Things are changing for me

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Things are changing for me

Post by MysticDreamFaerie »

Ever since I've been awakened I've been getting intense headaches lately and I'm not sure what to do next. I feel sort of clueless cause I'm new to all of this. Should I take a break from meditation or continue? Is there any type of tea or crystals that I should use? Right now I'm listening to soothing relaxing ambient music and I can tell that the pressure is helping a lot. Brian Eno is who I'm listening too now and his music is very relaxing to listen too. Too much noise seems to irritate me, especially lights and caffeine which I don't drink anymore. Water is what I've been drinking mostly and I'm glad that I'm changing my diet around for the better. That's just a few things that I've been noticing so far. Please give me some pointers, I'm very new to all of this and would love to hear you're input. Is there any book that I should read to get more insight?
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Re: Things are changing for me

Post by Ashrend »

In my opinion that would suggest to me a symptom of illness not part of your path as a witch. I would continue eliminating things from your diet and see how it affects you before thinking about what may be affecting you magically. If it ends up being something magically I think you would have to try and deeply analyse your situation with what you feel you can do, have accomplished, what your goals are and work from there. Trust in your gut to make the right decision not your head. Are mind's often will chose the logical answer devoid of what is right for you taking you down the wrong path
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Re: Things are changing for me

Post by GhostRider »

The first thing that needs asking is "Do you have a regular Doctor and have had a physical within the last 6 months to a year?". You should try to eliminate the mundane first. Ashrend is perfectly correct. After that you'd need to experiment if it's nothing medical. It could be any one thing or a combination of actions, even if that's unlikely. It could, though unlikely, be meditating for 30 minutes and eating an apple when your done. You might need to only meditate for 20 minutes if you want to eat that apple. Admittedly, that's a far out example to illustrate that it could be a combination of different things that at first don't seem linked, if there is no single cause. It may take some experimentation on your part to find the cause. I'm sure if there is anything in the literature, someone here will be able to tell you.
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Re: Things are changing for me

Post by SpiritTalker »

I don't think meditation would cause headaches...but how much are your doing? It wouldn't hurt to cut what you do in half and see if it helps. I think it's better to keep doing shorter sessions than to stop all together. Do you by any chance clench your teeth when fiercely meditating? I've been know to.

Sometimes eliminating caffeine from your diet can cause headaches until the body adjusts. Detoxing the body with dietary improvements takes a couple months to turn around. Dont eliminate salt because it has necessary trace minerals. Drink water often to flush the system. There are detox teas on the market but they just make a person pee, drink more and thus flush the system.

I've had good health benefits from using a carbon shale stone called Shungite as a water purifier. I found it on amazon but there is also a website that has good reviews. The stone totally removes the chemical smell from our city water so it's gotta be good :roll: . I use the raw, less costly bulk pieces (they come black with that precious dust in water to treat wounds) and popped some in my tea kettle and also a pair of glass, 1-quart pitchers so I always have drinkable H2O on hand. I even wear a shungite pendant. It also protects from electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones and computers. I wrote at more length on shungite in the crystals section.

And taking "holy basil" capsules is another purifier I' use with head-clearing results. I'm over 65 so anything that clears the mental fog is agreeable. Holy basil is a specific plant & not the same as culinary cooking sage isn't the same as white sage but both sages have spiritual cleansing properties if burned and the smoke is wafted around. Last thing I can think of is do not use floride toothpaste or drink floridated water. Floride will calcify the pituitary gland, and luckily holy basil helps that too. With herbal supplements less is best. The label gives the dose. Don't take more than recommended. If a daily dose is 2 capsules per day then start with 1 a day. You might not need 2. Their effects are gradual. I find two weeks on and two weeks off and two weeks on etc., works for my old body best.
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Re: Things are changing for me

Post by Crazy Cat Lady »

Sounds like migraines to me. Do you get a sense of relief if you go to a cool, quiet, dark room?
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