Why do I freak Aura Readers out?

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Why do I freak Aura Readers out?

Post by frostarei »

I have only met three people who have claimed to be able to 'see' my aura and in two of the three cases, they hadn't even really gotten a chance to speak with me much less ask permission. In those two cases they went pretty wide eyed when I showed up and their eyes went up and to either side of me like noticbly like they were looking at wings or some giant phantom or something. They were really uncomfortable and one of them was working in a store and was talking to me as though she were afraid I might contaminate something in the place with my energy. She gave me some oils that would 'help' I guess. I haven't run into another aura reader. This last one was like three years ago and the time before that was a quiet girl at a wiccan get together locally and she just like didn't really want to talk to me.
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Re: Why do I freak Aura Readers out?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Why not get another reading with detailed observation? You'd have the info & not be dramatizing over unfounded guess work.
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Re: Why do I freak Aura Readers out?

Post by Firebird »

I'm thinking you might be jumping to conclusions, it doesn't sound like they really "gave" a reading and it could be you were sensing something else altogether. Sometimes our insecurities cause us to perceive things that do not really exist yet they feel very real. If they did not say in so many words, what you fear, then it is more than likely our lovely imaginations filling in the blanks, and the blanks may be faulty.
My take on store owners that follow one around are either trying really hard to make a sale or they are concerned that people may be stealing stuff.
Like Spirit suggested, see an actual aura reader and perhaps have an aura photo done.
Best to you, Firebird
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Re: Why do I freak Aura Readers out?

Post by corvidus »

What oils were you given?
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Re: Why do I freak Aura Readers out?

Post by frostarei »

Frankencense. And. I'm not really sure where to even look for an aura reader. Hm. Ill do a little digging cause now I'm curious. But yeah the only one that actually flat out said 'holy aura batman' was the store owner and I could see how that might have been an attempt to dramatize for a sale...but she just doesn't have that sort of reputation from the few witches I did know in the area and she gave me a sample and from what I saw there frankensence is stupid expensive. I don't know.
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Re: Why do I freak Aura Readers out?

Post by SnowCat »

I see auras with some people, though I'm not an aura reader. I met one guy who had the most disorganized aura I have ever encountered. Something like that can be a distraction. I also had an "aura painting" done at a metaphysical fair some years ago. The woman was inaccurate and expensive. I had my aura photo done at that same fair, with entirely different results. My daughter, who was pregnant at the time, also had her aura photo done. My grandsons aura showed in her belly. That was interesting.
Daughter of Sekhmet
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