Dream of past life as a Witch

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Dream of past life as a Witch

Post by Victor »

Hey I'm new here and it's only because of a dream I had where I may have glimpsed into a past life as a witch so I want to learn more. I had been drinking water with a carnelian crystal for about 3 days and on the 3rd day I suddenly thought to myself I kinda want to know who I was in a past life (which isn't like me) then that night it came to me in a dream:

I found a seed which somehow revealed my true self to me, I received great powers to fulfill my purpose of healing the Earth. I could 'read' the history of the earth by reading it's roots which I used for diagnosis. I could also fly and attempted to leave the planet but I turned back once I was in space because I realised my purpose was to heal the Earth, I had no reason to be anywhere else. However the people in the dream hated me simply because of my power, it made no sense to me because I was here to heal the very planet we all live on, I didn't use my power for personal gain or evil. However I didn't fear what others thought, I knew myself and my purpose and accepted it as if it were just natural.

I also had no idea a witches' purpose was to heal the earth, I kinda went with the Hollywood version which I knew was mostly crap but I never really looked into the truth until now which is very surprising. I do care about the environment and feel a connection with Gaia. It makes no sense to me how so many people love to blame corporations/governments for harming the environment yet take no responsibility for their own impact, we all have a responsibility for our burden on the planet.

What does this mean for me though? Am I supposed to embrace my past life and continue to fulfill my old purpose of healing the Earth? Because in this life I'm much more focused on healing people in a holistic manner. I've dabbled with some of my abilities to know I have them but haven't really pursued it. I left my office job because I was only doing it for the money which wasn't fulfilling, so now I'm trying to figure out what I should be doing, maybe this dream is a hint.
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Re: Dream of past life as a Witch

Post by SapphireRoad »

Cheers, Victor is a good name to begin with (and also end, because it means winner)
Victor wrote:1 However the people in the dream hated me simply because of my power, it made no sense to me because I was here to heal the very planet we all live on, I didn't use my power for personal gain or evil. However I didn't fear what others thought, I knew myself and my purpose and accepted it as if it were just natural.

2 I also had no idea a witches' purpose was to heal the earth

3 What does this mean for me though? Am I supposed to embrace my past life and continue to fulfill my old purpose of healing the Earth? Because in this life I'm much more focused on healing people in a holistic manner.
1 Hahaha welcome here in the anti-world. You've got to understand that if you dive on Earth with your powers still more or less intact, you've got better energy field than most of the people living lives with life force just sucked away. Psychologists say that behind every envy there is a positive motivation to uplift yourself to other's state (and not to bring them down) but people rarely have the willpower to do that extra step to actually improve their lives. Healing a mosquito bite is a nice example. They don't have the will to get an aloe vera gel, they just scratch it away... you know, the lack of discipline and willpower.

2 We can imagine the Emerald Green shining well alive from core of the Earth, let's hope things will improve.

3 Technically healing people heals the Earth as it leads us to inner satisfaction with no need to excessively buy n' consume products which leads to unbalanced environment. I don't know. Whatever you do to improve the standard helps.

Blessed be Victor
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Re: Dream of past life as a Witch

Post by Victor »

What is my energy field for though and how should I protect it if other people are actually getting their life forced sucked away? Is it because they waste their energy or is it something they're unaware of? I sometimes pick up on people's energy if they're very spiritual, feels like a magnetic field, sometimes I see their memories in my dreams, sometimes I even get their demons (negative entities) although that's very rare now, I guess it's because I've learned to face my own demons.

In this life I'm usually helping friends with psychology and supporting them at their darkest hour, so I'm thinking of pursuing that path to help others, I've had a few dreams since this witch dream (about 2 weeks ago) urging me to follow this path.
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Re: Dream of past life as a Witch

Post by SpiritTalker »

Healing the Earth is akin to healing the Body-Mind-Spirit (as you already are doing) & visa-versa because we're all connected. Other people here who have studied the subject (which I haven't) can give more knowledgable explanations, but I think our energy field is generated from the connection of the soul to the body. The field has layers related to function that radiate from the chakras (I'm a bit iffy on that). The dense layer is the energy that runs the physical body, then progressively less dense layers process thru the emotional layer, the mental layer, the spiritual layer, an astral layer. We see these as the aura around the body.

The only healing method I've looked into is Therapeutic Touch taught by the late Delores Kreiger. It's a hands-on healing technique. TT has a website.

The energy body is continuously generated. Shielding is protection against distracting attachments that are attracted by the emotional charge we naturally emit. This is why we talk about energy cleansing, grounding, centering & shielding techniques. Don't scare yourself imagining hollywood's zombie apocalyptic terrors.
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Re: Dream of past life as a Witch

Post by barker »

Past witch lives are passion, to remember them it takes compassion, for everything. You could say you "survive" then you "renegotiate" to make sure that everyone is blissful.

Passion (+) and compassion (-) being polarised, here.
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Re: Dream of past life as a Witch

Post by MizLynn3 »

I have been reincarnating as a witch for a long time now and I feel that since I can recall most of them, I know what I have to do this lifetime.

I suggest past life regression Hypnosis. Can prove to be very helpful, word of caution, make sure you find someone you trust and really knows what they are doing.

best of luck to you.

Love n Blessings.
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Re: Dream of past life as a Witch

Post by barker »

barker wrote:Past witch lives are passion, to remember them it takes compassion, for everything. You could say you "survive" then you "renegotiate" to make sure that everyone is blissful.

Passion (+) and compassion (-) being polarised, here.
It is a consciousness opening, this experiment, to see if bliss is proof positive.

If you could not renegotiate the past, you could not promise the future. In your third eye you have perfect self awakened, though.
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