Witchcraft tools thrown away, how to practice without them?

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Witchcraft tools thrown away, how to practice without them?

Post by moonlightsonata »

My roommate got to where it wasn't safe to continue to live there. So a friend of mine offered to let me stay with her. She is a very conservative Catholic but I thought it would still be ok. I was stupid enough to openly set up my altar in my room.
When I came home yesterday she told me she had thrown everything away, and she had the priest over to bless the house today. :evilwitch: I lost my wand, my athmane, my cauldron, chalice and Goddess and God candles, as well as my sage bundle and incense holder. She also threw away all my pictures of the Goddess.
I'm not going to buy anything else until I am living on my own, which will probably take a few weeks (I need to find a place). So is there a way to do rituals without any tools? I know I can do guided meditations and such, but I want to actually do a ritual. And if there are representations that aren't obvious that I could put pictures of up, I'd like to know that too.
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Re: Witchcraft tools thrown away, how to practice without th

Post by Danmagnamius »

moonlightsonata wrote:My roommate got to where it wasn't safe to continue to live there. So a friend of mine offered to let me stay with her. She is a very conservative Catholic but I thought it would still be ok. I was stupid enough to openly set up my altar in my room.
When I came home yesterday she told me she had thrown everything away, and she had the priest over to bless the house today. :evilwitch: I lost my wand, my athmane, my cauldron, chalice and Goddess and God candles, as well as my sage bundle and incense holder. She also threw away all my pictures of the Goddess.
I'm not going to buy anything else until I am living on my own, which will probably take a few weeks (I need to find a place). So is there a way to do rituals without any tools? I know I can do guided meditations and such, but I want to actually do a ritual. And if there are representations that aren't obvious that I could put pictures of up, I'd like to know that too.
I TwinFlame is against Wicca he is a Mormon visiting from America so she has packed all her stuff and taken it to one of her other cousins house! To be honest with you, you should have asked permission!
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Re: Witchcraft tools thrown away, how to practice without th

Post by moonlightsonata »

Danmagnamius wrote:To be honest with you, you should have asked permission!

True. It just never occurred to me she'd come into my room. It should have. It's just...my last roommate was batshit crazy, but she never came in my room.
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Re: Practicing without tools

Post by Corbin »

Yes but it requires practice - good visualisation and focus - look into: how to create an astral temple.

(LINK) http://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritu ... 00&coven=6

Here is a link to some mp3 Guided meditations (Astral Tower and a few others) by Ben Gruagach.

(LINK) http://www.witchgrotto.com/2010/05/guid ... tion-mp3s/

Alternatively look into creating your own "ritual of gestures"?

(LINK) https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/witchery ... tures/amp/
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Re: Practicing without tools

Post by Siona »

moonlightsonata wrote:True. It just never occurred to me she'd come into my room. It should have. It's just...my last roommate was batshit crazy, but she never came in my room.
Doesn't sound like this roommate is a whole lot better if she's already going into your room, throwing your personal belongings away, and having a priest bless the area. (Seriously had to do a double take on where you were from.) She may be doing you a favor by letting you stay with her, but she doesn't sound like much of a friend with that boundary-stomping she's doing...

Anyway, you can do many rituals without tools, or with common household supplies. Use your arm/hand to guide energy, like you'd use a wand or athame. Use salt water to cleanse instead of sage. You can also look into more temporary ritual items. Something like a petition paper with some herbs from the spice rack, that you burn after, or take away from the house and bury.

If you're comfortable with it, you can use seven day candles with images of saints or the Virgin Mary to represent pagan deities (or for printed pictures, there's always Saint Brigid who is, you know, pretty much just the goddess Brigid in a new form). Maybe she wouldn't throw those away! You might also look into making a pocket altar or shrine. I've seen little ones that fit into Altoids tins and whatnot. They can include the deity image within them, as well something like a little candle, or just devotional items. Prayer beads you can wear is another practice you might look into.
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Re: Practicing without tools

Post by SpiritTalker »

Sorry for your loss ๐Ÿ˜ฌ. Be inspired & use the experience to work outdoors, closer to Nature. It also respects your hostessโ€™ beliefs. I've used a bottle of spring water as a chalice. You can do a self cleansing with ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š see-hear-speak no evil hand gestures. Center yourself by tracing โž• from 3rd eye to the solar plexus & shoulder to shoulder with 2 โœŒ๐Ÿผ fingers. Cast circle by pointing and when you're done use the same fingers for a peace sign to dismiss quarters. To charge an object, ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผtent your hands to make a window to peer through. Then push the power from the belly through centers of both palms, while you intensely focus your gaze through the window. It really targets the intention.

Many leaves ๐Ÿhave points โญ๏ธ - hint hint. A bouquet of flowers ๐Ÿ’represents the Goddess. The ๐Ÿž food we eat IS the body of the Goddess & God. An ๐Ÿ apple (another pentagram within), and ๐Ÿ‡grapes (Dionisus/Bacchus) is the bounty of the Earth, and very appropriate. Eat a portion and distribute the rest directly on the ground for the land spirits and critters. A pocket knife for cutting ๐ŸŽ is useful. Find/make a walking stick for hiking & outdoor circles ๐Ÿ”„. I walk with a cane & use it as a short staff.
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Re: Practicing without tools

Post by Silversong »

moonlightsonata wrote:My roommate got to where it wasn't safe to continue to live there. So a friend of mine offered to let me stay with her. She is a very conservative Catholic but I thought it would still be ok. I was stupid enough to openly set up my altar in my room.
When I came home yesterday she told me she had thrown everything away, and she had the priest over to bless the house today. :evilwitch: I lost my wand, my athmane, my cauldron, chalice and Goddess and God candles, as well as my sage bundle and incense holder. She also threw away all my pictures of the Goddess.
I'm not going to buy anything else until I am living on my own, which will probably take a few weeks (I need to find a place). So is there a way to do rituals without any tools? I know I can do guided meditations and such, but I want to actually do a ritual. And if there are representations that aren't obvious that I could put pictures of up, I'd like to know that too.
That was terrible of her to do without warning you (and I'm terribly sorry for your loss), but also probably not the wisest move on your part to do it without asking, frankly. It is still her house, after all. But bygones are bygones, and I assume you've realized that at this point. Anyway, not my job to harp on you. :3

As for practicing without tools - 85% of my practice is done without tools, frankly. I've always been of the belief that the only thing you really need is intent and will. Everything else, for me - every incense, herb, crystal, and tool - is just bells and whistles, so to speak. They help get you into the mindset, help your psyche and subconscious realize that okay, it's magic time now, and therefore make the magic stronger. They help things along, but in the end, they aren't essential - especially if you've been doing magic for a while and are fairly confident in your Craft.

Subtle witchcraft is also its own art, and usually it's the case that unless you have pentagrams and a giant poster of the Horned God, no one who isn't a practitioner is going to realize they're seeing an altar. Since she already knows, however, you'll have to be more careful. Some representations/tools you could use:

- St. Bridget is a Christian saint, but as I understand it her original form was that of the Celtic goddess Brigid.
- Mary can also be used as a representation of the Goddess, if you're comfortable with that.
- Candles are pretty darn innocent, especially white or scented ones. You can use a white candle for any ritual in a pinch, and scented candles can be used in place of incense.
- A butter knife can be used for an athame, a pair of cheap wooden chopsticks for a wand, a bowl for a cauldron, etc. I have one friend, living with her dad the Lutheran pastor, who uses a blessed-and-consecrated hand fan as her wand. You can also use your finger to gesture like you would with an athame or wand. Seriously, whatever works.

On another note - and feel free to ignore this, if you like, because you didn't ask for this advice (and it may or may not be usable given your situation), but I'm going to give it anyway. If it's safe, if it's possible, if there's any chance she'll listen, talk to your friend. Stay calm, try not to get emotional, but talk to her about it. Acknowledge that you were wrong to set up your altar in her house without talking to her about it beforehand, and tell her how hurtful it was for her to do what she did.

If she argues, ask her how she would feel if you did the same to her religious signs. Explain your Craft, your worship, your beliefs - what they are and what they're not. Let her ask questions, if she wants to (and if she does, that's a very good sign). It's going to be a hard conversation to have, but if you value this friendship - or even if you just want her to try to understand, regardless - it's one that has to happen. She may not want to listen, and if that's the case, you may have to back off. But there will never be an understanding between you unless you open that conversation up, calmly and honestly.

But always, always, always, keep yourself safe above all else. Your safety is always more important, and right now that's partially reliant on the shelter she's giving you. That may mean not having the conversation at all, or that may mean waiting until you have another place to stay first. Your safety is always more important.

Bright blessings!
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Re: Practicing without tools

Post by moonlightsonata »

Thanks everyone for the great ideas! Yes, I realize what I did wasn't the wisest. I guess I was thinking based on my old situation, where pretty much anything went as long as it stayed in my room.

Anyways, in addition to ideas above, I decided that nature representations would be acceptable and effective. So I went and got a small houseplant (I hope I don't kill it; my track record with plants is not phenomenal), and I printed up a picture of a forest for earth, a wind and thunderstorm for air, a bonfire in the woods for fire, and dolphins in the ocean. I showed them to her and asked if it was ok if I put them up to add a little variety. She was fine with it. And they're really pretty pictures. :)
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Re: Practicing without tools

Post by HopefulChild »

Thank you for posting this.
I'm sorry that your situation is such that you cannot be free to be who you are.
I disagree with the idea that you should have had to ask permission. Do you have to ask for a glass of water? Or to relieve yourself? Or to Breath the Catholic air? Why are her rituals administered by a middle man more valid than your direct to the source rituals?

Sorry. Soapbox. I don't have to live your situation so it's easy for me to rant in the comfort and security I have.

I thanked you because until I read your post I hadn't considered practicing without implements.
I joke often that the first skill a wiccan needs to learn is how to shop for all the stuff you will "need". I had never considered what Silversong discussed and now my mind is flooded with comparisons and analogues and differences of notion of how to do simple rituals even more simply.

You wouldn't know this but I'm big on going back to the source of things and breaking them down into the most root evaluation of what is versus what really is. This gave me a big push in perspective so I wanted to thank you, and all who contributed.
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Re: Practicing without tools

Post by Shekinah »

Yikes! sounds like Xtian buffoonery. She is not on the same planet as you and suffering greatly from ignorance which most assuredly will come back to haunt her X-3. So harbor no ill will just move on with your practice elsewhere.

As I traveled globally in my career I always located a secluded place for sacred space to where I might retreat for serenity. Somewhere near you there may be a place of solitude where you can enjoy abbreviated ritual, meditation and circle casting. But be alert the world is full of human demons. I would look for a local Wiccan and ask to work with her/him.

Catholics are hard nuts to crack and historically purveyors of much evil mischief. When offering you a place to hang your hat she probably had an agenda in mind to save you. Wouldn't do any ritual in her pad anyway the prevailing energies would not be conducive and the Gods/Goddess would be nowhere in sight.

We really do not need tools nor ritual nor cast circle to commune with our Divinity or manifest magick. Words and gestures are only tools, our magick is in the depths of our mind and now you have an opportunity to delve deeper within your consciousness to practice your Craft.
Truth and Reality are highly guarded secrets. Nothing is as it appears. "The ONENESS sleeps in the stone, breathes in the plant, dreams in the animal and awakens in man" (Indian proverb)
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