Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

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Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by Observantcat »

I am copying and pasting from my introduction, to I don't miss something.

If possible, I welcome all positive responses in pointing me to the right direction. Even help.

Ok, here it goes. (Please forgive my poor spelling)

Also, a member mentioned to me about the 13 bohemian lineage, secret occult family blood lines? I my have worded that wrong, I'm sorry if I have.

Is there a way to find out if this is in my lineage?

Hello Everyone!

(I apologize for the poor spelling)

like to Explore, learn. play, pictures, art (creating art), sing, sleep and dream. (Im mostly stuck in bed right now)

Dislike: Those who use me, abuse me, lie to me. basically, if you're honest with me, im fine. no matter if words hurt.

Hobbies: Drawing, singing, resting, healing (myself) Exploring new places and seeing its beauty.

I am a quiet observer, a creator, i mainly stay to myself, even when in a crowd. (No one really thinks much of me, or they forget me intirely.

As for country, it doesnt matter to me.

This is my first time reaching out to others who have experience in the craft.

I welcome all ideas and good energy, from the more experienced.

In the past, I used cards for readings. Things got very scary. Like seeing things. I ended up stop using my cards, due to the negative energy. The readings were always right on.

I've always have had a few gifts. I am looking to grow them again. I kinda forced my 3rd eye shut. But I still see things.
anyways, if anyone can help me grow my gifts safely, and teach me how to protect myself, while practicing, that would be amazing.

It's a gift that has traveled through my family. I seem to be the most in-tune.

Long story short, I also believe that I am hexed/cursed/or something. I do a good deed, only meant for good intentions,and it always goes very badly south.

I would not be surprised if I know the person who has done this.

Right now, due to a disease, My body is failing. But my spirit is screaming, like it's got to much energy.

I wanna Learn:

Protection, (from evil beings- I've met a few nasty ones)

Banishment of negative energy/spirits/ anything that would harm myself or my loved ones. (I feel like something is sucking the life right out of me)

I wanna keep the door to the good open.

Break a curse/hex/exc that maybe on me.

I also want to completely disappear from my blood line. (both parents are passed, and I have a small family. (Honestly, I just want everyone from my bloodline to permanently leave me alone. Except for my small family of course.

I wanna learn how to astral project, and walk the plains.

Again, safely.

I also wanna know how far I can build my abilities.."

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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by barker »

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. No specific advice, but, eat up - because this path is heaps fun. ::coolglasses::
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by SpiritTalker »

It helps to meditate daily & not just when' we think of it.
It helps to use a closing procedure after you've psychically opened yourself for readings.
It helps to practice grounding, centering, shielding.
It helps to work with your spirit-guide (if you have that belief) to astral project.

How did you partially close your third eye yet it still sees (ie., by grounding practices, ritual, sheer grit & determination)? Squint?

Which specific psychic abilities do you want to improve?

QiDong exercises from YouTube are good ways to learn to raise & control energy.

Recommend browsing the "post a spell" section for topics that might interest you, as noted below:

Hex breaking:
http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 37599.html
I've also used biblical Psalm 7&8 in a 3-day candle vigil spell to clear myself

Ghost Buster amulet:
http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 37572.html
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by Observantcat »

SpiritTalker wrote:If you wouldnt mind I've got some questions to get to know you better.

Do you meditate daily or when you think of it?

Do you use a closing procedure after you've psychically opened yourself for readings?

How did you partially close your third eye yet it still sees (ie., by grounding practices, ritual, sheer grit & determination)?

What does astral projection & "walk the planes" mean to you? What about it interests you?

Which specific psychic abilities do you want to improve?

Do you practice grounding, centering, shielding?

End of quiz. :D
Brief replies are helpfulful & appreciated.

Recommend browsing the "post a spell" section for topics that might interest you.

http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 37599.html
I've also used biblical Psalm 7&8 in a 3-day candle vigil spell
. Hello SpiritTalker,

Do I meditate? Nope. I've just been started listening to some meditation music. (Saturday I think I started that) (before Saturday, nope)

I have no idea what a closure is. As for psychic readings, are you talking about cards? Palm reading?

Honestly, I literally told my mind, no more. (and screaming at the evil, to be cast out.) I kinda had enough after I was thrown into a wall. (Scared the literal shit out of me.- sorry for language.

What does astral projection & "walk the planes" mean to you? What about it interests you?


Astral projection for me is, is well, kinda like dreaming, but different. I don't think I've 100% projected on purpose.

But using astral projection for learning, knowledge, and maybe find out what or why things follow me, find me, stick to me.

Which specific psychic abilities do you want to improve?
Well, I'd like to learn how to focus my energy, meditate- go to the plains, learn healing. Find a deck that is blessed and protected from, evil spirits. (I realize that I may have to cleanse/bless/ protect the deck myself)

I also have a pendulum, that responds very well for me. Learn some proper ways to dowse.

Connect with my familar.

Improve my ability to read and focus energy around me, in objects.

I'm just now learning/ well, finding out about grounding, centering, and shielding.

End of quiz. Lol

Thank you so much for your help!!

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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Hooboy. (rubbing my palms together) let's see now.
Please keep in mind these are just my opinions. I'm not trying to be a know it all - I'm retired so I have the time to spend on these Qs. Give it a few days & others will contribute too. These are great people with many varied experiences.

Do I meditate? Nope. I've just been started listening to some meditation music. (Saturday I think I started that) (before Saturday, nope). Now is always good time to start :lol: . I recommend keep it simple & IMO it's better to do short 10-20 minute sessions. Mileage varies.

I have no idea what a closure is. As for psychic readings, are you talking about cards? Palm reading?. Yup I'm talking about card reading you'd mentioned. Some people do both an opening & a closing of their chakras & some don't. it activates sensitivity or shuts it down.

In meditation you'd move from the lowest chakra to the highest to open, and then reverse from highest to lowest to close. The chakras are where vital magnetism enters the body. Each is associated with a color in rainbow sequence (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet) & they spin alternating clockwise and counterclockwise as you move thru the line. Google some images if you aren't familiar with chakras.

There's various ways to work sensory opening/closing. Visualize each chakra in sequence with it's color lighting up to open & see it toned down to close. Or, with or without color imaging, just hold your open palm facing you at each chakra in sequence & think at it to either open or close.

Re 3rd Eye Squint: Honestly, I literally told my mind, no more. (and screaming at the evil, to be cast out.) I kinda had enough after I was thrown into a wall. (Scared the literal shit out of me.- sorry for language.. Yeh, wall slamming sucks. Manipulative SOBs are few & limited in my experiences & were dealt with similarly to your instinctive outpouring from the gut.

Also see http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 27796.html
in Kassandra's Metaphysical Basic section.

OK so i gather you were successful in channeling your innate energy & that would seem to be a good thing. In my experience, before I was introduced to the Craft, I'd had sensory over load with multiple daily visions 'til I didn't know if I was coming or going & i'd pretty much done similarly: welled up a command from the gut and commanded to shut down. Eventually I stumbled over grounding/shielding as a routine which was lots easier.

One very slim booklet I've found is "Entity Attachment Removal - Self Help Procedure" by Rise Harrington. ISBN 9781977067258 if you want to order it thru a book store or $9 from Amazon. It's only 51 pages of text followed by glossary &' bibliog. It explains why attachments occur & how to detach. I can't quote the whole thing without plagiarizing. It is the only simple, how-to instruction I've found specifically for spirit attachments & nothing else. The author is a medium. It's also available on Kindle. IMO attachments occur because we're ungrounded & leaking bio-energy. We emit an emotional field that attracts feeders. Our emotional energy matches what the feeder can use such as groundless anxiety & fear. We get manipulated in a repetitive cycle. Once we become aware we can break the cycle, cut off the source & detach the baggage. Lead them to cross over.

I have learned that if we keep our interior hailing frequencies open then we're like bait to energy feeders. Some feeders are helpful and relieve excess emotional baggage & then release, moving on to the next resource. The hangers-on simply become more baggage. We have to shut off their access or supply. Grounding, centering, shielding. Learn as many ways as you can find.

Re why AP interests you - Astral projection for me is, is well, kinda like dreaming, but different. I don't think I've 100% projected on purpose. ... But using astral projection for learning, knowledge, and maybe find out what or why things follow me, find me, stick to me. See Entity Attachment Removal previously mentioned.

OK, this sounds like you've been aware of quite a bit. Recognizing when we're out of body (OOB) & what reoccurring locations or frequently traveled routes we've taken is helpful. To me paths can be as thin as threads to an individual person only occasionally visited or like thick cords of light leading to astral plane teachers with frequent fliers. My guide always accompanies me on these OOB dream-like outings to lecture halls & individuals. Any type of vehicle might be present to symbolize travel & freeways with entrance & exit ramps feature in my dreams indicating I've been traveling. Ley lines can also be traveled in the earth realm level like with remote viewing. Your experiences will feature whatever symbolizes these things to you.

Which specific psychic abilities do you want to improve?
Well, I'd like to learn how to focus my energy, meditate- go to the plains, learn healing. Find a deck that is blessed and protected from, evil spirits. (I realize that I may have to cleanse/bless/ protect the deck myself)

Focussing energy can be learned by casting circles for practice. It's like a free bonus. Always ground what you raise when finished. See "Getting Started" - the link is noted below. YouTube beginner videos of ti chi qui dong are really helpful.

Traveling the planes takes desire-to-will IMO through self-programming just before bed time. Herbal & crystal pouches tucked into a pillow can help. Herkemer quartz aids dreams. Rutile quartz aids travel. Moldavite can be a heady OOB aid & a piece as small as a pea is sufficient. Rosemary aids recall. Chamomile & lavender aid relaxing. Use 'em to stuff the pouch &/or make an herbal tea before bed (if your bladder is up to it).

For hands-on healing I like "Therapeutic Touch" by Delores Kreiger, a nurse. Also TT has various websites as a topic to search in general.

Re: Tarot decks with attachments. Yea, you have the right idea about you doing a cleansing & protecting. Fume a deck with white sage smoke to cleanse. Store the deck wrapped in silk to protect. Keep a protective amulet like a pentagram or stone with the deck when not in use. Personally I'm lousy at Tarot so it'd be best to re-ask that specific Q in the Tarot section so interested & resourceful folk will see it if no one replies to it here in the laundry list.

I also have a pendulum, that responds very well for me. Learn some proper ways to dowse.
There's plenty of info on the Internet. Just do it & learn as you go. You can check dowsing associations booklets for good tips. There's no one right or wrong way. Just keep your mind on what you seek. One author I've read uses a pendulum with a 24" string & feels length makes his results results more reliable. I have cheap L-rods off Amazon that work fine.

Connect with my familiar. There are shamelessly pop culture definitions of familiars and there are historical, well researched definitions. Be sure you know which is which. Edit: Use telepathy & agree on a recognition signal (image or sound) that indicates only the spirit familiar's contact. Ask for the signal just before sleep.

Improve my ability to read and focus energy around me, in objects.
I've described some ways to focus & set intention in Witchcraft & Wicca 101 section topic called http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 34769.html

Edit: your phrasing may also refer to psychometry - to read or sense the energies left on an object form handling. You can create reading games for yourself. Collect 10 items - 5 that have been regularly used by another person & 5 used by yourself. Get a pack of new, unused identical paper lunch bags from the grocery store. Wrap the items in paper towels so they don't rattle. Place one item inside each bag. Staple the bags closed. Rearrange their order like shuffling a deck so you don't know which is which, then put a number on each bag to identify it. Use objects that have similar weights so you can't make guesses based on heaviness of the bag. Do not cheat by squeezing the bags. Keep all bags stapled closed until the very end of all readings. Then sit with one bag at a time. Drop into center to pull your power within. Tell yourself to "know" about the item. Record any thoughts, feelings, images that pop into your mind in a notebook. Identify each bag by the number you gave it. After you've read all the bags match each to it's number in your note book, open the bag & record the owner, actual item, & description. Then review & see how you did. Repeat as desired.

Sensing, picking up or reading energy can be practiced by laying hands on a tree - use a few different tree species for exposure to a full spectrum. Got a dog or cat? Read their emotions. Center to pull your power within, then open your hailing frequencies & talk to the tree or your pet. Really just listen & sense any emotions, images, words, blocks of thought. Trees are so big you can't miss 'em. Pets love to share (whatever you're eating) :) .

And when I say open hailing frequencies I have to trust that you already have identified your inner sense of incoming info. telepathically or empathically. You'd illuded to many random psychic experiences so you have the gist of it already and are just learning to trust it. Giving vocal instructions to our inner selves works when we speak from the gut.

I'm just now learning/ well, finding out about grounding, centering, and shielding. see "getting started" & search other posts to browse as it comes up often.
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by Yellow diamond light »

For protection if you feel something has attached itself to you you could try a mjolnir pendant made from either oak or iron, you could also draw his name in runes on your body somewhere inconspicuous like arm. I know this is a tryed and true method of old.
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by Observantcat »


Thank you so much! thats a ton of info!!!

For cards, I would feel there energy. if it was tingly and warm, I stuck with that choice...

Every reading was 100% spot on. (Id do one reading a year or so. usually jan1st or dec 31st. Id read 3-4 cards for season.)

Id right down the results in a notebook, and read them at the next reading, (one year later) 100% spot on. everytime.

Funny thing, I bought my s/o that.

I have runes, havent used them yet.
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by SpiritTalker »

>"Funny thing, I bought my s/o that."

Sorry ... Please translate.

X x x x x x x x

Also, on your intro topic I'd mentioned remote viewing as an aid to astral projecting but didn't give instructions. I've recopied my post from another topic on similar RV uses:

Remote viewing can also be called seeing at a distance. It's not quite out of body travel but certainly is a relocation of the conscious mind.

Meditating at random didn't do much for me but using remote viewing techniques to casually overview a location helped. Using RV protocols defuses the doubts of just imagining things. Write out "triggers" as either the name or map coordinates of some locations to be viewed on plain paper & seal each in it's own envelope. Shuffle the envelopes then put a number on each so you can work with them. Don't number them as you write or stuff the trigger in the envelope because you want them completely unknown to you for RV-ing. And shuffling before numbering the envelopes reorders them as a double-blind. Leave the envelopes sealed until the absolute very end of all inquires of all envelopes so you can't use process of elimination to guess what's left. Fold the paper so the trigger can't be read through the envelope. You want to know you can't cheat & sneak a peek. We're only human.

You could sleep with that week's lucky-draw envelope under your pillow. Work with one envelope at a time - sealed - & RV the target. Do as many sessions per envelope as you want. To "view" you center your energy & then focus on one unopened envelope. Say things like "I will see only this location now." let whatever pops into your mental screen just be. Record all your sensory input - smells, sounds, feelings, & images in a notebook; noting each by the number of the envelope. RV & record notes for all the envelopes before opening them one at a time & adding the trigger identity to it's corresponding number set of notes. Open them one at a time because the contents do not have numbers and could get mixed up, which would ruin the study.

Then study your notes & see what they tell you. It can take several weeks to do all the envelopes if you do 10. Or you can do 5 & leave 5 as another double blind so you can't guess ahead of time which one's you worked with. You can always do the un-used 5 later.

You can use the coordinates (letter/numeral printed around the edges) from a local area map for triggers to be viewed. Then visit the locations in person afterwards & compare to your notes to check accuracy. Or use coordinates of Google Earth & view from the street images or satellite photos to check your accuracy. Google Earth didn't exist when I was learning RV-ing. Historic events can also be triggers for viewing. My first "hit" was a cross-street coordinate. I'd recorded in my notes that I'd smelled chocolate chip cookies & it turned out that the Keebler Cookie Factory was located at that cross-street coordinate. So all the senses do register in RV-ing.
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by Observantcat »

Spirit talker: Thor's hammer.

Thank you so much for explaining that to me!! RV, unconsciously, as a child, I would point at a scratch-off lotto ticket. My dad would say, "Everytime you saw a lotto machine, you'd would just point, and it would turn out to be a winner. "

My senses have definitely been neglected since childhood. I didn't know what it was until now
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yes indeed, many here at EUTM can recognize that reeling-feeling of self discovery & we're already convinced these abilities are real. To psychically inclined people it's fairly normal & all in a day's work. The only person you need actually to convince is yourself and to accept the real you as a comfortable way to be. Exercising the abilities develops self control and can make them less intimidating. I think it's good to enjoy yourself with the freedom to explore who you are. Try to not be faked-out by the temporary glamour of "special" talents nor to be freaked out by seemingly spooky talents if you can help it. Take time to come to grips with the wider view of reality you have than most people get to experience. It's OK to be You.

As has been suggested calling on your guardian angel or spirit companion for guidance in self development, for interpreting unexpected events & for protection from mis-conception, mis-information & misfit entity attachments is a darned good practice to adopt. Thru this guidance you can learn how best to hone & apply your abilities as you are already interested in this. You are on the right path to awareness & can trust yourself. That which has Created you trusts you.

Edit: remote viewing, precognition and telekinesis are not the same abilities but all function through our psychic sensors.
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by Observantcat »


I am just now seeing this. Thank you for all of the info given. :) I am out of it most of the time, and cant speak. It takes me a min to get back to people.

Thankyou so much!
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by birublackzoey »

SpiritTalker wrote: I think it's good to enjoy yourself with the freedom to explore who you are. Try to not be faked-out by the temporary glamour of "special" talents nor to be freaked out by seemingly spooky talents if you can help it.
This is such valuable advice for anyone just coming into his or her own. Especially in this day and age of "mutants", "special abilities" in film and media, it tends to distort our relationship with what is a natural extension for most humans. I had to undo a lot of this, and make a simpler and more honest connection with these inclinations, insights and also inner purpose.

Thank you, SpiritTalker
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by SpiritTalker »

All's well. ;)
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by Observantcat »


My body, im finding my energy (personal spiritual energy) with drawing into my body.

I'm thinking it's for protection of my spirit. have you experienced this?
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Re: Ive got a lot on the table, and I need guidance.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Can't say that I have.
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