annoing spirit

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annoing spirit

Post by gingerkitty »

Hi there,I have a query,if you call a spirit to help you do something and then call a opposite spirit to help you do the same thing because you need the help of both kinds, can one of them attack others (people) if you dont have enough controll of it?Why i ask is ,i was told to be carfull as someone close to me has been annoeyed by a spirit that is being used to help anther person,the spirit told them who it was being helpful to and why but seems to be out of control.Is this possable?Thanks
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Post by juliaki »

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "opposite kinds". Spirits are like people in that they all have their own uniqueness... so just as you wouldn't have "opposite people", you don't have "opposite spirits."

But the first rule of calling spirits is "Never EVER call on something that you can't send back." The second rule of working with spirits is "Know who you are calling before you make the call." If you don't honor those rules, then yes, people can go through a lot of troubling life situations and get hurt from it all.

Not all spirits tell the truth. Not all spirits have the same ethics that humans tend to have. Not all spirits like humans.
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Post by moonlit »

Great advice juliaki. Another thing that could be added is: Spirits cant really be "controlled". They can decide to do what you want them to do, or they can totally choose not to, so you should always have that in mind. If you do need one for help then yes, make sure you are able to send it back, or that its is a good spirit that will simply go when it's purpose is complete.

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Post by gingerkitty »

Hi there,thanks for that it really helped.But what if you need the two spirits and they dont get along can one go a bit hay wire? and if you seen it back then how do you complet what you needed it for in the first place ?can you call on another spirit to help you?
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Post by juliaki »

Why do you "need" spirits?
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Post by gingerkitty »

Hi there,the spirit help is for a crossover spell which requires certain spirits involemant.Mind you its not me doind the spell,its just me that the spirit seems to like!lucky me.
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Post by juliaki »

Sounds like you've got a faulty spell with a major logical gap. Was this one of Pazuzu's fantasy spells out of curiosity? Every few years they make the round, he gets a good laugh, and life goes on.
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Post by gingerkitty »

Hi there,i thought it sounded dodgie but l wanted to ask maybe l was wrong.Thanks
[Ebony Rose]
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Post by [Ebony Rose] »

You should never need to call spirits to perform a ritual or spell. You have your Lords and Ladies to invoke and ask for assistance. Sometimes I will also call the four archangels of the directions, but not a spirit.

Spirits can be tricky, like elementals; but they aren't good or bad, just ornery and nice. Be careful what you are asking for, and how you ask it. Once they come out, they are very hard to put back. and they will hold you to your every word, or lack thereof. They will use semantics against you if they can.

As for opposites, would you put a dog and a cat into the same kennel? or hold a metal rod standing where lightening is striking? You should never call a "bad" anything to begin with, but to call a "bad" with a "good" you are asking for trouble.
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