Science and Pre-Cog

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Science and Pre-Cog

Post by planewalker »

What does anyone think of the Fineman - Wheeler Electron Transfer. The spin of particles in the electron envelope move in and out of the future. They have just made the instruments to detect this. It may also lead to time travel. They have posited that this can work to give people pre-cognitive ability. I'd think it helps explain why it seems to work that people can practice and hone and increase their abilities. We may be starting into an era when science will have to take psychic phenomena seriously. Should science be involved in what has been until now a spiritual pursuit? Opinions please.
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Re: Science and Pre-Cog

Post by SpiritTalker »

Well, man can so probably will. Its no longer a question of should we, when we already do, but more of can we do so responsibly? Like stem cells, cloning, and abortion, science giveth and taketh away. HAARP has screwed up the weather without regard for the sacredness of the lives affected or the consciousness of the living planet. I saw a video in which the Chinese have teleported photons to one of their satellites. With electron transfer, if "science" had a reliable ability to foresee the outcome of these acts, would we behave more responsibly? Or I'm naive & blinded by hope. Track records amongst the world governments with the yellow cube show what jerks we are with new toys. Is Man ready to See? Can we handle it? It's high time we learned to.

Psychic phenomena is a natural ability, in-born within several species on the planet, I.e., Horses, dogs and cats see dead people, respond telepathically, and predict the weather better than the weather guy on TV-with a Magic 8-Ball. We have made psi into a spiritual quest to protect ourselves from our own greed & misuse. Psi ability itself isn't an indication of any spiritual qualities, nor does it need spiritual wisdom to perform, IMO. You sort of develop those traits to survive it & function in daily life. A time traveler's sense of present tense could easily get scrambled until he didn't know which way was up. Some astral dreams can rattle a person for weeks until they find center point again. There's nothing particularly spiritual about survival.

Whew, that was long winded.
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Re: Science and Pre-Cog

Post by planewalker »

And well thought out and insightful. I always love it when you give your estimations of mankinds path between nobility and folly. Be as long winded as you like. I think it's great. I figured this should get a thread started that could take off. Everybody should have an opinion. As your looking in from "out there", put in your ideas and opinions.
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Re: Science and Pre-Cog

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'd like to hear other comments too.
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