I Want To Help

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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I Want To Help

Post by Blu-Luna »

I wrote a post awhile back on spirits "haunting" me my whole life and fear of being damned to hell due to my religion, but I had it all wrong. I had a dream about 6 months ago and in it I was asked (might have been a deity) if I would help souls to cross-over and it is a most serious undertaking not to be taken lightly, I said "yes", but I thought they meant after I died, no, now I know it is here(maybe there too) that I am meant to help here. I believe I sent the Spirit in my house home safely, now I need to help another but don't know how or were to find the next trapped soul. I am wondering if anyone here has any experience in this field and knows how to approach such an endeavor. I really feel that this is my true calling in life and I want to approach it wisely and with love! Thanks so much!
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Re: I Want To Help

Post by SpiritTalker »

Read about various mediumship practices to get an idea of the most useful skills. There are many styles & methods & a condensed method is: First learn to recognize your guide & to hear or "know" their messages. Then you will be led by them to the spirits that your "team" has the qualities needed to give aid. Most mediums work with a few selected familiar spirits who do the fishing for you. Get to know your own guide, learn their identity energy frequency. Ask them for a recognition sign that will be consistently used by them. Expand on what you've already done. I was taught thru meditation, dreams & astral travel to teachers at the discretion of my guide.

Ghost hunting is a pop-culture approach. In my experience, It's going at the task with more guts than brains. It's one benefit is frequent exposure to a variety of spirits. Shielding is an essential protective talent. There are ghost hunting para-research teams that can be contacted thru local book stores and new age shops. There are magazines devoted to the popular topic. You can read about it to get ideas for how to make contacts. EMF meters & voice activated recorders are the trend. Tagging along with such groups in cemeteries at least gives experience. Working solo is extremely rare as Spirits can be just as feisty dead as when they were alive.

In my college days - before the pop culture trend - I'd worked with a medium to do de-hauntings. We never went to a site with less than 3 team members present. We found late afternoon through dusk was optimal time to make contact. Her only equipment was holy water to sprinkle around us in a circle & a folding chair so she could sit down. Usually someone had a flashlight. She would bring-through her guide & then contact the spirit of the place. The spirit would then communicate thru the guide & not be brought directly thru the medium (most spirits don't know how to talk thru another person). Team members would question the spirit to find out what held them back from letting go & moving on. Simple prayers of release would be offered.

As I have seen, there are opportunities for crossing at funeral services of all faiths & a simple chant under the breath can serve as well: "The door is open, the way is clear. Move to the light, there's nothing to fear." it sounds banal I know, but it's easy to remember.
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Re: I Want To Help

Post by SpiritTalker »

I was having weird computer issues - had to restart.

Using a pendulum for spirit communication is simple to do & like everything else, needs practice & a willingness to suspend conscious judgement. It doesn't matter one whit if the responses are subconscious or not.

Huff Paranormal is a YouTube channel of a man who does work solo or with 1-2 others. He invented the spirit-box communicator. I feel he is authentic & his channel is worth a visit.
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Re: I Want To Help

Post by Blu-Luna »

Thank you so much SpiritTalker! Now I have a place to start! And no, your chant is exatcly what I need, nothing banal about that! I never considered myself a medium, but I know there is nothing wrong with that (well, that would depend upon who you asked)! I'm going to check all things out you have suggested, which ought to keep me busy for awhile! I do not own a pendulum, but I will look into that too.Thanks so much once again!
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Re: I Want To Help

Post by SpiritTalker »

Telepathy is the main method of direct communication. I think it's mostly inborn talent and it can be added to, practiced and expanded. You already have it. Empathy is a fore runner, picking up the feelings given off by intense emotions. Practice with friends. Pick an hour once a week. The first 30 minutes you receive & your friend transmits; the 2nd 30 minutes switch roles. Compare notes the next day because dreams will often contain information the waking mind missed. Heck, I even use it with my cats on a daily basis to find out what flavor can of cat food they want opened. Talk to everything you can just for practice.

I'm not suggesting you have to be a medium to carry on. But they do have a knack for spirit communication, right? Just use their ideas & pick out the useful bits.

My favorite pendulum is one I'd made from bits in my kitchen junk drawer...a silver-plated, link bracelet with a broken clasp, threaded with red-thread from Rachel's tomb, a small faceted sun catcher as the bob weight (it sparkles) & a slip-ring from a broken keyring to hold on to. I get better results with it and also have an online purchased copper bob on a copper chain that works well for me for dowsing. Steel makes me fidget & iron makes my hands buzz & itch. So see what feels good to you.
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Re: I Want To Help

Post by Blu-Luna »

Again, thank you SpiritTalker! Funny, I have been watching a few YouTube videos on clairvoyancy and I am actually pretty good! I am also learning to scry which is getting better day-by-day. I can use a ring for a pendulum, hum, I might have one that would be perfect, thanks! Also, I watched Steve Huff and I do not believe he is a phony either. Very interesting stuff! I am an empath and always had good intuition, I just need to keep working on my skills so I can help those lost to cross over to the other side! Thanks once again and I hope you have a happy weekend!
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