dangerous third world country. I couldn't be there to protect him like I did when we were kids, but I felt that at least a protection charm could help.

5) Did it work? If not, how long did it take before you were successful?

Yeah. He didn't get into anything over his head like he usually does.

6) What kinds of things do you think are absolutely necessary to become competent at before anyone practices?

I think that studying anything before you do it is essential. But especially the kind of thing that can be very harmful, like working with herbs or balefire.

7) Do you think it is possible for someone to "jump right in".

Yes. If you have the right mindset, competency, and good common sense, you should be safe.
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
For there the mystical brotherhood
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
And river and stream work out their will.

W. B. Yeats, Into the Twilight

Post by Bstnactrs »

Great points fatalism & Nyte_Wytch.

When I said "jump right in" I guess I was thinking of myself...someone who has read quite a bit but not necessarily "studied" for years & years. My "jumping in" was more to hone my skills & abilities. Practice makes perfect - so they say.

I suppose it truly is a matter of maturity. One can only hope that a "dabbler" would not have enough knowledge, experience, or skills to actually successfully cast anything - otherwise, I agree with Nyte_Wytch - they could really create some unnecessary havoc.

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