So I'm not sure what to make of this vision

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So I'm not sure what to make of this vision

Post by Newbiewitch94 »

So about 3 weeks ago I had this vision while meditating in this vision I was in a club/bar with one of my friends and what I took from it was some guy insulted me or did something to piss me off and I ended up channeling Hecate, and while I don't remember exactly what I said from what I saw, I got the impression I basically told him the truth about himself. Now don't get me wrong, I have no issue channeling Hecate as I worship her, however with me being a introvert and basically planning to go to on a night out providing my friend is free next weekend for the first time ever (hey how am I gonna meet the guy who's Mr right if I don't) somehow channeling Hecate do sent seem productive when looking for love. So I'm not going go lie - it's freaked me the hell out so anyone got any tips how I can stop it from happening?
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Re: So I'm not sure what to make of this vision

Post by planewalker »

This is a complicated situation with many possible layers. Please forgive me if my digressions run amok.

1st it could just be a bit of your sub-conscious being worried about doing something outside your "comfort zone". Someone who is shy and nervous about interacting with people in an unregulated social setting {never know the who's, hows, whats, whens and the possible interplay of those things} is going to have a {possibly very} negative effect on your outlook. Your worried about what could happen. That can play tricks on you. Being unsettled about a social encounter while being motivated rather strongly {meeting Mr. Right} to engage in it sets up a {expletive deleted} conflict in your thoughts concerning even going out and being in the situation in question. That's quickly followed by self-recriminations about messing up the opportunity {again} to start yourself on a path to emotional fulfillment. And then mix in positive anticipation and knowing you should stop worrying and just do it and you become caught in a mental roller coaster ride that can turn you manic-depressive if it gets away from you.

2nd it could be truly pre-cog. In that case, you may well want to revisit your meditative state with a 'leg up", so to speak, on what situation you are "seeing". You can guide your vision. Be more in tune with what you're looking for and be prepared to effectively follow the vision where it goes. You won't be surprised by the vision. You can instead be anticipating it to pick up it's nuances. You can be "pro-active" in your use of your second sight.

3rd it could be a combination of the two. In that case I'm clueless in how to handle it.

Remember it is your life. Nothing is set in stone. You may want to ask Hecate to help you in this situation. Personally, I'd ask her to help me control the things I can, let go of second guessing and beating myself up over the things I have no control over, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I hope that helps.
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Re: So I'm not sure what to make of this vision

Post by Newbiewitch94 »

Thank you i will definitely ask Hecate for her help in this situation.
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Re: So I'm not sure what to make of this vision

Post by barker »

You curse if you curse, and you don't if you don't... it is up to you.
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Re: So I'm not sure what to make of this vision

Post by SpiritTalker »

You can use the vision to alert you to a potential situation and then exercise your self control and walk away when it is encountered. No excuses.
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Re: So I'm not sure what to make of this vision

Post by Newbiewitch94 »

SpiritTalker wrote:You can use the vision to alert you to a potential situation and then exercise your self control and walk away when it is encountered. No excuses.
True honestly its making me consider not even going as quite frankly
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