Funerary Rites

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Funerary Rites

Post by Draconis »

Not that im clsoe to dying (as far as i know), but i had an interesting conversation with my mum a few days ago and the conversation came onto the funerary rites of Wiccans, and i dont know what they are generally, its quite hard to find any info on wiccan funerary rites. So im jsut wondering if anyone knows if there are any Wiccan funerary rites?

(sorry if this is a touchy subject to anyone, but i would like to know)
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Post by Addalaide »

Well i donno about what happend during the funeral but i know that thay wont alow the word pagan or wiccan on tombstones i belive thay have accepted the pentagram ( or do i have it the other way aroung the pentagrm isnt alowed but the words are?) but the words are "evil" and sence the cemateries are blessed by the church or on church property "evil" things are not alowed on them. I belive also the milatery has accepted wicca as a "sutable" religon and put it on dog tags now if you request it, but most people put "other" still.

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[Ebony Rose]
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Post by [Ebony Rose] »

Actually, whatever you want to say at a funeral is between you and the deceased. Your feelings are considered more than what the system says is "normal" I think the only restriction at the present, is on the gravestone, and those are being lightened as we make progress toward having paganism a recognized religion.

As for rites, it goes like writing spells and rituals. What feels right, say it.

Quite a few years ago now, I had the unfortunate experience of going to a 13 year olds funeral that overdosed on drugs. He and his friends were very in to the Goth movement, and wore pagan symbols and were learning about paganism as a pathway of life. He was dressed in his leathers and jewelry during visitation.

His mom was very understanding of his friends and their feelings. She had a semi-christian ceremony at the funeral home for her sake, and at the graveside, allowed the friends whatever they wanted, which included burning candles and incense, chanting, drumming, and playing heavy metal music. The kids were allowed to remain at the open grave until they were ready to leave.

Check with a cemetary in your area, and/or the funeral homes, to see what they say about restrictions, if any. Might be an interesting thing to pursue.
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