Creepy encounter, what was it?

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Creepy encounter, what was it?

Post by Leylian »

So, I've been away from witchcraft for a few years due to major changes in my life.

I always felt like there is something hidden in our world that can't be seen with your eyes.
I got into witchcraft and the first things I did were cleansing spells in the new house we moved into.

So one year into witchcraft we went on holiday in Hungary. I was about 15/16 and was sharing a room with my brother.
In the middle of the night he jumps up and yells "Don't hurt me! We didn't do you anything wrong! Please just leave!"
Of course I woke up.
He was crying and pointing towards the door, his eyes still closed.

And there 'it' stood. A really tall figure with white eyes.
My heart skipped a beat, it was looking at us.
I was really afraid but I got up, hugged my brother and told him everything would be alright. A second later it was gone.
I couldn't sleep anymore that night and my brother couldn't remember anything.
I felt so much fear. What was it. Was is good or bad?
I didn't know. The next morning I cast a protection spell while the sun was rising and my family was still asleep.
The holiday ended without any further meetings.

And then a year later we were looking for a new possibly better home.
We found a house in a very small town.
We had a tour and just as the guy that wanted to sell it told us that the attic was full of his things and we couldn't use it anyway I looked up the stairs to the attic.
There is stood.
Fear hit me. I couldn't look away. Then my mother rapped me on the shoulder. For the second I looked away it was gone.
I tried asking it what it wanted, I tried communicating with it but it never answered.

What could it be?
Maybe you can help me?
I've got a feeling it could come back.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Creepy encounter, what was it?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I don't think there's enough info to even make a random guess about what you've seen. A tall figure with white eyes. And only you see it physically (well, that's not unusual if you're clairvoyant.)

What kind of figure? Humanoid? animal? Solid or transparent? Color and light effects? Clothed? If so, what era? Too vague to give details? What did it do that was creepy? Just being there? Or did it do something you felt was menacing? I've seen a few different types of beings and they're just curious, same as you or I'd be, and sometimes startled (or sometimes intrigued) when they realize I can see them. They are not used to being seen. And have you ever seen figures before? Was it exactly the same, down to the last detail, both times you saw it? Gut feeling??

Edit - I will say that ghosts I've seen were recognizable as people, with clear enough imaging to be able to pick them out of old photographs, or they were someone I knew so I recognized them anyway.

The nature spirits i believe ive seen come in various shapes, sizes and colors: some clothed, some not. Some with hair-like covering, others not. Some non-threatening, others not. Shrug. Some I have seen as physically solid as can be, and others as vague shifting forms. I don't know what form-names they go by. It doesn't really matter, as long as we don't bother each other.

And your 1st sighting may have been a premonition of the second. Did you take the house?
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Re: Creepy encounter, what was it?

Post by Leylian »

First, thanks for the reply.

The being was humanoid, completely black and didn't wear clothing.

The two times I saw it I had a bad feeling,it felt like uncomfortable and somehow ...I don't know how to describe it...not aggressive but defensive.

We didn't take the house, it was too small and I was glad we didn't.

It wasn't the first being I saw. I saw ghosts and nature spirits before.

I feel like if I knew what it is I could maybe cast a 'specified' protection spell and maybe, if it appears again ask again what it wants.

Maybe I not knowingly did something that displeased it and could make it up?
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Re: Creepy encounter, what was it?

Post by Danmagnamius »

Leylian wrote:First, thanks for the reply.

The being was humanoid, completely black and didn't wear clothing.

The two times I saw it I had a bad feeling,it felt like uncomfortable and somehow ...I don't know how to describe it...not aggressive but defensive.

We didn't take the house, it was too small and I was glad we didn't.

It wasn't the first being I saw. I saw ghosts and nature spirits before.

I feel like if I knew what it is I could maybe cast a 'specified' protection spell and maybe, if it appears again ask again what it wants.

Maybe I not knowingly did something that displeased it and could make it up?

what about a shadow man?
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Re: Creepy encounter, what was it?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Leylian wrote:?..
The being was humanoid, completely black and didn't wear clothing. ...

The two times I saw it I had a bad feeling,it felt like uncomfortable and somehow ...I don't know how to describe it...not aggressive but defensive....

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I really don't know what kind of being it is. There are sooooo many possibilities, and I wouldn't know one from another. And a shadow-person is as likely as as any.

The figure could be attached to the house-owner, known or not. You mentioned his belongings were stored in the attic, and the 2nd sighting was seen near the attic. Maybe it's defending it's turf. Since your family didn't take the house, the defensiveness no longer has a reason to be directed at you. So there is nothing to make amends for.

You could so a cleansing spell to cut all psychic connections between your family and the house and it's owner, and the figure without having to name the species. ... Or make one up for the purpose of the spell. Unless you have a grimoire with detailed instructions for dealing with boggarts versus gouls and things that go bump in the night, it wouldn't matter what you call it, would it?

There's more at work than just you having seen the figure. There is also your brother's sleep-state or dream vision. To me it seemed as though his calling out in his sleep was a psychic event equal to you seeing the figure. Your brother dreamed it but you saw it, having been awakened by him calling out. So it is like you 2 shared what I'm interpreting as a precognition, but not the sighting at the house. And I think that your gut feeling that the figure was defensive was a key.
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Re: Creepy encounter, what was it?

Post by Leylian »

Thanks again for the replies.

I'll do a normal cleansing and protection spell. If it comes back maybe it will communicate then.
If it stays in the past as a memory and encounter I wouldn't mind.
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