Simple Money Spell

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Simple Money Spell

Post by sylphaxiom »

Hello, it's been awhile since I've actively practiced, but I do have a money spell I use that is quite effective. It won't make you rich, but it will help draw money to you when it is needed. As with any spell, intent is everything so I suppose it could be stronger if you intend it that way. Here is what I do, feel free to adapt it to suit your needs!

What you'll need:
1. 5 coins (any denomination, I prefer quarters)
2. Tools and whatever you use to cast a circle.
3. Salt and water.
4. Spade or through-tang blade (needs to be strong since you're using it to dig)
5. Full/nearly-full moon.

1. Cast your circle however you like (I mark a circle with an unbroken line using athame or incense, starting in the north, and praying to the Lords of the Watchtowers). It helps to do this outside, on your property somewhere, probably centered on your property, but that is less important.
2. Speak to the elements of water (water) and salt (earth) stating your intent for them to be used as a blessing, "holy" water. Combine them and use them to bless the coins and spade/knife in the next step.
3. Take each coin, one at a time, and state the location you intend to plant the coin (N, NW, wherever they locations lie on the compass) and why you are planting them. Incantation is up to you, my general statement is similar to the following: "I charge and bless this coin, bound for the Northwest. Charge it with your strength and power that it may bring wealth and comfort to my family and my home. Greed is not what I seek, but comfort and happiness is my intent. Imbue this coin with your love and light, my Goddess." After you charge (rotate it under the moonlight catching every edge until it feels right) and dip it in the holy water to bless it, set it aside. Make sure you remember where you said you were going to put it.
4. The first 4 coins are bound for the 4 corners of your home/property and the 5th coin is meant for your wallet/purse/something you keep on your person whenever you leave your home. This 5th coin acts as a "magnetic talisman" to keep you always under the spell.
5. After you have finished blessing your coins, bless the spade/knife stating its purpose to dig a small hole to plant your coins. I have nothing specific I say here, it just needs to be purified.
6. Leave your circle and move to the first corner of your property. Kneel at the location of the small hole, and before you dig, state your intent. I say something like this: "I plant this coin to bring my family wealth and good finances. May you bless this coin and charge it as I combine it with the earth. As I plant this coin in your earth, keep it charged and give it strength by the light of the moon and the power of the earth." Use your spade/knife to dig a small hole (needs to only be deep enough to get the coin completely buried and make sure you can cover it back up so nobody will be able to find it or notice it) and plant the coin within. Cover it back up with dirt, grass, whatever was there before.
7. Stand and point your spade/knife at the spot where you buried the coin. Walk to the next location keeping your spade/knife pointed down in an unbroken line until you reach the next planting location.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you have buried each coin in each of the 4 corners of your property/home. Then move back to the first location, completing the circle.
9. When at the first site again, bring your spade/knife up to your face stating something like this: "This unbroken line marks the boundary of my spell. All within shall have the advantage of wealth and money. They shall be charged and empowered by being within. The power of the moon and earth shall keep the boundaries and charge this space. May the energy be renewed at each full moon, and by the love of the Goddess. With this I end my spell and seal my intent, keep my will in your heart and bless all who reside within."
10. Walk back to your circle and say your thanks. At this point you want to take your 5th coin back out and charge it further. Stay grounded during this so you get a renewal of energy and waste nothing that is given. State your intent to keep this coin on your person and that it will be renewed and charged when it enters the circle of your spell. This coin is a magnet and focal point of your spell. Since it is the only coin not combined within the earth, take it out at every full moon (it's ok to miss one every once in awhile since your spell will renew it some too, but you'll feel it when it's power starts to wane), ground yourself, and charge your coin. Then you can put it back in your wallet or wherever.
11. Take down your circle and do whatever you like to do after a spell. For me it is meditation and grounding.

This spell seems long, but it is simple and strong. It may be my intent, but it has never made me rich. It has however made me comfortable and able to provide and do right by my family. I don't know if the spell wears off when you leave the property and don't live there anymore, but it might. I performed it when I lived with my parents. While living there, we all benefitted from the spell and things were good. Since I've left (taking my focal point with me) they've begun having money problems again. So the focal point may play a greater role than I thought.

Change and adapt the spell as you wish. I'm never specific in my words since I focus more about intent and less on the actual wording. I believe the Goddess knows what you say even when you don't say it aloud or say it properly. Keep your intent in your mind, and believe in yourself.

As a personal note:
The reason I make sure I say I don't want to be rich and I am not asking out of greed is because I have had problems with things turning badly when greed was on my heart and mind. When things are done out of greed or with greedy thoughts, they've turned out badly. I've had many instances of this. Sometimes it was a potential job, sometimes it was a need that I tried to ask for too much, and on a couple times it was when I was being greedy and resorted to theft. In the last instance it was "karma" that hit me, but when that debt was paid, I swore never to steal or act out of greed again. Again, this may be entirely personal since my guardians can be kinda harsh and jerks at times, but they teach me many lessons and I have learned to listen when they put me in my place again.
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.
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Re: Simple Money Spell

Post by Firebird »

I like this and would like to try it. I have one question though. ...Do you think it will be ok for the spade to trace the line through the house at one point? Problem is I cannot encircle the house because of a fence on one side. I've often thought about putting a gate there, but right now I would have to go through the kitchen door and out the front door. Not a very circular pattern unfortunately.
BB, Firebird
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Re: Simple Money Spell

Post by sylphaxiom »

I'd say it would be fine. The first time I performed the spell I went from northeast. To the southeast and ended it there since my fence and neighbor's fence are back to back. So I didnt have an unbroken line then. What I did then, since it was the last point, I traced out the line using line of sight with the spade as I brought the spade up to close the spell. It worked great then.

I'm interested to see if there is a limit on how many people it can effect. I live in an apartment now and, since it needs to be buried, I had to encircle the whole building, 24 units. It takes a week or so to start seeing effects and they are small in the beginning. Really it just looks like your luck changes. Things start looking tight and then your paycheck is a little bigger, or you get a deposit you forgot about, or whatever to lighten the load. Just have faith that everything will get taken care of (provided you still work just as hard for your money, the Gods do nothing for us, what we cannot do for ourselves. And they will not help if we aren't willing to help ourselves).
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.
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Re: Simple Money Spell

Post by Firebird »

LoL, :lol: wouldn't that be great if everyone in the building did well?
sylphaxiom wrote: Just have faith that everything will get taken care of (provided you still work just as hard for your money, the Gods do nothing for us, what we cannot do for ourselves. And they will not help if we aren't willing to help ourselves).
excellent point!

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Re: Simple Money Spell

Post by sylphaxiom »

It would be pretty great! It helped my parents; might help the other units too! I just hope it doesn't diminish the effect on my family.
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.
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