My mom's dream is scaring me

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My mom's dream is scaring me

Post by Firebird »

Ok, so I get this real excited call from my mother, who has remembered a dream. She never remembers dreams.
We have talked and talked on the subject, she would like to remember and we have discussed ways she could get greater recall, but she hadn't done any of them.
The day she had the dream she was very disoriented after leaving her bridge game at a new players house. Got all turned around leaving the place, managed to get home and fell asleep right away. When she woke she didn't know how she got home or who drove her. She thought it might have been me but then she realized I had left over a week ago. She called to say that she dremt this....

She had been driving a car behind a big truck whose back cargo gate was all open. She saw a figure in the back of this truck getting tossed about as the tuck went down the road. She suddenly realized it was her grandmother (on her fathers side). Before long they were somehow at the side of the road talking and my mother had the huge compulsion to approach her and gave her a big kiss on the cheek, which she did.

And that's all she remembers.
This is what is freaking me out, 1. Her being so disoriented makes me belive something is happening in her brain, could be stroke or TSI, 2. The disorientation has opened up a portal previously unaccessable which could be good or bad, 3. Seeing family member long dead and frankly had never been thought of fondly, suddenly affectionate towards them. 4. Embracing and kissing someone on the other side after disorienting afternoon.

See, that's the other thing that is twisted. My mother never talked about this grandmother, I had to ask her tonight. I didn't even know her name...Helen, her English name, they had emigrated from Norway, she doesn't remember nor could pronounce her Norse name.
And now she is embracing her?
I know I should be strong, she is 90, but her mother lived to 100, I'm kinda counting on her to do the same I guess. I have so many thoughts running tru my head rite now and tears out my eyes..i gotta go.
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Re: My mom's dream is scaring me

Post by SpiritTalker »

firebirdflys wrote:Ok, so ...This is what is freaking me out, 1. Her being so disoriented makes me belive something is happening in her brain, could be stroke or TSI, 2. The disorientation has opened up a portal previously unaccessable which could be good or bad, 3. Seeing family member long dead and frankly had never been thought of fondly, suddenly affectionate towards them. 4. Embracing and kissing someone on the other side.

I know I should be strong, she is 90, but her mother lived to 100, I'm kinda counting on her to do the .
Disorientation can be physical as you've mentioned & you're right to pay attention. Ask about the pupils of her eyes ... Tiny dot pupils could be something physical. A nap conveniently helps reset the energy body connection to it's physical counterpart so doesn't raise flags IMO.

Psi Openings: If stemming from the astral there'd have to be a link, a tag lock or the desire on one side or the other. That drop off the back of a truck suggests the desire was from the grandmother. Plop. "Here I am. Deal with it."

Making peace at any time in life is a good thing & is most realistic as we get older. Laying old grudges to rest at 90 is danged well about time. Whether the contact is this side or the other has no greater significance as it is just stating where they are. It's the person with whom peace is made & their issues that bears the importance.

And, well - uhyeh. When our job here is done it's wisest to pick up stakes & mosey on. In my obseravtion a swift lift off is preferable to long suffering in a broken down hulk. I watched my mom suffer then linger in a coma. She was 55. I didn't know I could cry that much but came out of it when I realized I was crying for myself & not for her. Her suffering was over & that made me smile. We had OOB conversations before & after. My dad went -snap!- like that at 72 & we still had OOB conversations & occasional dream-level kibitzing. He told me in a dream when my sister needed help & was right. I appreciated their support but didn't want their concerns for family to hold them back or hinder their spiritual progress. They are free Beings & deserve the graces of the light. And sure, sometimes I still cry & feel better after.
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Re: My mom's dream is scaring me

Post by greycat »

Has your mum got an infection of any sort ? O.Hs mum would have vivid dreams and " hallucinations" when she had urinary tract infections. She would ask who all the people were who were standing around her bed, even when the infection was cleared up her memory of the visitors was very clear. Some she knew but most were friendly strangers to her.
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