Smudging/ridding of energies

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Smudging/ridding of energies

Post by onyxnight »

Merry Meet everyone! So I've been hearing a lot of witches state that when you acquire second hand items, (for example, when you go to a thrift shope and buy a bowl or something that was once used by an unknown person), that it is very crucial to "smudge" the item. What exactly is done when one smudges an item? Also, if you are using sage to cleanse said item how would one go about doing this? Do you simply light the sage and let the smoke envelop the item you are trying to cleanse? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, and let me know if there are other ways you guys cleanse second hand items (or items that just simply need cleansed) that work for you!

Thank you so much and blessed be!
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Re: smudging/ridding of energies

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yup, you've got the idea.

Usually dried sage & other twigs like cedar & pinion pine are wrapped together in a bundle. Hold one end of the bundle in a flame just long enough so it catches fire, then blow the flame out. The end will smolder. Fan it or blow on it to increase smoke. Waft the smoke over all surfaces of any item that can't be wet-washed (like books or furniture). Sometimes a bundle goes out so just relight it as needed to get all surfaces fumed. Smother the smoke by lightly crushing the burned ash (or smother the tip in sand) to put it out when done. Don't leave the bundle burning. Tobacco smoke from a good quality cigar also works. Fuming with smoke from white sage or tobacco distributes negative ions that neutralize attached spirits or other psychic imprints & even a deeply set intention of magical purpose can be removed this way.

Most items can just be wet-washed in the sink with ordinary soap & water with a 1/4 tsp of salt added to neutralize psychic imprints. Any store bought item will have been handled by several unknown people through manufacturing, packing & displaying. Handling leaves fingerprints which are tiny energy signatures. Antiques or memorabilia are more likely to have spirit attachments from long association with their prior owners.

In nature sitting beside a quick flowing river or at the beach with steady wave action also generates negative ions that cleanses our auras. Salt water will also remove the psychic energies left behind from previous owners & is portable mixed in a spray bottle. A salt-scrub lightly used in the shower (always moving from head-to-feet to ground energy) clears negative attachments from our auras. Consecrated salt water has been the standard for magical purification & fumigation with frankincense, sandalwood, pine, cedar or sage has been used for centuries. Each plant brings it's own special properties but they all work.
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Re: smudging/ridding of energies

Post by onyxnight »

So if I use salt to wash my jars off will that cleanse them of energies as well? What about Florida water?
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Re: smudging/ridding of energies

Post by SpiritTalker »

Think it thru & you'll see the obvious conclusion re: salt.
And "what" about FW?
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Re: smudging/ridding of energies

Post by onyxnight »

Can you use Florida water to cleanse items?
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Re: Smudging/ridding of energies

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've read that it's used for wiping down. I'm not informed why ... I'm guessing the alcohol disinfects & that is equivalent with banishing, plus properties of citrus. This article says the ingredients are lemon, lavender, orange & alcohol. I looked these up in the EUTM correspondence table & all three are used for health, protection & purification. So there ya go.
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Re: Smudging/ridding of energies

Post by Astro Logical 1 »

I always run things under the tap. Warm water and then I bathe said item in smoke from sage or incense.
If you're really not sure if something is cleared, you can wrap in in a cloth and then bury it in the dirt for a while.

I have some things from my Grandmother and I refuse to cleanse them. Sometimes residual energies are the whole reason for having something.
Love and Blessings
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