Sending a Spirit Home

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Sending a Spirit Home

Post by Blu-Luna »

Hi everyone! Say, I have a question and could use some help, I have a Spirit living in my house, but more than that, I am pretty sure this Spirit is following me where ever I move to. Yesterday I got the strongest feeling I have ever had that he wants me to help him cross over to the other side. Has anyone here had experience in such matters? I have found some books on the subject, but would love to hear if any of you have any experience in this. Thanks!
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Re: Sending a Spirit Home

Post by SpiritTalker »

I have some mediumistic ability so I'm just a conduit, a mouth piece. I let my guide do the transitioning. You don't have to manipulate the dimensions of existence or anything so fanciful - Just help them resolve the concern that attaches them to your space. I used to work at a cemetery across the street from both a church and from a funeral home. Between the 3 there was no shortage of openings or opportunities to cross. The light fissures (as I saw 'em) stayed open where ever a committal service occurred (no matter the religion) & can be used by any spirit wanting to crossover, as I understand it. Even spirits have their guides.

IMO Anything that helps a spirit communicate their concern could help - telepathic relay, divination, dreams, automatic writing are a few methods you can do on your own. You don't have to do anything that is contrary to your beliefs or outside your ability. For whatever reason the spirit believes you have what is needed, so assume you probably do. Don't overlook mundane things like their former belongings, of by chance you brought anything with you from that prior location that might have been theirs & is attaching them to you?

Since this spirit has followed you, how did you first become aware of him? Was that place in any way related to your awareness of him? Were you possibly personally acquainted with or friend of a friend? Just a thought that it might be someone familiar even if not a personal acquaintance.

In a way you play detective. Jot down all your impressions, however imaginary they might seem. See if they give a clue. Usually their concerns are normal human worries that were important to them but were unresolved. When you feel their presence just talk out loud so they can hear you. Acknowledge them & ask why they are there. Are there any details in common between one sense of presence and another that help identify him or the concern he has?

I have only worked with my guide as go-between.
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Re: Sending a Spirit Home

Post by Blu-Luna »

Thanks so much for advice SpiritTalker! I actually have had several "hauntings" in my life. I do not know what to make of it. I once had a dream and a divine being asked me if I would help souls to make it home. I thought they meant when I was dead and in Spirit form, but now I am thinking they want me to help lost souls home whilst I am still alive. I am not sure when this particular spirit latched himself to me, but hes been with me for a while. He might have come with me from an old farmhouse that was haunted where my friend Donna and I ran away to. The new people that moved in never had a single visit from a spirit. I still did tho. That has been 40 years ago. He is most active when people are unpleasant to me. He didn't like it my house-mates that were using me and mean to me. He scared them so bad that they moved out!
I am pretty sure he is not a family member. I am going to do some digging like you suggested and see what I can come up with! Thanks so much once again!
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Re: Sending a Spirit Home

Post by SpiritTalker »

You might look up a "committal service" just to become familiar with the idea, and get a feel for prayers for the dead. The ancient Egyptians had a whole ministry devoted to opening the way and crossing the threshold safely, ie the Egyptian Book of the Dead. X'n prayers are much shorter but the same idea & can be found online too. The old concept was of weighing the soul against it's actions during life, cleanse with prayers the harmful deeds committed (&'omitted if they turned the blind eye), and cross the threshold in peaceful trust. And that's exactly what you'd do today if you sat with a dying individual to ease their transition. It's not a small task and requires intense faith in an after life on the dying's behalf. It's a path that deeply stirs the passions by all means.

Edit: and it's also possible that, considering your dream, this spirit is attached to you to help you help others as his means of transiting. You may be a partnership. Maybe. Just something to consider.
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Re: Sending a Spirit Home

Post by barker »

Spirits need to be reminded of how cool/nice/fun they were in order to depart. Perhaps see that in them and allow that re-memory. It's a "friendliness"...
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Re: Sending a Spirit Home

Post by Blu-Luna »

Thank you all for your advice! I preformed a ritual the nite of the full moon and I told him it was safe to cross over, there is no one there that will punish him when he does cross over. I told him many positive things. I died once myself (of course I came back!) and I told him my experience too. I talk to him like a friend because he is my friend. I also told him he is free to come and visit me any time, but he has to cross over to be free, then he can do as he wishes. I am pretty sure it worked because I felt lighter and happy for him when I was done. I don't know if it was just dream, but he told me he could and would help me to help others cross over too. So yes, SpiritTalker, I believe you are right. I am still working it out on how to pursue helping other Spirits, but I really feel that this is what I am meant to do. I found a couple of books on the subject, (thanks for the tip on Egyptian Book of the Dead, sounds helpful!) but I have not been able to buy them yet. There is no one in my life that believes in such things, but I most certainly do. I am afraid if they did find out I was helping Spirits cross over, I might get locked away to the insane asylum, they have locked me up there before, but for being suicidal. I am do glad to have advice from everyone here and if y'all have anymore tips, I would appreciate it, as I am new to all of this, but am excited to help spirits cross over! Thank you all for not making fun of me!!!
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Re: Sending a Spirit Home

Post by SpiritTalker »

The Egyptian Book of the Dead is based on the old Egyptian beliefs & is a translation of the prayers. It doesn't explain their beliefs, just so you know.

:D I'm glad you helped your recent friend.
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Re: Sending a Spirit Home

Post by LC »

Unless I feel like I need a physical copy of a book, I get some for my kindle.
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
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