Anyone else here with chronic migraines?

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Re: Anyone else here with chronic migraines?

Post by megsaroni88 »

Lunar Rose wrote:I've suffered with migraines for as long as I can remember, they've changed as I've grown up and it does feel like you manage to stop them, and then they evolve and come back! Which I very frustrating and I can understand why you're feeling low about it.

I've tried a lot of different treatments and medicines, I found that acupuncture made it worse for me. And while amitriptyline did reduce the number of migraines I was getting, the negative side effects outweighed the benefits. I felt completely drained and zombie like while I was on them. And as they didn't stop the migraines completely, I decided to stop them.

I've found that environment plays a huge part in them. I had to change my job as I was working in a very small, dark room with no air flow (it was basically a cupboard!) and the doctors thought that would be contributing (the migraines have stopped completely since I left my work place). I'm also on beta blockers to improve my blood circulation, it took a few months for them to properly take effect, but they have been really helpful.

It may be worth talking to your doctor about hormone control too, as I know that menstrual cycles can play a big part in causing migraines.

Try keeping a diary to see if there is any correlation between when the migraines occur. It could be a certain type of food causing them, or a place that you go to.

I really hope that you are able to find some way to control them and hopefully stop them for good! There is nothing worse than feeling like the pain of migraines is controlling your life. I hope that you are able to find peace from them. BB.
I'm glad you found a solution! The human body really is a mystery, isn't it? The problem is everything seems like a trigger sometimes XD
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Re: Anyone else here with chronic migraines?

Post by PistashioQueen »

My husband is 33, epileptic and developed migraines a few years ago. They always cause him to be sick and needs to sleep it off.

Unfortunately he has recently in the past week had what the hospital have said is a thunderclap headache, he had an extremely intense headache that felt like someone hit him over the head with a crow bar, the worst pain he has ever had then he lost consciousness on me and vomited when he came round, i took him to the hospital where he had a ct head which did not show up a bleed and a lumbar puncture which also did not show the presence of blood but they still suspect he had a very small bleed and if he has another headache like that he is go straight back into hospital. He did have another intense one but he went to his doctors instead who worryingly just gave him tramadol to deal with the constant headache he has had since the first thunderclap headache, if it doesnt work (it hasnt) he is to go on to oramorph to deal with it

His neurologist will see him on the 18th of this month for his epilepsy review but they will deal with this new issue as well. Hopefully they will get to the bottom of it as it is all pointing to an aneurysm that is leaking.
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Re: Anyone else here with chronic migraines?

Post by PistashioQueen »

Sorry I should have said the one medication that helped his migraines at least is called Pzotifen which greatly reduced the amount of attacks.
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Re: Anyone else here with chronic migraines?

Post by Katrinkah »

Yes! I have had migraines as far back as I can remember! Doctors said it was probably allergies. But, I think that is BS. They seem to be helped with deep tissue massage. Especially in the area between my shoulder blades on my back. Also, I think yoga has been helping. It sucks though. I have to stay in bed sometimes cause it hurts so bad. Light and sound are torturous as well! And sometimes I even feel like puking. But like I said yoga seems to be helping, I highly recommend it.
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Re: Anyone else here with chronic migraines?

Post by SnowCat »

My ten year old granddaughter gets migraines from nitrites. Back when I used to get them, I found that a low dose SSRI like Zolfo was helpful. You might try researching natural serotonin boosters, and see if anything clicks for you. The worst one I ever had wasn't precisely even a migraine. I was working as a nursing assistant on the cardiac floor of a hospital. I got just a tiny speck of nitro paste on my finger. A few minutes later I had the worst migraine imaginable in my arm.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Anyone else here with chronic migraines?

Post by moosix »

I don't have chronic migraines but I'm 28 and still live with my parents as well.
Is due to my mother's illness - she needs care and someone had to take her job in our family business plus I've got anxiety and mental issues. The combination of these makes it difficult for me to gain independence. So we have something in common.
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Re: Anyone else here with chronic migraines?

Post by Firebird »

Welcome Moosix, please swing by intros and let us know a bit about yourself, Additionally read through the rules, one of your posts had to be removed.
BB, Firebird
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