Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by SnowCat »

My experience is that some of the Watchers are not benevolent. It's a bit like the Autobots and Decepticons. Can we all tell I have eclectic taste in movies? I keep intending to watch Willard. Anyway, my experience is from both a past life, and my present existence.
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by birublackzoey »

Shekinah wrote:Wow! Lots of interest and many posts. We have progressive thinkers amongst us. :D
I shall chime in with my .02 cents worth.
Having been a Noetic Science consultant while with the "Agency" I have some uncommon insight in the ET phenomenon.
We have on-going dialog with at least one other world species and have recorded lots of information in what we term our "Black Book". Essentially these beings are 3 billion years our senior and for all practical purposes could be called Gods because of their collective knowledge, wisdom and technical prowess. (No offense intended to world religion but they are the presence of Spirit that we imagine as God) They have been around the block a few times and have been our Watchers since our inception. Throughout our evolution they have tweaked our DNA and guided our progress. Ancient visitations can be correlated with many of our mythological Gods and Goddesses interacting with early humans. These beings have outposts throughout our universe and are progenitors of the life phenomenon on many worlds but their origin is other dimensional. They have little use for antiquated cumbersome star ships and move through spacetime and multidimensions by intention alone. In your Circle when you commune with a Divinity you may well be interfacing with one or more of these beings so be serious. They remain interested in our thoughts and activities and you may be seen as representative of global humanity.
Would some of them represent our manifested higher selves?

I tend to believe as well that as each dimension progresses upwards, it is less matter-based and more spirit. Kundalini and the Chakratic chart resonates this to a certain degree, as we go from base states to ether "out of the body"
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by barker »

They do not feel. If you could imagine your spirit in this state you would find their dimension. It is silent and knowing, just like consciousness without its right handed-ness. Sounds pretty lonely, it is. But there is work to do, in the realms of the spirit that are above and beyond truth. Some 'reasons' are intended as death. Aliens forget them for/with you.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by Yellow diamond light »

Aliens feel emotions far greater than any human can. Many contactees will state that their emotions were so powerful that they themselves could feel what they felt. Not saying some of the species have little to no emotions but To say aliens do not feel is completely false.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by Shekinah »

Communication between other world and other dimensional beings is by visualization and emotion. There are more languages then there are habited planets making it not possible to communicate one with the other. A mental image that contains a message and associated emotional content is the Universal language between worlds. Of course higher dimensional beings are very keenly attuned to thought and emotion of others.

I cannot over express the necessity for Wiccans and Witches to use verbal expression only as your crutch during Circle ritual the real power of communication is in your associated mental visualizations.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by SpiritTalker »

How were the higher dimension aliens created? Do they ever give an account for their own cosmology or existence? And what makes them believable?
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by barker »

SpiritTalker wrote:How were the higher dimension aliens created? Do they ever give an account for their own cosmology or existence? And what makes them believable?
They actually believe that eternity was thought before self, hence self is promised to be intelligent... An answer to the question of "who wants sex" - not them.

In a perculiar kind of way I see them as mirrors, to the fact of human evolution. Of course, if humanity can dream of living mirrors to salve them, then then there's no reason to presume that "peace is bad"... ever.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I think the mirror cracked. As the higher dimension aliens were said by Shekinah to be 3 billion years beyond our own evolution then it seems they can tell their story. What is it? Has it been recorded in any Earth ancient or modern not-for-public-viewing texts? Majestic or other? Beyond Black? (I read a book with that title).
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by Shekinah »

SpiritTalker wrote:How were the higher dimension aliens created? Do they ever give an account for their own cosmology or existence? And what makes them believable?
We are in a small segment of a vast multi dimensional space-time expanse that ultimately is infinite. The propagation of sentient life has been going on since who knows when in far older universes throughout an endless expanse of other dimensions. When and where and how did the original life form immerge and how much time elapsed for evolution to create the first civilization of beings that survived themselves to eventuate into god forms is a question even our Watchers have not divulged much about this "Meta-Verse". The progenitors of our Watchers may have been responsible for sparking the creation of our universe as they have alluded to monitoring the assembly of our sub-atomic zoo of nuclear particles and waves as they exuded from the Quantum Field. Not every dimension hosts physics hospitable for the formation of matter. Essentially our other-dimensional Watchers were here early in the initial Planck (quanta) structuring of our material universe some 14.7 billion years ago. They were ancient before the creation of our universe and were busy tweaking star and planet formation, establishing outposts and seeding life. Our Watchers have been on the scene for about 3 billion years. Even the Gods are hard at work. So much for our concepts of heavenly leisure. Nothing in creation has no purpose. We are the appointed caretakers of this planet and entrusted to rule all over which we have dominion with compassion and understanding. We alone have been given the power to create our own heaven or hell. Which shall we choose? We must temper our mettle to become worthy of cavorting with the Gods.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by SpiritTalker »

@ Yellow Diamond - you'd asked: ... "do you remember the fake invasion back in the 60s, that wasn't a prank like your government claimed it was a test to see how people reacted ..."

Were you by any chance referring to Orson Wells War of the Worlds Mercury Theatre radio broadcast on Oct 30, 1938 that panicked the nation? I had to look it up. That is pretty much now assumed to have been a social test. Ive read articles on the 1952 saucers buzzing Washington DC that were possibly of back engineered Nazi origin. I have no recall of a '60's UFO national scare but sure do remember the bomb drills we had in grade school during the Cuban missile crises in Oct 16-28, 1962. I'm not finding any references on a faked invasion in the 60's so that's why I asked about War of the Worlds.

@ Shekinah - thanks for that. I've read the progenitors & Watchers explanations in various books (no 2 completely agree) but why d'you think it's even generally accepted as the explanation? Is there a reason their say-so (whoever they are) has merit? Has there been any counter story or alternative proposal provided by anyone else that you know of? It just sounds like a Star Trek plot, y'know?
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by SnowCat »

Pretty sure my abduction experiences started in 1963, in Yellowstone.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by Yellow diamond light »

@spirit talker, yes that was what I was referring to, such a shame that they didn't tell the truth that we have some visitors from other worlds that are here mostly to help us to evolve peacefully and to warm us about the damage we are doing to our world.
Oh and by the way yes many of the other beings in the universe enjoy dancing and sex and many of the things we find comfort in.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by SpiritTalker »

A little Hollywood spin doctoring & reality management by the Powers That Be automatically comes into question in this day & age of staged shootings, faked riots, funded mass migrations & mass-opinion control via media. Re: extraterrestrials: Who benefits from the public group-mind holding on to one belief over another belief? I can't help questioning since we've all been mis-led for so long by carefully planted dis-information & denial. Why aren't we supposed to know what the greater human consciousness of group-mind can do? Who benefits from our ignorance? Telepathy & empathy are strong indicators of mass-consciousness. The old phrase for group mind was the "public pulse" & news coverage forms it's template. It would work just like gossip does in small communities to sway opinion that forms belief.

Whether ET exists and is here or not is no longer a question with YouTube available. Just look at lunar anomaly videos. Big-science has known for years that there's water & a thin atmosphere on the moon but didn't admit it until 1997. We can see for ourselves with backyard telescopes that there's activity there even if we don't know it's purpose. Somebody didn't want Earthers on the moon or we'd have functioning moon bases by now. And for all I know maybe we do. With the sheer number world-wide of photographed & filmed UFO sightings It doesn't seem like ETs hiding from view; so who's hiding ET from the public? Who benefits? What are plusses & minuses of public knowledge? (end of rant)

@ Snowcat - re: Pretty sure my abduction experiences started in 1963, in Yellowstone

I for one would be very interested to read about your experiences (if you're comfortable sharing). Did they ever put you in mind of ETs as god-forms?
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by Yellow diamond light »

Tbh I am already aware that the big greys are not friendly towards humans, maybe we will see war from another world it would at least make things interesting for once. A chance to really let go with good reason. But hopefully not, we should never start war but always be ready for it...
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Re: Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

Post by Shekinah »

SpiritTalker wrote:@ Yellow Diamond - you'd asked: ... "do you remember the fake invasion back in the 60s, that wasn't a prank like your government claimed it was a test to see how people reacted ..."

Were you by any chance referring to Orson Wells War of the Worlds Mercury Theatre radio broadcast on Oct 30, 1938 that panicked the nation? I had to look it up. That is pretty much now assumed to have been a social test. Ive read articles on the 1952 saucers buzzing Washington DC that were possibly of back engineered Nazi origin. I have no recall of a '60's UFO national scare but sure do remember the bomb drills we had in grade school during the Cuban missile crises in Oct 16-28, 1962. I'm not finding any references on a faked invasion in the 60's so that's why I asked about War of the Worlds.

@ Shekinah - thanks for that. I've read the progenitors & Watchers explanations in various books (no 2 completely agree) but why d'you think it's even generally accepted as the explanation? Is there a reason their say-so (whoever they are) has merit? Has there been any counter story or alternative proposal provided by anyone else that you know of? It just sounds like a Star Trek plot, y'know?
I have no reason to discount what our Alien visitors have told us during "Agency" Star Gate sessions. There were many witnesses from the Intelligence community who saw the bilocation of these beings and all reported near identical imagery. In any light it be more logical then the Biblical lore.
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