Somebody is contacting me. A twin flame or?

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Somebody is contacting me. A twin flame or?

Post by Zar_in_gold »

Hello there!

I have been enjoying all the endless information about Wicca.
and I really, really need an advice or two. Or an opinion.
I had the pleasure to meet one of the six most powerful spirit guides in the U.K. And the meeting was, well, not surprising because I have always knew I had powers, but it was rather explanatory to what has been happening to me and why.

The strangest thing, which I have no explanation for and I need your help is that somebody is reaching to me in my dreams. A man. It started back in September 2016. I had a very vivid lucid dream and a boy was helping me to fight another person. It was all normal. But then the same boy, with dark long hair in a bun and beard spoke to me. He was crying that he was going through hard time and he was asking me to spend some time with him. I woke up a bit shocked because it was so real I still remember it. Then he started coming regularly in my dreams. Talking about his motorbikes, his dog being a mix between some breds... but the last time I saw him was a few days ago and we were walking together, looking for something and he asked me to find him when I wake up. His name is Tom, he said.
Ok. Well, I don't know what is happening.
Has anyone experienced the same thing?
I don't know how twinflames work.
I've contacted people before but it was always me who did it. Now I don't know what to think when someone comes so frequently. As you can see, I'm confused. Please help me. Or just tell me it's nothing and should not over think it. Because I can't stop thinking about it.

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Somebody is contacting me. A twin flame or?

Post by Firebird »

Hey there!
It's hard to say, but I would be on the lookout for a random Tom to appear. Especially if he resembles the one from the vision/dream.
Someone else may have a different take on this.
In the meanwhile could you swing by the intro section a let us know a little bit about yourself? Thanks!
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Somebody is contacting me. A twin flame or?

Post by SpiritTalker »

It does not have to be a so-called twin flame, but can signify a person of some personal importance to your path. I pre-met, in dream states, the person who became my spiritual director. Names were correctly exchanged before we met. Some dreams were more vivid than others.

I've also had many dreams of astral traveling with a spirit guide. These dreams were vividly real, and when I awoke it felt as if I could reach out and touch them, hours later. Talk about a foot in both worlds. Oye.

You mentioned that you've been the one to make other contacts. So what is it about this one that confuses you? Is it that it was unsought, uninvited? Were your other contacts mutually accepted by the recipient? Is this the shoe that is on the other foot? I'm just speculating.

Re: Somebody is contacting me. A twin flame or?

Post by Zar_in_gold »

Thank you for the replays. They do make sense.
I will go and introduce myself today, thank you for suggesting and having the interest to ask tor it. I just got my account validated.

SpiritTalker, the feeling after the dream you described is exactly the same as the way I felt when he was crying. The other times were a bit more casual and I am writing the dreams down because he gives a lot of information about himself. It's like a journey to find him.

This is not the person I have a contact with. For years I've been in contact with another person and we are so entangled that, by now, we think the same things almost in the same time, and because of that, similar things happen to us in life. We never meet though. We met only once and I was expecting some wave of energy, fireworks and angels singing. It felt like I've been with them every single day instead. It felt very natural and calm.
What confuses me is the feeling of importance this person brings. I have no idea who Tom is, but he feels like he is important to me. And of course it feels like he controls the contact and not me.

Thank you for the replays. Talking about it makes it better. Especially with people who experienced something similar!!!
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