On black cats and other mysteries?

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Re: On black cats and other mysteries?

Post by corvidus »

Hi Anige :)

It's my pleasure to inform you that no, you're not going crazy. What you're going through is called spiritual evolution, also known as spiritual awakening, and/or, one of the many stages of 'enlightenment'.

The evolution of the Soul is very much like charging a battery with Light, and some people have a very high charge. The kool thing about it, this charge is carried with us after we die and into the next life. The current institution of education in most countries doesn't accept this, so no one ever learns about it. Then when we have an awakening, it scares the shit out of us and if we seek 'professional' help we're labeled as 'schizophrenic' or 'insane'.

But honestly, so-called 'doctors' these days don't know much at all.
Anige wrote:One night before falling asleep, I saw a sky filled with stars, and clouds shaped into different symbols drifting across. I only remember one, because it was the only one I recognized (the eye of Horus, eye of Ra or egyptian eye, is there a difference?)
The Eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra are the same thing. It would be interesting to know the rest of the symbols, because this is the language our 'Higher Self' uses to communicate with us (the 'Lower Self' communicates through the physical body)
A couple of years later I was told that I was a 'dark' or 'bad' witch in a previous lifetime, and that I still had powers available if I wanted them. Too scared to go into that, but wondering how that would work and is it safe? I have had this intense desire to help people and to become a healer.
What was meant by "having powers available" doesn't necessarily mean you can only use those powers for immature/evil purposes. In this lifetime you have the freedom of Will to choose. It could be, since you have a desire to be a healer, that your Spirit wants to correct some of the Karma that you generated in your last lifetime by helping others.
I started feeling pressure on my forehead and would also feel the prickly feeling in headaches (they don't last though, it only happens the first couple of times until I get used to it?) I also started seeing purple or indigo overlaying the black when I close my eyes, and on blank or neutral walls I can see the shades of purple/indigo. When I look at the sky I can see little swirley lights.
The pressure in the forehead, and seeing Purple/Indigo, is usually an indication that the Third Eye or Crown Chakra is opening and becoming active. This is a very common experience for people on 'the Path'.

One night recently I had what I can only describe as a spontaneous orgasm-like experience, out of the blue, woke me up from my sleep. It flowed up through my body into my head and it was amazing. After that I noticed colours around people, but only for a while. It seemed to have faded, but I still see a thin blue line and light around them.
The orgasm-like experience is called Kundalini Awakening, and this can be very intense if you're not ready to accept it. There are plenty of resources online that explain this, as well as techniques to help calm the effects (if they're too much for you).

One night I dreamed about jewish religious people sitting around a table and complaining about their youth leaving them. They invited me and my family to sit with them. It was such an honour that I was struck dumb, they wanted me to help their orphans (I dream alot about orphans). When I woke up, I heard a voice in my head saying 'Ha kadosh'. I don't know any hebrew but that sounded hebrew to me. I googled it and sure enough, it's one of God's names.
There is a Qabalistic prayer called the Ana B'koach, and part of it is: "Chasin kadosh b'rov tuvcha nahel adatecha"
This translates to something like: "Powerful and Holy One, in Goodness lead your Flock."
So yes, 'haKadosh' is a Name of God: 'The Holy One'.
You may also resonate with the Hebrew language.
Have you ever considered meditating on the letters of this name?
ה ק ד ו ש (read right to left: Heh-Qoph-Dalet-Vav-Shin)

Can anyone help me decipher these strange occurrences and tell me what you think? Does anyone have experiences like this? I also started getting epilepsy out of the blue with the deja vu and they are so connected that I know to go lie down when I get them. The doctors can't find the cause, and they've tested me for everything.
When I google my symptoms, I get 'shaman sickness' and 'shaman calling'.
Please guys, help me with some advice. Please tell me if I'm going crazy or if I'm being possessed??
You're not being possessed by anything other then your Higher Self :)

If you'd like me to elaborate on any of these points, feel free to ask any questions you have!
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Re: On black cats and other mysteries?

Post by SnowCat »

Hi Anige. You certainly have had some interesting experiences. I recommend continuing to pursue medical possibilities while you pursue spiritual possibilities. Also, when you have a moment, please drop by our intro section and give us shout.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: On black cats and other mysteries?

Post by Keturah »

Hi, sorry I've been gone for a while. Thank you for the detailed and very insightful replies. I'm so happy to be getting answers. Update; I've been getting dreams related to my throat. One where I got a white feather boa made of white owl feathers, but had to wash it because it got into urine. Wearing a red balloon on a string around my neck. Also found a pendant with a spirit level (bobble level). I also found a white peacock feather in another dream. Had another cat dream too. Ginger and black kitten. Black kitten fell in water bowl so I helped him out and dried him in a towel. Thank you again for all your help.
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