Possible empath with an identity problem

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Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by JaelynPotons »

Hello. So, I normally read people through their astrological charts, and haven't had very many issues with it. My sister in law asked me if I would be okay doing this at a small gathering of friends she had at her house, and I said sure because I enjoy doing it, and there wasnt anyone I hadn't met before (or so I thought). I had done a few and was feeling good. Well a friend had brought her husband whom I have never met before and asked if I could do his reading. Sure thing. I get about halfway through and i feel hot, my brain is foggy and it takes more effort than normal to speak. Now normally I absolutely do not say anything about death because it tends to get awful reactions. But in this reading it was like my filter had gone away, and I said it before I could stop myself. I said, "either you have had someone close to you die or it will happen." His wife immediately gets up from the table and says "I can't do this." And leaves the room. I feel awful, but the brain fog and overheating stops. I ask if he is comfortable with me continuing, he says yes and the rest goes without a hitch. At the end he tells me that when he was young, he was the one who found his little sister after she had killed herself, and it caused him to become a medium. Freaked me out so much I didnt read anyone for a year, and ever since that encounter with him I have had very strong impressions about people and their character (this person is bad news, or this person is a good person, etc.). Not only that but countless moths have attracted themselves to me. I find them in my clothes, on my skin, even in broad daylight. I have tried to find answers everywhere and I cannot seem to find them, other than the simple "you're an empath." But I feel in my soul that this isn't the whole answer. I feel like there is a piece of knowledge I am missing. Can anyone help? Thank you for taking the time to read, I know it's a long post.
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Re: Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by SpiritTalker »

Your story has many issues. Could you clarify what your question is?
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Re: Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by JaelynPotons »

Thank you! I've never dealt with forums at all actually, so I'm learning as I go, I appreciate the welcome.
Well, to narrow it down to its simplest form, I suppose my question would be "What am I?"
But to be fair I have many questions. Such as "did the medium force my third eye open, or did he simply give my soul the validation it needed to open by itself?" "Are the moths my spirit animal, or are they trying to tell me something, or both?" "How can I hone and control these gifts more, if I have any?"
I hope this helps clarify.
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Re: Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by JaelynPotons »

I'd also like to know what issues you see with my story, as I am trying to learn. Maybe you see something I do not.
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Re: Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by SpiritTalker »

JaelynPotons wrote:I'd also like to know what issues you see with my story, as I am trying to learn. Maybe you see something I do not.

Replace "issues" with the word "topics" - i meant that your description covered many topics.
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Re: Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by SpiritTalker »

Hoo-boy. That's a lot to think about.

> I suppose my question would be "What am I?"
You obviously have a knack for astrology which requires knowledge of the subject & the intuitive ability to interpret raw info. This is the ability you are already using.

>Did the medium force my third eye open?
A medium works with spirit entities. You recognized their presence as being associated with the man. When we just "know" a thing is so we might tend to blurt it out because it over rides our awareness. Opening the third eye is related to clairvoyance.
> did he simply give my soul the validation it needed to open by itself?"
This seems like a contributing nudge & ties in with blurting out the over-riding "knowing". The brain fog suggests the beginning of a trance-like state.And you might have some sensitivity to spirits yourself.

> Are the moths my spirit animal?
It's possible if you are actually seeking to know this facet of a spiritual path & have that belief. Just a thought - intense psychic activity can cause the body to give off a trace bioluminescence.
> or are they trying to tell me something, or both?"
Google "metaphysical meaning of moths" & see if the moth's symbolism resonates with you. Think about what it symbolizes to you now. Perhaps you're telling yourself to pay attention at those times.

>"How can I hone and control these gifts more, if I have any?"
The best tips I know are grounding & centering, listening to your higher self & If you don't regularly meditate then start. Use a meditative state to address the questions you have & listen to the voice of your soul. I don't think it's so much a matter of controlling the gifts as it is of being more open to their function in routine, daily life. Something simple like using the 3rd eye Sight to view the light surrounding fresh food at the grocery store will exercise your abilities in mundane life (the brighter the light means more life force is present & the longer food lasts). Everything is Light. Invent daily exercises. Have some fun with it. Psychic ability is just another sense like hearing, smelling, etc. Observe it. Notice the feel of it & how you are aware of it.
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Re: Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by stormofwind »

Empath, can have many abilities..
Yes you have some abilities..
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Re: Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by JaelynPotons »

I never considered about going into a trance, but that makes a whole lot of sense now that you say it. Same with the bioluminescence and the moths. I sincerely appreciate the time and effort you took into answering my questions, its helped a lot and given me a lot to think about and research.
I have looked into the symbolization of moths, but I get a lot of death, so perhaps you are right when you say I am sensitive to spirits...
Again, thank you so much!
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Re: Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by barker »

I meditate a moth that was sitting on my bed a few days ago, and it was quite revealing. They know everything about work, success, money and what it takes to achieve. "As to a flame"...
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Re: Possible empath with an identity problem

Post by SpiritTalker »

Just my thoughts here ...The moth's transformation from larvae to winged creature is used to symbolize the transformation a person experiences through the spiritual journey. The "worm" once confined to crawl along the earth had a limited view of life but is transformed to a being that flys & sees the big picture from the air. It's view of the world has greatly expanded. This signifies wisdom. The moth could then be a sign to you to journey on a spiritual path. If you make note of what was occupying you at the various times the moths responded to your "glow" it might give a clue to which path to take for the next part of the story of your life. That's what I meant by it could be telling you to pay attention... That's the sort of thing a guide would do. They point the way & let us find our own answers.
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