Anxiety intrusive thoughts and psychic powers

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Anxiety intrusive thoughts and psychic powers

Post by Lucairo123 »

As a kid , once I was old enough to be over thinking I was a Harry Potter wizard or the avatar , I believed I was psychic. I’m now trying to figure out what the truth behind all that is. Many times I was right -what I saw in my head or dreamed about happened . I knew I was going to get a double promotion In karate. I’d dream about someone being pregnant and someone (though often not the same person) turned out to be pregnant . In the 2012 election I was wrong . I thought Obama would lose and he ended up winning and that made me lose confidence in my powers. Ironically I pretty much did predict the 2016 election back then ......but anyway let’s not cause any political arguments here. I have an anxiety disorder that causes me to have intrusive thoughts about things such as cursing in innapropriate situations and as a teenager who didn’t know what intrusive thoughts were visions . But they weren’t so they didn’t happen. So now I’m left wondering -was “psychic powers” always just a way for my young , lacking in knowledge about mental illness brain to try to understand my anxiety? How do I tell the difference between predictions and Intrusive thoughts? How much can I trust my own mind?
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Re: Anxiety intrusive thoughts and psychic powers

Post by SpiritTalker »

How much? ... About 50/50.
By this I mean we can only observe and compare in-coming thoughts to their results; keep an open mind & use plain common sense to exercise reasonable caution. It's ok to back our hunches but knuckle headed to rely on them alone. We do occasionally have to make gut level decisions (most often about trusting other people) and fortunately survival instinct and subliminal awareness kick in & guide.

Over years of time, with exposure & repetition we eventually recognize the frequency, the brain-feeling, of the authentic visions/thoughts/words/imaging. If we're lucky the best way to go will have a light, even if we only see it with our inner eye. You can program yourself through suggestion & meditation to give yourself a recognition signal.

Realistically there is no one size fits all, works for everyone rule. Journaling helps pin down the patterns because memory is faulty.

Psychic stuff happens because there is more than 3-D reality happening. The 3-D realm is where our bodies are, but the brain multi-tasks & functions in multiple realities simultaneously. Being psychic occasionally, or a whole lot & often, is a normal function of the brain. It's like how many balls you can juggle at one time.

I'm not sure what you'd meant by "cursing in inappropriate situations" ... Did you mean using magically charged, willed intention to cause harm ...? &'not cussing someone out for a misdemeanor? When do you believe it is OK to act out of a fit of rage & not out of wisdom? You have to know inside yourself where you personally draw the line & apply self control within your means.

Re: Anxiety intrusive thoughts and psychic powers

Post by Lucairo123 »

I forgot to clarify that I meant cursing in the non-magical sense of the word. I’m still new at all this.
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Re: Anxiety intrusive thoughts and psychic powers

Post by SpiritTalker »

Play it safe ... The only appropriate time to swear a blue streak is when you hit your thumb with a hammer or a tax audit. The 2 are equivalent. All other situations require monitoring the brain-to-mouth signals & being alert.
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Re: Anxiety intrusive thoughts and psychic powers

Post by barker »

all psychic powers work with people that "are the truth." when you try to read for somebody who is NOT the truth, to you, you will get a bogus reading! what does it mean for one to "be the truth"? it means for the person to have his/her own soul "on its own."

Re: Anxiety intrusive thoughts and psychic powers

Post by Bunnniii »

I would honestly talk to a doctor about all of this . I had horrible axiety and OCD growing up. I too would have intrusive thoughts. I told my mom and she made me not tell anyone one. I had never heard of axiety or OCD and was very afraid. The thing about intrusive thoughts is everyone has them but to a person with OCD or axiety they cause distress and the harder you try to push them away the stronger they get. Its always best to talk to a doctor . When I did it greatly helped me and now my OCD and axiety doesn't interfear with my everyday life anymore.
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