Am I cursed?

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Am I cursed?

Post by jueyman »

Sorry if this is not correct section. I have a few questions in my head that I felt like sharing here.
I'm 33 years old and all my life it have been up and down. Since I was a kid, I saw my father had lots of money and then be poor. He even won millions on a horse betting and it last him 2 years, he died broke and poor. I spend almost all my 20s in his shadow and was dependent of him. When he died I was forced to be independent. I managed to make money and give a good life to my wife and daughter. After a year the business I was working on stopped working and I was poor again I had to perform miracles to feed my family. After 1 year of living in bad conditions I was able to stand up and make a very profitable businesses again. I managed to get the house of my dreams and keep my health in check.

That success time lasted nearly 2 years, my business went down again since the start of this year. I had a boy born last year and things now look worse than ever for me. Despite everything I try nothing works and every month that passed things keep getting worse. Even when I manage some success something happens that I need to use the money etc. For some strange reason I have spent the last 2 months sick, I'm a person that doesn't get sick constantly but like I said every month gets worse for me. OK, so saying all this, it could be I'm cursed, I'm not a person that people hate. But my father was a person that people hated because of his personality and that earned me unwanted enemies.

Sorry for this testament, wanted to describe my situation the best possible.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Firebird »

Sorry you are having such trouble.
Do you have someone who would do this to you?
It's probably just reeeeealy bad luck.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Danmagnamius »

I will follow this post, I have a friend ask me if I have been cursed!
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by jueyman »

I have always believed I have bad luck but sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and every time I'm about to get to the surface something drags me again.

Regarding if know someone that would do this to me. Like I said in my post, I'm a peaceful person, but my father was a person to get lots of enemies and many times those enemies transferred to me.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Ouroboros »

Have you tried Uncrossing? If not, that might be something to start with. Do you know if you have any entities around you which might be causing and feeding on your pain? There are many possibilities but definitely try an Uncrossing, Purification, Protection trio to see if that lightens the load a bit. I can relate but I firmly believe there's a way to make things better.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by jueyman »

I don't know much about these topics, I'm newbie, I got here looking for information on precognitive dreams and got interested with the other topics. But thanks for the suggestion I will look for information.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by autumn swan »

Jueyman, a lot of people have things going wrong and bad luck. It's not a curse in the meaning that some individual is trying to harm you but a curse in the meaning of karma. Wait let me explain. It doesn't mean you did something wrong, it's not your fault. The energies family members create live on even when people die. It's the curse of your ancestors, so to say. You could look into family systemic therapy, Hellinger comes to mind, for solutions. In your Situation I think your father is the key figure but either it's a problem you have with him or something older that he passed on to you.

You could also get a tarot reading or something to see what's the problem is.

Remember, curses can be healed, there will be a solution. Good luck. :wink2:
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by jueyman »

autumn swan wrote:Jueyman, a lot of people have things going wrong and bad luck. It's not a curse in the meaning that some individual is trying to harm you but a curse in the meaning of karma. Wait let me explain. It doesn't mean you did something wrong, it's not your fault. The energies family members create live on even when people die. It's the curse of your ancestors, so to say. You could look into family systemic therapy, Hellinger comes to mind, for solutions. In your Situation I think your father is the key figure but either it's a problem you have with him or something older that he passed on to you.

You could also get a tarot reading or something to see what's the problem is.

Remember, curses can be healed, there will be a solution. Good luck. :wink2:
That makes sense a lot. I have always thought that my instability comes from my father. My ups and downs are very similar to what I saw in his life and I have the same name as him.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by jueyman »

Today I experienced some of that ups and downs again. After having a nice last week where I could achieve everything I was supposed to, I was feeling with hope again. Today I got a letter saying that I'm supposed to pay a considerable amount of money I don't have in 2 days. I couldn't get a worse outcome. And all that after I thought I was getting to a better place.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by burnedwicked »

...I wouldn't say you're cursed. Everything is made up of positive, and negative flows. Each ion, has up, or down quarks; which collect into atoms; positrons, neutrons, electrons. Which turn into molecules, cells, and eventually people. The up and down; is just a part of life.
You said you depended on your father; your father won millions in a horse bet; however your father also had enemies that then moved onto you. Sounds to me, more like your father went gambling with the wrong people. And only after he dies, do you become independent. I have to question; is yours, and your fathers bad luck, due to some laziness?
Things happen; it doesn't mean it's a curse. If you are unaware that your business is located on a corner of a street, known to have lots of traffic, and accidents. It's not wise to think You are cursed every time some idiot, not paying attention causes an accident, and ultimately causes property damage. You just simply chose a bad corner; it's not a curse. But rather Location.
Just the same; if you've spent your life coasting. Don't think you're cursed, just cause you have to climb some hills. It's disrespectful to the blessing you hold; don't take it for granted, it will only make it worse.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by YanaKhan »

I believe there are things in life we can't control, but I hardly think you are cursed. What I mean is, you tend to look for the reasons of you having bad luck in someone cursing you, where it could just be bad judgement or something just outside your control. Business fails, sometimes for no specific reason. Sometimes bad things happen and it's not necessarily a curse. But once you've decided it's a curse, you may have started adding to the bad luck without even knowing. Human mind is a very powerful thing and you may have "cursed" yourself by expecting the worst to happen.

I'm not saying this is the case, but it may be. Try some grounding techniques as someone suggested, some protection rituals. I hope I'm right and the situation gets better for you and your family.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by autumn swan »

Well, what have you done to undo the 'curse', to find healing? But whatever it is, it takes time, usually about six weeks. :wink2: So be patient. :fairy:
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by jueyman »

My father didn't have enemies with gambling, he won the millions in a legit way. His enemies were because he was a showboating person and his attitude bothered a lot of people. I'm not a lazy person, I work all day, literally all day. Like I mentioned probably just bad luck, but I'm not talking about a simple business go down, I'm talking about this happening many times in my life, business making me 5 digits per month and then boom it went down to almost 0.

I'm talking about needing money to pay my mortgage, finding that money and then something happens and I have used that money. I have tried to prevent this things by saving money etc but no matter what I do the story repeats again and again. Returning back again to my father, he was lazy, in his case the up and down could be because of his attitude and laziness. But that is not the case with me, I'm a peaceful person and I'm a hard worker. Maybe I have just bad luck but it's a really bad luck because since my business went down I have tried everything to save my house and keep my family happy and bad things keep happening. And the problem is that I really don't care what happens to me, but I do care of all of this because of my wife and kids. This summer I found an extra income and when everything seemed to turn better again and everyone in my house got sick , I never get sick and when I get sick I recover quickly and this time I was sick for a whole month. That extra income, I had to use it to treat my family. I mean, it's like every time I achieve something, something bad happens.

Sorry if I wrote too much and thanks to all for replying. I don't know much about curses and heals etc. I got here because I used to have lots of precognitive dreams and I was looking to awake that again but got interested with the topics in this forum. Maybe I'm not cursed but then I have one of the worst lucks in this planet. I'm actually starting to feel hopeless and that is a feeling that I never had, I have always been a person with a positive attitude but too much hits me and I'm starting to feel that it doesn't matter how hard I try, something bad will always happen.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by YanaKhan »

I'm sorry if my answer to your post came out the wrong way. I sometimes have a hard time expressing myself. I never meant to say that you are lazy or doing anything wrong. What I meant is, I think there might not be a curse, rather than you looking a little too much into it.

Maybe there is a curse, I don't know, I'm not in your situation. But I have met people who think they are cursed and have been told by somebody they do have a family curse in order to get them to pay for a removal. And they don't have a curse at all, but are feeding the bad luck with their thoughts. This is actually pretty common and it's why I suggested you may try some grounding and healing along with protection.

There are some great rituals here, you may look for one and try it. Again, I'm sorry if my answer came out offensive, this was not my intention.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by jueyman »

YanaKhan wrote:I'm sorry if my answer to your post came out the wrong way. I sometimes have a hard time expressing myself. I never meant to say that you are lazy or doing anything wrong. What I meant is, I think there might not be a curse, rather than you looking a little too much into it.

Maybe there is a curse, I don't know, I'm not in your situation. But I have met people who think they are cursed and have been told by somebody they do have a family curse in order to get them to pay for a removal. And they don't have a curse at all, but are feeding the bad luck with their thoughts. This is actually pretty common and it's why I suggested you may try some grounding and healing along with protection.

There are some great rituals here, you may look for one and try it. Again, I'm sorry if my answer came out offensive, this was not my intention.

I didn't get your reply the wrong way, I was just trying to explain my situation the best possible way, because I find it hard to explain. I agree with you, I have always believed negative thoughts can produce bad karma. But until now, I have always been a very positive person, my wife say that she loves that in me - that no matter how bad things turn, I always stay positive and turn things for good. My motto has always been that it doesn't matter how hard you try if you don't believe in yourself, you will not achieve your goals.

But this time I actually feel a little tired and not positive like I used to be. My wife is not a positive person like me, and every time she is in bad spot, like feeling sad, depressed etc I can feel that bad energy to the point that it affects me. I'm not sure what is a curse and probably I don't have one but I feel like what happens to me is not normal, so many bad things happen everytime I start to achieve something and when I achieve something something worse happens.

Again sorry for my long posts. Like I said before I'm starting to feel hopeless and just trying to understand why these things keep happening to me.
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