Is this some psychic ability?

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Is this some psychic ability?

Post by tish »

hi fellow witches!

surely you all have had deja vous of all sorts. but has anyone here experienced dreaming of the same situation and when it's actually happening you are pretty sure you've seen it?

the reason why i'm posting this is because it all started as simple deja vous...but then series of situations have continuously been too familiar. although i wasn't sure when exacty but experiencing this too often is already giving me the creeps.

and one more...has anyone here tried uttering a word and then all of a sudden it's finally happening? it is because of this that i started believing in the power of the spoken word.

please help. i don't know what kind of help i need actually but i want to hear if there's anyone out there having the same experience.

i know i should learn how to control this. :?

blessed be witches! :)
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Post by [SanityIsLost] »

I believe your dreams are deja vous. I've had them a lot and I'm sure many more people have. One time I realized a situation was happening exactly like my dream even the fact that i told everyone to stop and explained i was having deja vous.

Post by Grizelda »

I have always regarded deja vu as my planing my life from the next world and recognizng that I was on the right track. More deja vu, you are on the right path.

Post by tish »

yeah and what's even more scary is that i'm having the same "camera angle" as i prefer to call it. even the exact same words.

there was this one time that i went to a ocnvenient store with some friends i remembered having dreamt of the us buying some stuff at midnight..only i couldn't see their faces in my dream. that's when i realized it was them who were in my dream.

so you think it really says something about the future? i wonder how we can decipher and recognize them without getting confused.

will there come a time that it will be all clear and these deja vous will come as premonitions?
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Post by hedge* »

Dreaming things and then those things happening is not déja vous, it is precognitive.
Déja vous is when you visit a place for the first time and get the feeling you've been there before.
Precognitive dreams are common, more so for people who are in tune to their spirituality.
It's still pretty cool when it happens though ain't it :D

Post by quicksilver »

i have the dream thing happen a lot but only when i was little it kid stoped as i got older :oops:
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Post by _Cheshire_ »

I've had it happen on several occassions. :)

Post by tish »

yeah it was actually pretty cool but at the same time scary. tell me more about precognitive thingy. i want to understand these experience and try to control it at the same time...if ever that's possible.

Post by Arianna »

I've had lots of deja vu lately, and I've had many precog dreams since starting college.
My friend and I beleive that if you think/know you have an ability, it becomes stronger, and it seems like that has happened when I started thinking I had this abilitiy. I still think I do, but I'm not totally sure... you know what I mean?

Anyway... yeah... deja vu... if it really is me planning my life, and being on the right path... the me that's doing the planning has a strange sense of humor...

Post by tish »

oh yeah i know exactly what you mean. the more you believe the more like it's happening. it's pretty cool sometimes like i have this friend who always warn me not to kid around and say some scary stuff coz it might happen. hehe. it really scares him. well of course i've been cautious lately especially after i fell off the stairs just when i was finishing my sentence that i might fall. now THAT's not cool. :)

Post by Arianna »

The wierdest thing is, I always have a dream about my bf the week before he breaks up with me, or we break a relationship off. It's not the normal kinda dream about your hunny, it's a perilous one.

I sit and talk with the significant other in the dream, and ask crazy questions, and know that he's angry with me, or that he thinks we're not working out.

I had a dream last year about a car accident, and I think it was around the time that my friend died in an accident. I think it might have been afterwards, but it was like I was her in the accident. It was scary.

All I remember was driving down the road (but I think she was a passenger, I might have been the driver of said car) and I remember tall grass and a violent ride. I remember looking up at the cieling, putting my arm up there to brace myself, and seeing a really skinny arm. It looked different than mine (although I am skinny, it might have been that I was seeing astral self at this point too)

I remember that I was utterly terrified in the dream too.

But I've had another dream about a friend that died in an accident, but I spent the dream saying goodbye to him, and letting him know that he was important to me.

I don't know if that's psychic, or if it's my imagination.

but yeah, my roomie is empathic, really strong, more than me, but I am empathic as well, and have some precog, and my other friend I already mentioned is empathic as well. I'm trying to work on it... and the whole telekinesis thing.. that would be nice. I always have these REALLY STRANGELY vivid dreams of myself in real life, moving things around, showing people I can do it, and I'm doing it well and with ease. I don't know if this means I do it in my sleep, I don't pay attention to where things are when I go to bed, since my lights are off, and these dreams are skittish... but it's like I wake up and want to cry because something is missing from my soul, I can't do that kind of stuff. *Cries*

do you ever get that feeling when you wake up from such a dream?
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Post by Wolf Heart »

I suppose i have a bit to say on this :wink:

There are some witches who are more connected with the side of phsycic abilities. I am very strong in this area, it's I guess what you could say my "major" in magic. I myself have da ja vou quite often, it doesn't freak me out like it did when i was younger. I often have dreams that happen later, almost exactly like my dreams.
My strongest area in this though is forseeing events through energies and feelings. I can tell someone easily how their relationship will go or how they'll do on a test or some sort. I never tell them because telling them could affect it, but I am usually right. I can't tell things really huge because things like that are easily changed, as well as things far off. Something that would happen tomorrow I could tell pretty close because most of the things to change it's outcome have already happened.

Do not be afraid of these "powers" because they are a gift. True, they can upset you and sometimes feel like a curse but really they are wonderful to have. It allows me to be prepared for what's coming up in my life, knowing, at least by feeling, how it might turn out.

These are just my thoughts.

Wolf Heart
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Post by saianalyd »

ive been having the same kind of dreams. sometimes i hear a specific sentence or have a certain conversation in a certain spot, i KNOW ive seen it before.
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