The hidden world in our minds.

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Do you have a "safe place" in your mind?

Yes, it's the same since I can remember.
Yes, I change it every once in a while.
Yes, I always build a new one, to fit my needs.
No, I don't have such a place.
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No, I had one as a kid but lost it as a grown-up.
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Good idea, I'll build one myself.
You're crazy, people! Seek help!
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The hidden world in our minds.

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I got the idea to ask this here, from a pagan Facebook page. I was sure it was something absolutely normal to have a different world built in your head that could help you relax. Apparently, it's not that common.

Here comes my question. Do you have such a place within yourself? And if you do and feel comfortable enough to share, what is it?

My "safe" place is the woods. I imagine myself walking through the woods, between the trees and near a Creek. Usually birds can be heard and it feels so real, that if I "go" there in public, I'm unable to hear or see the people around me any more (my little blessing)

Looking forward to hearing about your places! :mrgreen:
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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by moonraingirl »

I've had such a place for a long time. I thought I was nuts and I found it's a thing called maladaptive daydreaming. Well, it only gets maladaptive if you do too much and lose contact with reality. It's not so strong in my case but I go to my alternate reality almost daily.

My place was first inspired by German detective series Derrick, if anyone remembers it. There was his assistant Harry and I was in love with him as a kindergartener :D Well, I used to imagine he's my friend and that he protects me.
This lasted for a year or two and then I started watching Star-treck: New generation. I immediately built my world of space travel and spaceship. It's weird because main protagonists from that world, me included are from the future and spaceship, but they come here by time travel and basically are either present in my real life or sometimes they have adventures (well, they are not very active, it's more psychological/relationship oriented) based on something I see or hear somewhere. Or a topic I'm interested in at the moment. Often these scenes repeat (maybe because I'm borderline OCD?). These characters and their world serve me as something that helps me relax and escape. They have been with me since grade 3-4 with small alternations. The main protagonists are two aspects of myself, a young girl (12-13yo) and an adult woman (she used to be a doctor at first, now she's a psychologist). As time went, I gradually changed my perspective from younger to older one. They have friends, too. The scenes usually take place at their home or they go to the nature or cultural events such as theatre, cinema or they go for a walk in town.

I've read about people who built tremendously complicated alternative realities, with tons of human and magical/scifi characters and elaborate scenarios in their minds. Like if they were to write it down, they would need really thick books. Mine are not so advanced, they are more a sort of psychotherapy.
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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by SpiritTalker »

My place is a beach on Lake Michigan. I can change the time of day or night, moon phase, & weather to suit my mood. I meet others there as well. I believe it is a sound magical practice to have such a space, and good mental exercise.

I take exception to wording of the last option on the survey. It's anyone's privilege to call themselves crazy, but not anyone else. This forum is no place for ignorant attitudes about our abilities. Of course, im sure it wasn't posted to be offensive but if WE don't change our own attitudes and self perception, how can we expect those who are unfamiliar with their own mind's to know any better!? If someone tells you you're crazy and should seek help, tell them they're ignorant and should get an education. :roll:
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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by Mystie.Graves »

I do this all the time. Without the multiple realms in my mind for me to get lost in my crazy would leak out lol

I have many worlds, many realities of each world, and many realms that all this is in. I wish I was better at writing then I'd have books lol

I rarely sleep, so instead I'm off in one of my other places.

I do find listening to music helps me focus & travel through each place.

Glad to know I'm not just crazy & other people do things like this too.

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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by SpiritTalker »

That sleepless thing is really interesting, Mystic Graves. How do you determine which one to visit?, if im not being too nosey. I have 3-4 places I return to in my dreams that aren't deliberate mental constructs that I'm aware of, but familiar none the less. I could describe each individually, like my Carnival House of Dreamscapes in which all maintenance is done; the Hall of Memories for pieces of life-times, a library and a lecture hall. It's probably a Virgo thing for sorting and tidying, in my case.
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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by Mystie.Graves »

SpiritTalker wrote:That sleepless thing is really interesting, Mystic Graves. How do you determine which one to visit?, if im not being too nosey. I have 3-4 places I return to in my dreams that aren't deliberate mental constructs that I'm aware of, but familiar none the less. I could describe each individually, like my Carnival House of Dreamscapes in which all maintenance is done; the Hall of Memories for pieces of life-times, a library and a lecture hall. It's probably a Virgo thing for sorting and tidying, in my case.
I believe it varies depending on my mood & state of mind.

I find myself laying down, sitting, or whatever comfortable position I can relax in. I then gently focus on feeling everything around me, each item I'm aware of, anyone in the area, smells, sounds that might distract me (though music helps, it gives me a rhythm to think by & helps block everything out, lol). Once I have my focus on what is around me I kind of will it all to fade away, either by it literally fading away, or if my mood requires it, seeing/feeling it all be broken down until it's bits that are unidentifiable which then are crushed, burned, or in some way made into nothing. I do this until I'm left with only myself & anything I choose to have with me; surrounded by complete nothingness. A void.

When also going from one place to the other, I tend to travel through this void space. I wonder around in a blank state & choose what I am most interested in at that moment. When in one place I will feel my energy rise out of me, incompass me, then I'll rush above the world I'm on, typically by flying or teleporting or similar; some are planets, some are floating island type places, some are in spherical barrers like a bubble... Once I'm above the world, I feel myself seep from that realm into the void of nothingness. Then I chose from there if I wish to be home & done with my travels or go to the next world.

A world I love:
The sky is gradient of red, purple, & deep blue. No humans, or anything like that. The vegetation/plants act more like animals/people than plants; reaching out, touching, greeting & taking to me in a very whispy language, which seems more like emotions put to sound. The dirt seems more swirled of black, grey, & red than brown. The "water", if you'd call it that, is a deep red, almost like something has bleed out in water but oddly serene and not alarming like you might think. It's extremely calming.

Another place I go to when I'm very upset is a complete wasteland. Nothing lives there. And I can do anything. I'm unlimited in most ways except when I choose to apply a limit or a cap to my abilities. I tend to train my mind's body, going all out, duplicating myself into as many of me as I need to train with. Seeing from any of these points of veiw, I can shift from each "me" as I so choose. I duke it out with myself here, so if I feel the need to fight or angry feelings are eating at me, this is where I go to burn off that hard energy. Sometimes I have to "work" off my emotional troubles, because tranquility isn't always enough. <.<;

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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by SpiritTalker »

This is wonder-full. I loved your phrase of training the mind's body. Thank you.
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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by Mystie.Graves »

SpiritTalker wrote:This is wonder-full. I loved your phrase of training the mind's body. Thank you.
Thank you! I sometimes wish I could be just as free in this shared realm with everyone as I am in my mind's many realms/worlds.

When I was younger, I used to wonder if these places were real & the way/method I travel to them allowed me to have such control over these places.

I sometimes feel bad for the people who cannot imagine anything beyond the here & now. Many people even say they can't control their dreams, or even remember their dreams after waking up. Many of my family has limited imagination when it comes to things like this, I think it's because they refuse to believe beyond the Church & strict Christain ideas. But I guess it makes me feel special haha! =D

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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by Hagerman420 »

My dream world consists of every place I have visited in the material world.

When I dream I remember them.... I have experienced some weird things within the dream world, I have been in a jail within the dream world for approximately 11 years off and on, I have calculated it to be about 1 month in the material world to equal the grand total of 11 years within the dream world, I have done some crazy things within the dream world, however they help me to learn... Some of them are disturbing and make me ponder upon them pretty much the whole day after awakening.

Every dream is different, every time I enter the dream world its a different section to the dream world and a different scenario, I have been in a school / college a number of times, walking , exploring, I have seen people in my dreams that I have not seen since I did go to school, sometimes I am just exploring, other times I am with people walking through this school/college, sometimes I am running for my life.... I think perhaps its meaning is to stand strong and don't budge.... because some of those dreams running from some alien demon creature was intense lol, the kind of dream you wake up from and say to yourself "Why would you give me a dream like that?!?"

I remember a dream in specific from a long time back, I was with my 3 cousins and we were all running down a grass hill towards these buildings and a street, I remember specifically as I looked at each one individually they turned into mushrooms lol.... then out of no where the dream turns into a nightmare and I am being chased by the unknown.. then I wake up.

When I dream I learn from them, I have had a few dreams that have saved me and a few friends in the material world.... lot's of emotion involved but non the less helped us a great deal.

I have had dreams where it's like I am seeing myself from a 3rd person view with things and certain situations taking place.

I have slept with entities that looked deformed, I have felt love a few times within the dream world by people I have never met... it seems in the dream world I have more luck with being with another than the material world lol, all comes down to confidence, so maybe that is the meaning for some of those dreams " Have Confidence"

I would like to learn how to dream when I want to dream if that is even possible lol, for the most part I only dream when I am stressed or overthinking, I have come to my own conclusion that I only seem to dream when a lesson is needing to be learned... that's how it seems any ways.

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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by hummingbird »

Safe place... Yes, since I am in Belfast, I have one. It is actually a physical place that excists, but I do not have to go there to 'feel' it, but it is fine, when I am near it (say, in Belfast).
I had some sessions with a (professional) social worker, and she asked me this same question, and I told her, and she said, that is very good, to have a place like this...
Also, knowing myself, staying true to myself, being able to be on my own and content with it - this also makes me feel I am in a safe place (if this makes any sense?).
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Re: The hidden world in our minds.

Post by planewalker »

I find it interesting that I never saw this topic until now. It was put up bare hours after I had been given a laptop and all but dragged, kicking and screaming, into the twentieth century. This was strange only because we were in the twenty-first century.
I've got this whole computer phobia thing going on. 15 min after I started on the web I found EUTM. I was taking my first tour and writing my intro as this went up in the topics. I was just #10 to respond. Nice easy 100% to parse.
My mental construct is that my "core being" takes "walks", hence - Planewalker. I travel the planes of existence. I call it going "elsewhen and otherwhere". I had the ability after I came back from being dead for the third time {in a tightly confined space of time}. I have been working on testing and pushing it's parameters for the last 25+ yrs. To Bychan, in her 1st yr of University, which is probably why she's been too busy to visit since August, GOOD LUCK in all your endeavors. My construct is in conscious flux, only because I have a wide choice of destinations I can visit, both in chronology and dimension.
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