
Discussion about pets, familiars, animal totems, animal spirits, pet ghosts, and more. All animal talk, crazy and normal, is welcome here.
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Post by slagy »

Alright didnt know what i should put this in but... When i was 5 i had the chicken pox and couldnt sleep cause i itched so bad. I went out into my living room at 3:00 in the morning to watch some tv. After a little while i got bored and turned it off and tried to sleep on the couch. I looked over on the wall and there was what looked like light in the shape of a bird flapping. However there was no windows open and no lights on it was in pitch black. I probably will never forget that!

[Star In Love]

Post by [Star In Love] »

A shadow of a spirit. How wonderful. When I was younger I was up late one night and seen the same kind of thing, a shadow of a cape. Mvoing around the house to the music, so I decided to get up and dance with the energy. It was quite wonderful.

Keep watching, and more will come. Star
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Hmm- that sounds lovely, Slagy. I haven't yet had an experience like that, but I do see things outside that no one else sees, so I can understand what you are saying.

Definitely, don't be afraid of the bird spirit/shadow, it's not there to hurt you but rather share some time and energy with you. (It may have simply come to you at that time because of your personal feelings- possibly even to help alleviate some of the irritation you were feeling from your pox).

Being just a shadow (meaning we can't identify the type of bird), I can't really offer any more info as to the significance of the species, but hey- like Star said, keep watching- you may learn more as time goes by.

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Post by Addalaide »

I havent seen a shadow like that, usaly i will see an animal around that signafys something. ( somewhat funny story if you know my aunt ) My aunts animal guid is a red tail hawk ( she says anyways ) so anytime i see one doing soething...out of the ordinary i always look at the time and ask her what was going on. One day we where out driveing about 4:23 PM and i saw this hawk on the side of the road so i said to myself ok whats he goinging...well he happend to be ripping apart a little creature of somesorts so i marked the time. A fue days later i asked her what she was doing between 4:-4:30 thay day she said she was dealing with the guy who had no idea what he was doing and she was getting all upset and wanted to just smack some sence into him! so i laughted and she said why do you ask anyways? i said because at the time i was watching a hawk rip something apart. ( sorry i know it was a little on the grusom side ) It was just very intreasting to me. I havent had an animal come to me about anything outside of dreams.

Merry Part
[Ebony Rose]
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Post by [Ebony Rose] »

The first time we see a spirit outside of a dream, it can be a freightening thing because we don't know what to do or how to respond.

Try to set the fear aside. Do as StarInLove did - dance! Ask the spirit if it needs something specific from you or someone else, or if it is here merely to 'hang out' for a while.

Beware though. Sometimes spirits can overstay their welcome. If it becomes a problem for you, just ask it to leave.
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